Jan Sikes

A Voice In the Silence – #NewRelease @dlfinnauthor

I am super happy to bring you a brand new book release from my longtime friend and fellow Story Empire contributor, D.L. Finn! Not only is she a poet extraordinaire, but a fabulous children’s story and novel author.

I will be sharing my review of this wonderful story a little later this month. But for now, I’ll turn it over to D.L. and let her tell you about her newest book release.

Thank you, Jan, for having me on your beautiful blog to celebrate the release of A Voice in the Silence.

Do you believe in ghosts? The possibility that there are some souls who just haven’t moved on because they have some unfinished business, or perhaps they just want to hang around and make sure everyone is okay?

Unfortunately, most of us can’t sit down and talk with these lingering spirits, but they do have ways to let us know they are here with us. They might move stuff around, a song that had meaning to you comes on, or you feel the spirit there next to you. There is that unmistakable cold spot they bring with them, and visitations in dreams. The most important message that often comes through is they want you to know they are there with you and they love you.

Then there are those who are gifted, like mediums. They can pass a vague message along to you from the other side. But what if you could directly communicate with your loved one? Would it be a normal conversation like you used to have with them, or would it be something different since they have changed? This communication ends up much like traveling to a different country where they speak a language you are unfamiliar with. The other side seems to have a language of its own.

So getting a message from the spiritual realm might take a bit of translating. Or at least that’s what Drea is about to learn from some very unlikely translators in A Voice in the Silence.

Fun Finn Facts

  1. After sitting at the desk writing, I need to exercise by walking in the forest or doing my stretches.
  2. Our dog Sara, and either my kitties Rupert or Zuzu, are my computer companions.


Drea Burr has experienced more than her share of loss when a stray dog, cat, and rat enter her life. Although the animals start to mend her broken heart, there is something very unusual about them. During a snowstorm, Drea discovers a chilling set of footprints leading to her front window. Both the police and a ghostly messenger warn her about a killer stalking widows. Help comes from her late husband’s best friend, Adam Hale. As the two try to discover answers, more questions arise— about a killer, ghosts, and animals experimented on in a lab.

Can Drea and Adam survive the threats coming from so many directions and save themselves and the animals they’ve grown to love? Or will more tragedy destroy her second chance at happiness? Find out in this thrilling, cozy paranormal adventure.


The fading day’s dull orange glow filled the void in Drea’s attention usually occupied by the TV and computer. The landscape held no movement, not even the expected high winds that had caused her power to be shut off to prevent forest fires. A surge shot through her body in the same uncomfortable fashion that the flu had done last week. But it wasn’t a virus relapse—it was a warning that someone, or something, was watching her. 

Perhaps it was a wild animal. A deer, or even . . . “Rob, is that you?” She held her breath, waiting for a sign. Finally, she blew out the empty hope when she couldn’t keep it in anymore. Two years of this had worn her down.

The cold gun on her lap offered no protection against the dark thoughts that took her to a place that was getting harder to climb out of. She pulled her sweater tightly around her and scrutinized the tree-lined driveway that led to the curvy country road. She shifted her weight in the yellow-and-white lounge chair and studied the weapon in her hand.

“You understand, don’t you?”

The .45 pistol her husband had bought her for protection ten years ago had become her confidant when she tired of talking to ghosts. Today, though, it carried the heavy weight of her existence.

“It’s too much. Just too much loss. I’m so alone, and to top it off, Robbie’s so far away.” Her throat tightened. She sipped some water and took a deep breath. “I must disappoint you, even thinking about using this gun on myself, Rob. It would devastate Robbie if I—”

Drea’s shoulders slumped, and her head followed when her glance caught a prominent headline in the morning paper she had retrieved from the end of the driveway. An unidentified woman’s body had been found, and a killer was on the loose. She used the gun to cover the fearful headline, even though her chances of being murdered by a serial killer were slim to none.

She shook her head. What she needed to focus on was her relationship with her son. They used to be so close, before he met that woman. Now he barely called his mother to check on her after his father died or when her beloved pets passed. This morning had brought an unwelcome text from him.

Tammy isn’t feeling well. It wouldn’t be a good time to visit right now. Sorry, Mom. I’ll talk to you soon. Love you.

“I hope he wakes up someday, Rob. That woman is toxic. Of course, you saw through her the first time you met her. I should have listened to you. Do you hear that, Rob? It’s me admitting I’m wrong, which we both know hardly ever happens.”

Amazon Purchase Link US
Amazon Purchase Link UK

Author, D.L. Finn

Author Bio

D. L. Finn is an independent California local who encourages everyone to embrace their inner child. She was born and raised in the foggy Bay Area, but in 1990 she relocated with her husband, kids, dogs, and cats to Nevada City, in the Sierra foothills. She immersed herself in reading all types of books but especially loved romance, horror, and fantasy. She always treasured creating her own reality on paper. Finally, surrounded by towering pines, oaks, and cedars, her creativity was nurtured until it bloomed. Her creations include adult fiction, poetry, a unique autobiography, and children’s books. She continues on her adventure with an open invitation to all readers to join her.

D.L. Finn Links:





D.L. Finn blog

Author Amazon Page

80 thoughts on “A Voice In the Silence – #NewRelease @dlfinnauthor”

  1. Nice to see Denise and her new book featured here Jan. No doubts walking in nature is great fuel for our writing. Hugs to both xx

    1. Nature always helps us reconnect with Mother Earth. I envy Denise for living in a forest. 🙂 I live in a huge city with nothing but concrete. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I know Denise appreciates the support!

