Jan Sikes

#MotivationMonday – #Meditation – #TarotReading – #DragonOracleCard

Happy Monday! The temperatures here in Texas have soared into the triple digits and I find myself fighting lethargy. My A/C unit never shuts off and I keep my thermostat at 78 degrees. So, I’m looking for positive inspiration and motivation today! Boy, do I need to unplug!

I found this meditation to be energizing and hopefully you will too!

Now, for the tarot reading for the week.

Photo by Jan Sikes

The Queen of Cups is nurturing, caring, compassionate and sensitive. When you see her in a Tarot reading, you are embodying her ‘nurturing mother’ energy. You support others by listening with your heart, being compassionate, and caring for them deeply. The Queen of Cups says you are highly intuitive, creative, and in flow with the surrounding energies. In your interactions with others, you can easily read other people to get a sense of how to communicate effectively, enabling you both to feel heard and understood. In your creative projects and endeavors, you ‘feel’ your way into them, trusting your heart and your inner guidance to lead you in the right direction. You know when something is off, and you pay attention to this, even if it doesn’t make rational sense. Lead with your heart, not your head. 

The Six of Pentacles is all about giving and receiving—sharing. Even if you are not financially wealthy, you offer up your time, energy, love, and support to those who are in need, knowing it will be appreciated. Giving of your time or your wisdom is often just as spiritually fulfilling as giving away money or gifts, and the intangible gift of your presence is received just as well, if not better. You may be on the receiving end of other people’s generosity and are advised to accept these gifts with gratitude. Finally, the Six of Pentacles is a card representing financial harmony. The amounts flowing in and out are in balance, and you are thankful for what you have and happy to share with others in need.

When the Queen of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading, you are embodying the ultimate working parent archetype. You care for your family and domestic responsibilities while also making a living for yourself and creating financial abundance. You can maintain a healthy balance between home and work by integrating the two and finding your place of ‘flow’ and alignment. You strive to create a warm and secure environment for your family and loved ones while giving your love and support freely.  It is important to you to live independently, with a stable income, and with enough time and space to also nurture your loved ones. You may be trying to strike a better balance between your home and work lives, giving it your all in both domains. At the same time, you find time for yourself and prioritize ‘me’ time in between all of your other commitments.


With two queens in this week’s reading, there is a lot of strong feminine energy. I have always directly related to the Queen of Cups, tending to live from my heart and not my head. But, as with everything, it needs a balance and the Queen of Pentacles provides that with the harmony of the Six of Pentacles in between the two queens, giving and receiving. Let your heart lead you, share with others and stay grounded in the physical world. One of the most difficult things we have to do is find time to nurture ourselves (or at least I do) so I find this timely advice from the Queen of Pentacles also.

This beautiful emerald dragon fits right into the entire theme for this week. Enjoy!

34 thoughts on “#MotivationMonday – #Meditation – #TarotReading – #DragonOracleCard”

  1. Love the Lamott quote. Funny, I just watched a reading for Gemini this week on Youtube and 2 Queens came up too. Must be the gospel! 🙂 x

  2. petespringerauthor

    I’m not the prototypical male stereotype as I’m the guy who tries to follow his heart and be in touch with my feelings and those of the people around me. At the same time, I take care of our financial responsibilities and don’t like living beyond our means. The Queen of Pentacles sounds a lot like me.

    As someone who isn’t a big fan of the heat, I feel your pain, Jan.

    1. Those attributes helped to make you a wonderful teacher, Pete. Every male and female have some qualities of each other and it doesn’t take away from either. It adds to them. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! Much appreciated!

  3. You need to set up your own misting station in front of the AC, lol. Hopefully, the intense heat is short-lived, Jan. It’s nice when Mother Nature doesn’t deal in extremes!

