Jan Sikes

#MondayMotivation – #Meditation #Tarot #DragonOracleCard

Today’s post will be a little different. Just remember I go with what I am given. Almost always, the message is for me, and I can only hope it resonates with someone else as well. The inspiration for today’s post came from a blog post that C.S. Boyack wrote. If you’re interested, here’s the link: https://coldhandboyack.wordpress.com/2022/09/23/sage-grouse/

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I can distinctly remember the first time I realized life wasn’t fair for everyone and it broke my heart. Then the first time I realized that not everyone was honest, my heart broke again. Little by little my naivete and innocence got stripped away. This sweet meditation took me back to my child self, full of innocence, wonder, and trust. Life has worked hard to deprogram that out of us.

I only pulled one card today, and this is what I got.

Photo by Jan Sikes

The Ten of Cups embodies happiness, joy, and emotional contentment, particularly in your relationships and family. You have created an abundance of love and happiness in your life, and you now share this love with others, expanding your heart even more. This card often appears when you are surrounded by your loved ones with whom you share a powerful and deep connection. You appreciate and support one another, and together, you help each other reach your highest potential. It brings you so much joy to see your loved ones succeed and live happy lives.

The Ten of Cups is the ā€˜happy familyā€™ card, suggesting that your family relationships are harmonious and loving right now. No one is fighting or causing any tension; all family members are getting along with each other and sharing in the love and happiness that surrounds you. This card may appear in a reading when you are spending more time with family, perhaps on a holiday, reunion, or event, where you can rest and relax together, creating fun and happy family memories and strong bonds.

The Ten of Cups encourages you to follow your heart and trust your intuition to lead you to the opportunities aligned with your Highest Good. Your feelings and emotions will guide you. When something feels fantastic, do more of it; and when something doesnā€™t feel right, do less of it. Allow your inner guidance to lead the way. Seek out opportunities that fulfill you and align with your personal values instead of following the path that others expect you to take.


Honestly, there isn’t anything I can add to that. I think we are being reminded just how important family is, even though sometimes we may not understand them or even like them. We chose them. They chose us. On the other hand, we have adopted families, and the same applies.

And this little dragon adds a bit more to the theme and message.

Lilac and Fire Dragon. Transmutes through the power of divine love. Open up to transcendent love and enlightenment. Purity of heart brings peace, hope and joy.

I hope you have a great week ahead! Embrace your family and try to find the carefree child you once were.

55 thoughts on “#MondayMotivation – #Meditation #Tarot #DragonOracleCard”

  1. Somewhere in the last decade, I changed from being ‘mom’ to being ‘friend’ with my kids. What a difference that made. They still know boundaries, but I don’t need to judge. Inspirational post, Jan.

    1. That is so wonderful, Jacqui. I feel the same with my two daughters, and it’s a great relationship. Thanks for visiting! Have a great rest of your week!

  2. Family has always been an important part of my life, and I am blessed to have a wonderful one. Even the distance between us doesn’t keep us apart. Wonderful card.

    I think the Lilac Dragon works well for this post and me.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Michele. I love that even distance doesn’t keep you apart from your family. A blessing, indeed. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I appreciate you stopping by!

  3. petespringerauthor

    I am grateful to have healthy family relationships. It’s heartbreaking to hear of others who have felt the need to shut family members out of their lives.

    1. I couldn’t agree more, Pete. I know families have their differences, but at the end of the day, they’re still family. Thank you for your comment!

  4. My daughter and I have butted heads all of her life. I like to say she’s the stubborn one, but it runs in the family (on her dad’s side, lol). Now that she’s moved across the world to New Zealand, I realize how many lost opportunities there were where I could have been more forgiving. We’re talking more now- well, texting at any rate- but it’s not the same as a warm embrace, is it?
    This post strikes home, thank you <3

    1. Not the same as talking, but still, communication is communication no matter what form it comes in. How wonderful that you are finding ways to get closer across the huge distance. Love the comment about the stubbornness. šŸ™‚ Thank you so much for stopping by, Jacquie. I hope you and your daughter continue to find a closeness! Hugs!

  5. That card is the ultimate to me, Jan. What a lovely choice and good reminder about the value of family. This line cracked me up: “I think we are being reminded just how important family is, even though sometimes we may not understand them or even like them.” How true is that, and what an important lesson. Hugs. <3

    1. So true. And we don’t always have to like them, but family is family. šŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by, Diana. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. Hugs back to you, my dear!

  6. Lovely. To be true, I’ve always been faithful to the 8 year old little boy I once was.
    Thanks for your thoughts. A refreshing way to start the week.
    Bee good

    1. How wonderful! Managing to stay faithful to that little boy for so many years is quite a feat. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a great week ahead!

  7. Pingback: ] #MondayMotivation – #Meditation #Tarot #DragonOracleCard – PattysWorld

    1. Thanks, Mae. I appreciate you stopping by and what a blessing to have a close family. These days families are often spread out all over. My family is the reason I live where I do. May we never grow too old to play! Have a great week!

  8. What a wonderful reading, Sister. Love the positive affirmation and that dragon card just completes it. Love you.

  9. How perfect for me, Jan! I just spent a weekend with our son and family. The time together was fun and magical! We’re planning more monthly activities. Have a lovely week! xo

    1. Isn’t that wonderful? I just love it when family time is filled with love and laughter. I’d say this post is timely for you and for the times you have planned ahead with your family. Thank you for stopping by! Hugs!

  10. D.L. Finn, Author

    Great reading, Jan šŸ™‚ I’m with you about keeping the light inside that child’s eyes. Yes, family is so important that nothing can break it apart. Love the drsgon card as always.

  11. Perfect timing for me. Just last night, I was telling my husband how happy I am that we have more time to spend together. This morning, even though I “need” to write, we’re going out to breakfast and run some errands. Those errands he could do without me, but it’s taking time to be together that’s important.

    The dragon card is lovely. Thanks, Jan.

    1. You are so right, Joan. Now that you are free to do more things together, take advantage of it. Enjoy the gift life has given you! Thank you for stopping by, and I agree about the little dragon. Have a great week!

    1. When I did that meditation, Harmony, the little girl that greeted me was about 3, and we had such a fun reunion. I had forgotten all about her in the ‘seriousness’ of life. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! Hugs!

      1. I’ve missed having time to read blogs and respond. My life is still crazy hectic, but I got a little break this weekend, so I took advantage of it and visited my favorite author blogs. šŸ™‚

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