    2. D.L. Finn, Author

      Thank you, Debby 🙂 Nothing like nature to stimulate the creativity. Xo

    1. I am right there with you, Jacquie! I loved the book. Can’t wait to see your review. I know Denise will be doing a happy dance! Thank you!

    1. D.L. Finn, Author

      Thank you, Robbie 🙂 Lots of good reading this summer with all the new releases.

  2. petespringerauthor

    Congratulations to Denise on her latest book. Great blurb! No shortage of suspense.

  3. Pingback: A Voice in the Silence Blog Tour Day Five! @JanSikes3 #bookrelease #blogtour #whattoread #writingcommunity – Author D.L. Finn

  4. I have to drive hours to walk in the forest, Denise! How nice to have your favorite friends be your computer companions. A great except today. Thank you for hosting, Jan! 🙂

    1. D.L. Finn, Author

      I do love having the forest right outside my door, but you are probably much safer being far away from the forest with the fires lately. It is nice having my computer companions nearby and missing one of the a lot. Thank you, Miriam. xo

    2. I too am miles away from a forest, Miriam. I count Denise lucky to have it right outside her door. Thank you for stopping by to support today! Much appreciated!

    1. D.L. Finn, Author

      Thank you, Teagan and so glad you enjoyed the book! Hugs right back to you xo

  5. D.L. Finn, Author

    Thank you for having me visit today and the wonderful introduction! I love the term poet extraordinaire:) I appreciate all your support and was thrilled to see your review, thank you xo

    1. You are most welcome, Denise. It’s a pleasure to have you visit today and as for the poet comment, I call it like I see it. 🙂 I will be posting my review next week, so hopefully, that will help generate more sales! Best wishes!

  6. Another great tour stop for Denise. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, especially the blend of supernatural and suspense. Plus I fell in love with all three animals. Who could resist?

    Congrats to Denise and thanks for hosting today, Jan!

    1. D.L. Finn, Author

      Thank you, Mae 🙂 I am so happy you enjoyed the story! These animals are some of my favorite characters now and a way to thank all the amazing animals I’ve had the luck to be around.

    2. I 100% agree with you, Mae. The animals are endearing and the story is filled with suspense and supernatural elements. Thanks for stopping by to help cheer Denise on!

  7. Congratulations, Denise! I am so happy for you and will have my review posted very soon. Thank you, Jan, for showcasing Denise today. Hugs to each of you! 🤗

    1. D.L. Finn, Author

      Thank you, Gwen 🙂 Much appreciated and can’t wait to read it. Hugs right back to you xo

  8. brodaylinda932

    D.L., I just went and bought this. Your blurb hooked me. I love paranormal stories like this because I firmly believe as you do. I’ve seen too much that has no other explanation, felt that touch. This sounds so good. I’m so looking forward to reading this. Best of luck and much success, D.L!

    1. Oh, wonderful, sister! You are going to enjoy it! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts after you read it. I know Denise will be doing a happy dance that you are going to read it!

    2. D.L. Finn, Author

      Thank you, Linda 🙂 I hope you enjoy it. Like you, I’ve had too many experiences with the beyond that I’m convinced of the other realms around us. Happy reading!

  9. Wow! I’m intrigued! I’m off to check out this book! All the best, D.L.!

    1. D.L. Finn, Author

      Thank you, Jacqui 🙂 I’m so happy you enjoyed this story. You never know with those cold spots, might run into one or two.

    1. Awww, I love that. Ben is definitely endearing. I’m glad you are enjoying the story! I know this comment will make Denise very happy! Thanks, Priscilla!

    2. D.L. Finn, Author

      Happy to hear that, Priscilla 🙂 Ben is such a charming and expressive little guy.

  10. The forest is one of the most soothing environments. How nice that you can walk there daily.

    Loved the book, Denise. Best wishes. Jan, thanks for hosting.

    1. I agree, Staci, even with the threat of wildfires, it sounds like paradise. Thank you for stopping by to support Denise today!

      1. D.L. Finn, Author

        Even if we ever lose it to a wildfire I will be glad of the gifts the forest gave me, Jan.

    2. D.L. Finn, Author

      The forest is its own world away from all of life’s problems and cares. I find so much peace in it. Thank you, Staci, for your review and support 🙂

  11. There’s nothing like walking in the forest! (Except when a serial killer is around.) Congrats on the book, Denise, and a huge thanks to Jan for hosting today.

    1. D.L. Finn, Author

      There is nothing like it, Joan, unless that serial killer is lurking…lol. Thank you, Joan!

  12. Great post, Denise! Wishing you all the best with your latest book.
    I’m so behind in writing reviews, Jan, lols. Thanks for sharing Denise’s new book with us.

    Hugs 💕🙂

    1. Thank you, Harmony, for stopping by to help Denise launch this new book. Lol! I understand about being behind. It seems that it’s a state I continuously live in. 🙂 Hugs back!

    2. D.L. Finn, Author

      Thank you, Harmony 🙂 i know what you mean about getting behind in reviews!

  13. Wow, Denise has wooven another great story, with increasing tension i also love. Thanks for the review, Jan! Will share, and put the book on my TBR. More and more i am getting back to a former knowledge of the language. Best wishes, Michael

    1. You are right, Michael! Denise has written another great story! I will be sharing my review next week. I loved the story! I appreciate you helping support this new launch!

    2. D.L. Finn, Author

      Thank you, Michael for sharing this. I hope you enjoy the story and meeting the animals. Happy reading 🙂

    1. You are going to love it, Jill! I will be posting my review next week. It’s a suspenseful story! Thanks for stopping by to help support Denise!

    2. D.L. Finn, Author

      Thank you, Jill 🙂 I had fun putting that cover together! I hope you enjoy meeting the animals xo

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