    1. Lol, Jacquie. So true. And yes, I hope the intense heat is short-lived, but we are just now going into summer, so not much chance of it ending for a few months. Maybe it will at least get back to a more normal. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. Usually heart before head here, also. We all need to unplug every now and then, so I love that quote. And it’s usually correct, lol. Stay indoors with the A/C, Jan!

    1. Yep! I never left my apartment yesterday at all. I’m spoiled to the A/C and am not afraid to admit it. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the quote and reading today. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  5. Gwen M. Plano

    “Healing and cosmic abundance” perfect! I love the reading, Jan, thank you for sharing. 💖

    1. Yes, Robbie, I had a great time with my family. Thank you for mentioning it. Readings don’t resonate with everyone and that’s okay. I hope you took away some tidbit of inspiration today! I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment!

  6. When I saw the cards, I thought “Wow, a lot of female energy in here” and then I found that in the first sentence of your takeaway… lol. This reading is very moving to me. It totally speaks to me as a clear confirmation that I am on the right path since I tried to get into this balance after being under constant stress. Wow, very touching. Thank you for your readings, Jan 💖

    1. Yay! I love it when a reading resonates with someone. That is just more confirmation that the cards are divinely manipulated! I love that it touched you! And, I thought it was just for me. 🙂 Never is. Thanks for stopping by, Erika!

      1. As always, the same card can mean something diffirentt to different people yet one cards can mean the same to different people. It always depends where you are at the moment. But I think no matter which cards you pick, they will say something to everyone. Thank you for that, Jan.

  7. brodaylinda932

    Jan, this is perfect for me right now since I’m trying to help two other authors reach their dream. It helps to know what to say and how to present my critique without bruising egos and touching tender feelings. I sure don’t want to discourage them yet both need a tremendous amount of work. As for making time for myself…I’m finally after all these years of writing making time to do fun things with others. I don’t even hardly feel guilty for letting social media sit on the back burner. 🙂 Love you, sister.

    1. I’m so glad the reading resonated with you, sister. I know the authors you are helping are lucky to have you in their corner! I hope they take your critique to heart. And I am super happy you are actually making time for yourself to have some fun and socialize. That’s awesome and glad you don’t feel guilty!! Have a great week! Love you!

  8. Reblogged this on Pattys World and commented:
    This Tarot reading hits so close to home for me it’s breath taking.
    On Saturday I had an experience which spoke so loudly to me, I felt someone was speaking directly into my ear.
    Following one’s feelings is important beyond anything else. It took me years to trust that but now I’ve learned it there’s no going back.
    Join Jan and all her followers to read this entire post.

  9. That Lamott quote is great, Jan. Thanks for sharing that, and I hope you get to unplug a bit today. Also hoping that the energy-sapping heat is short-lived And a beautiful reading of the cards too. Gotta love the Queens. 🙂 I could well relate to this reading with family on the way and lots going on. Facing it all with an open heart. <3 Take care.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Diana. I love the quote too and I chose it for myself. 🙂 No chance of unplugging today, but I am certainly with you on hoping this energy-sapping heat moves on. But small chance of that happening. I love all the queens and was excited with two of them showing up in the reading. Here’s to an open heart and grounded mind. Have a great week!

  10. Thank you for sharing what’s going in in your life regarding motivation, temperature, and the Tarot! I have a hard time slowing down to do basic stretching/yoga (although I always feel better after i do…) I’ll try the video you embedded!

    1. My pleasure Willedare! I appreciate you stopping by. I have a hard time slowing down as well, but these short meditations help. After all, who doesn’t have ten minutes to focus and get centered? Have a great week and I hope you enjoy the guided meditation!

  11. I lead with my heart rather than my head, too. Sometimes that works for me. Other times, not so much.

    I loved your take on your draw today. Thanks for sharing. And try to say cool!

    1. I think as authors, it helps to lead with heart, but sometimes not so much in life. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by. I never left my apartment yesterday, but when I stepped out on my balcony, it was like walking into a furnace. Have a great week, Staci!

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