Jan Sikes

Easing Back In and Birthday!

Hello, Blogging friends! While I have thoroughly enjoyed the freedom of stepping away from blogging for the summer months, it’s time to jump back in with new things to share!

And today’s my birthday, so what better time to write a blog post? It’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that today I am 73 years young. Where did all the years go? In retrospect, I have to sigh with contentment that I’ve done a lot of living throughout these years. I am blessed to be healthy and to still being able to enjoy life’s journey. And a journey, it is.

Created in Canva

It’s difficult to really think about bidding summer farewell when the temperatures here are hovering around 105 each day, but the kiddos are all back in school, so a semblance of routine has returned.

So much has happened since I last blogged. I took a week long vacation to Arkansas to do research for A Noble Bargain, then incorporated two days of pleasure into the trip. I’ve been to Hot Springs, Arkansas several times, but never had the chance to indulge in the mineral baths they are so famous for. So, getting to do that was a real treat, then the following day I did one of my favorite things in life—dig for Crystals near Mt. Ida, Arkansas. And yes, I found some great specimens. I have to say for me, it’s very therapeutic to dig in the dirt.

On top of Fisher Mountain before digging!

Shortly after the trip to Arkansas, my daughter asked me to go to Legoland in Florida with her and three of the grandkids. While it was super hot and there was tons of walking involved, I had a great time AND they even got me on one crazy ride. As you can tell from the photo, I screamed the entire way through it. That’s my oldest granddaughter in front of me with her arms flung wide, loving every second of it.

The Dragon Ride

Another significant summer event for us was a going-away party for my oldest grandson, who has now left Texas for Grand Rapids, Michigan to get a computer engineering degree at Calvin College. While I am sad that he’s going to be so far away, I am super excited for his new journey. This is me and Ryan at his going-away party.

Me and Ryan

The icing on the cake of this celebration for Ryan, was getting a chance to visit with my brother and sister-in-law, who came up from Houston. Irvin is 84 and every opportunity to get together is super special. This is me and Irvin.

A fun little surprise for Irvin and his wife was an unexpected opportunity to go up in a hot air balloon while they were here!

Irvin and Connie

On the writing front, A Noble Bargain is all set to release in the fall. I am just waiting on the cover to start sharing. I do however, have the blurb. What do you think? Does it intrigue you?

I am super excited about this sequel to A Beggar’s Bargain!

I am also in the process of getting my new Flowers And Stone book cover adapted into the print book format as I sold my very last copy of the original at a book festival this past weekend.

As I return to blogging, I have LOTS of book reviews to share, so I will be trying to catch up on those. I also have some fun ideas for blog posts, so I hope you’ll stay tuned!

While I’ve made haphazard attempts to keep visiting your blogs, I know have fallen way short. I’ll get back in the swing of things. But for now, I’ll close and say I am looking forward to visiting with you all again as I ease back into blogosphere.

21 thoughts on “Easing Back In and Birthday!”

  1. I subscribed to your blog, but I haven’t received emails for your last two posts for some reason. Sorry I’m late getting here!

    You’ve been busy, Jan! Happy Belated Birthday! The Legoland right looks like so much fun – the temps not so much. A big congrats to your grandson – that’s a fantastic pic of you two. And yay for spending time with your brother. I’ve always wanted to take a hot air balloon ride. Something for the bucket list.

    1. WordPress is so wonky, you never know, Teri. I took a long blogging break and it turned out to be something I will probably repeat each summer as my schedule goes off the rails. I have been busy, but I like it that way. 🙂 It’s definitely been a great summer. The man who owns the hot air balloon company is a good friend of the family and he didn’t charge my brother and sister-in-law to ride. It’s an incredible experience for sure. Anyway, glad you came over!

  2. What a wonderful summer you had, Jan. I love that you’re almost done with your book (which I’m looking forward to) and that you got some time to travel, dig in the dirt, and spend precious time with family. All wonderful use of your time. And congrats on your 73rd birthday! If you were to ask me, you have the energy of a 29-year-old! Welcome back!

    1. Lol, Diana. I don’t know about the energy of a 29-year-old. My mind thinks it’s still 29, but my body disagrees. 🙂 I am super excited to release A Noble Bargain! I hope everyone enjoys the story half as much as I loved writing it. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  3. Welcome back and Happy Birthday, Jan! Enjoyed seeing all the pictures from your summer adventures. Hugs! xo

    1. Thanks, Mark. I had a super busy summer and it’s good to get back into a routine. I appreciate you stopping by.

  4. Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Jan. It seems like time away has brought a ton of inspiration. Maybe I should do something similar.

    1. Thanks, Craig. Yes, I had a great birthday. And the time away was really good for me. But now with ongoing blog problems, I’m having to reevaluate whether or not to try and return to regular blogging. So frustrating!

  5. Roberta Cheadle

    Hi Jan, wishing you a happy birthday. What a wonderful summer you’ve had. I’ve been tracking your celebrations and events on FB. Congratulations on the new book coming soon.

  6. You just don’t look 73. I’m gobsmacked. What a fun break for you and thrilled with the progress on A Noble Bargain. Looking forward to it!

    1. Thank you, Jacqui, for the kind accolade. Some days I feel 73 and some days not. 🙂 I’m grateful for all of life that has brought me to now. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!

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