Jan Sikes

Ghost of a Chance #NewRelease @jaydawes2

I am delighted to share a new book release with you from Jaye Marie!

Snow’s Prequel

Sometime during the night, the morphine had worn off, and detective David Snow woke early in agony. Looking at the bed, he had been thrashing around for hours. The damp sheets and the smell of his sweat permeated the room, a testament to his agony.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, he tried to think what to do first. He needed a shower, coffee, and another dose of morphine. He needed more but had been denied another prescription, which had not pleased him. How was he supposed to live without adequate pain relief?

He knew morphine was addictive, that he would have to make do with a less powerful drug, but already knew his shoulder would not like it. The morphine barely controlled the pain as it was and did nothing for his ever-growing depression.

Staggering to the bathroom, he swallowed the last tablet in the bottle. He had an appointment at the hospital today for more unwanted therapy. He stumbled into the shower and turned on the hot water, aiming the spray at his shoulder. This was the only way to briefly reduce the screaming from the damaged nerves.

Standing in the steamy shower, he wondered if his wife Jane had left for work yet. He couldn’t remember seeing her the night before, her ice-cold expression, or her accusing eyes. She had almost given up on him, probably thought he should man up and get back to work, seeing as how the wounds had healed. She had been patient in the beginning but increasingly critical of his progress or lack thereof.

Later that day, after being brutally attacked by the smallest but strongest physiotherapist, he sat in his car, failing to will the excruciating pain to subside. He had begged for morphine to no avail. They had palmed him off with something that had not touched the pain. Despair ran riot inside his head, and at that precise moment, if he had a gun, he would have used it.

He had tried different ways of coping with the pain. And the favourite was imagining suitable revenge for the woman who had fired the lethal crossbow bolts into his back and chest. Ruth Winton, a serial killer intent on ridding the world of anyone who had let her down, and Snow was top of her list. A clever woman who planned her revenge with clinical determination. Learning to be a police officer to get to him was a stroke of genius. Just a pity he hadn’t been more aware of her intentions.

He had not expected her to shoot him, something else that depressed him. But then, he had never been able to read any woman’s mind clearly.

His mind traveled on, coming to rest on Kate Devereau as it usually did, someone he met long ago while trying to figure out who had wanted her dead. He smiled for the first time that day, remembering her wild hair and stubborn ways. He remembered the beautiful artwork that had always touched his heart and soul, as did the woman herself.

She had called him her Snowman, but when her ex-husband tried to kill her again, her mind shut down, and she retreated into her painting, leaving him behind.

According to his wife Jane, he had called out Kate’s name in his delirium at the hospital, something he knew she would never forget…



A damaged detective, out of a job

A relationship on the rocks

What does the future hold for David Snow?

Just when he thought life couldn’t get any worse

A ghost with a grudge adds to his pain

A ghost hell bent on stopping him from rebuilding his life…


Jaye’s Biography:

I came to writing rather late but have always loved reading books. For someone who loathes computers with a passion, and I suspect this is mutual, I have managed to master the beast well enough to publish our own books.

I enjoy reading many different genres, so was very surprised to discover a passion for detective thrillers. I have written four of them to date, with more to follow.

I also enjoy running a joint website/blog with my writer sister, Anita Dawes, and meeting all the lovely people who drop in to say hello!

My other love is bonsai, and my small trees demand a lot of attention in the growing season, or they will die. Sometimes, it is just like having children!


Jaye Marie’s LINKS:

Email:       jayemarie01@btinternet.com

Website:  https://jenanita01.com

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/jaydawes2

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doubletrouble44/

Goodreads: https://goodreads.com/author/show/8638857.Jaye_Marie

Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/Jaye-Marie/e/B00O2ZUFOK/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/anitajaydawes

Ghost of a Chance Order Links:

UK:    amzn.to/3QGfg2f

US:    amzn.to/3xpFWh3

67 thoughts on “Ghost of a Chance #NewRelease @jaydawes2”

  1. I love Jaye’s writing style. I’m going to have a look at this one. Congratulations, Jaye, and all the best on your new release! Thanks for spreading the word, Jan.

  2. D.L. Finn, Author

    I enjoyed the excerpt and look forward to reading this. Thanks for hosting, Jan 🙂

  3. Congratulations on your new book release, Jaye! The story sounds intriguing. Wishing you all the best! Thanks, Jan for sharing. 🙂

    1. I agree, Diana. This is a great excerpt. It certainly shows Detective Snow’s troubles. Thanks for stopping by to help support Jaye and her new book!

  4. Pingback: Ghost of a Chance: Book 4 of the DI Snow Series ~ Tour Stop Day Three ~ Jan Sikes and Colleen Chesebro #Bookrelease #Ghost #Mystery | Anita Dawes and Jaye Marie

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