Jan Sikes

Books I’ve Loved – Part 6 @LBroday @RZanetti_Author @virgilante @sgc58 @stacitroilo

This post will finally get me caught up on sharing reviews for books I’ve read. After this, I will return to a monthly review post. But in the meantime, enjoy some fabulous books!!

Book Reviews Catching Up

First up!



This wonderful story is a big departure from Ms. Broday’s normal genre and I have to say it may be her best work to date. Set in the 1930s when America was caught in the grips of The Great Depression, times were hard everywhere. And it was people like Sicily Rossi who made a difference.
Not only is Sicily a wonderful woman with a big heart, she has a vast amount of knowledge about natural remedies that can be found in the woods to heal most anything that ails people.
So, when a young woman shows up on her doorstep near death from a beating her abusive husband has doled out, Sicily jumps at the chance to help. But the repercussions leave Sicily afraid for her life. Yet, she never gives up.
I think that is one of the biggest themes running through this story. No matter how hard things get, we must never give up. I feel the author has put a big part of herself into this story and it shows.
There are so many wonderful characters in this story. A young boy living alone in the woods and his faithful little dog are believable characters that linger long after the story ends (especially considering the epilogue). And there are others. Some of the characters are good and kind folks and some so evil and twisted, it makes your gut churn. If you are looking for a great piece of literary fiction in a beautiful setting, this is the book for you. Don’t miss the chance to get to know the amazing Sicily Rossi and all the rest of the characters!! You won’t be disappointed.




I read the Scorpius Syndrome books out of order, starting with #2 first, then reading #3, and winding my way back to #1. The world has ended as we know it. The Scorpius Bacteria has killed millions and left survivors changed and some for the worse. Rippers have become cannibals and those who aren’t Rippers have enhanced abilities. That’s the world these stories take place inside.
Jax Mercury is as tough as they come. He grew up hard and fast in a street gang, then went to prison and from there to the military. And now he’s stepped up to create Vanguard, a safe haven for refugees from the deadly epidemic. But he never wanted to be a leader, just a protector.
When Lynne Harmony, former head of the United States CDC, seeks him out, she has a two-fold agenda. She needs protection and she needs someone killed. Jax is the perfect person for both things. Because of the experimentation she underwent after contracting the deadly bacteria, her heart has turned blue striking fear in all who come near her. Word has spread that she has an even more deadly version of the disease and her life is constantly in danger.
What neither Jax nor Lynne counted on was falling in love under the most unlikely circumstances. The fight for survival is daily and real. There is not enough food, water, medicine or functional people and yet Jax is determined. The part I loved best in this story segment is when Jax decides to step up and be a true leader. This is a fantastic series. You can start with any of the three books as each has enough back story the reader won’t be lost. I’m almost glad I saved the first book for last. I think it held more meaning for me. At any rate, this is a compelling series all the way around and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a gripping apocalyptic tale with a heavy dose of rough, intense sex.



I can always count on C.S. Boyack to deliver an entertaining story and Tracks of Infinity is just that. From corruption to UFOs to a huge cover up, you’ll get it all in this book, with a bit of snarky humor mixed in.

Jenny is an aging reporter who wants more than anything to land the big story that will gain her notoriety.
Her son, Cody, is a college student and fascinated with sound. I love the relationship between mother and son. It is realistic and fun.
Another character, Bai, turns out to be an integral part of the story and I immediately fell in love with her. From China, she is trying hard to learn to be American and has some crazy good technology skills.
One other character, Rick, Jenny’s longtime friend and cameraman completes the basic cast of characters.
The story leads them all on some dangerous missions as they uncover a huge secret by accident. This is the break Jenny has been longing for. I do not want to leave any spoilers so I’m not going to tell you more than that. I read the story in two sittings and enjoyed the many nuances and layers. It was fun to see Night Bump Radio included in this story as it is familiar from The Hat series. If you are looking for a story that will sweep you away from every day life into an adventure of a lifetime, you are going to love Tracks of Infinity!



This is beyond any doubt, the most comprehensive book I’ve ever read about nutrition, weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.
Ms. Cronin hits all the major components to living a long happy and healthy life, including the psychological aspects associated with food. As she points out, this can go all the way back to our childhood. There are times when we all reach for comfort food and she explains how it all works together with the mind, body and spirit.
She provides detailed information about how to get the proper nutrition our bodies need on a daily basis and the way she breaks it all down makes it simple. I closed the book knowing I could do it. I will continue to refer back to this book for guidance and confirmation I’m doing the right thing.
I’ve considered myself a healthy eater for many years, but I still learned some new things from this book. If you have a strong desire to be in good health for a long life, this book is your guide. She not only breaks down all the nutrition information in an understandable way, but also provides an extensive food guide, making it all that much easier to follow. I was pleasantly surprised to find that a lot of the foods the author recommends is already in my refrigerator. The one thing she emphasizes over and over is to avoid processed foods as they are all full of preservatives and often sugar and unhealthy fats. A great comprehensive guide to healthy living! I highly recommend it.



Oh my! Be ready for a wild ride when you open this book. Once I started reading, I didn’t want to stop and was tempted to neglect all my duties to see whodunit!

I loved all the characters in this story, but especially the two detectives, Cabe and Holden. Not only are they partners on the job, but also best friends. They’ve had each others’ backs for many years. The case is one that has had them baffled for a year. Three girls went missing. Then one shows up at the hospital deeply traumatized to the point she won’t speak to anyone and won’t let anyone touch her. The hospital staff is unable to assess her because of that. But where has she been? What could she tell the detectives who thought the missing girls would always be an unsolved mystery and an abandoned cold case? But before she can be questioned in any way, she commits suicide, putting the detectives back to square one. But they have managed to find a link between the three girls and start to pursue every angle.
At the same time, Holden is dealing with something deeply disturbing and personal, but he won’t share it with Cabe, putting a slight rift between them.

I loved riding along with these two as they pursue all leads to try and find the two girls still missing. To add to their frustrations, the families refuse to cooperate. But a silver locket is a big clue. I’m not going to share all the details of this story. Instead I’m going to tell you why you need to read it. If you’re a fan of a mystery you can’t solve, characters you fall in love with, family drama on top of it all, and two men determined to find the truth, you need to read this book.

I did not guess the identity of the bad guy until almost the very end. The author did a great job keeping it under wraps and throwing in viable red herrings. It is very well written, fast-paced, and at times, a nail-biter. My hat is off to this author for a job well done!

And that’s a wrap! I hope you found something here you cannot resist. 🙂

50 thoughts on “Books I’ve Loved – Part 6 @LBroday @RZanetti_Author @virgilante @sgc58 @stacitroilo”

  1. Thank you so much for this, Sister! Such a boost to my new historical fiction. If people liked Fried Green Tomatoes, they’ll love this. Your review is excellent. I wish I could hug you for it!

  2. What a great bunch of books, Jan. I’ve read Sally’s and have Staci’s and Craig’s in my Kindle waiting for me. Thanks for sharing your reviews and all the (teaser) reviews. Happy Reading!

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Diana. I had so much fun with all of these books. I know you are going to love Staci’sand Craig’s newest. So good! As you say, ‘Happy Reading!’

  3. Thanks for that stellar review. I’m so glad you enjoyed Tracks. I’m honored to be up here with some stellar authors today.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jacqui. Linda’s new book is a completely different direction for her and I loved it. I hope you’ll pick it up. Sally’s book is perfect for anyone who is concerned about nutrition and health. Thanks for adding your recommendation!

    2. Jacqui, thank you so much for liking what I write. If you liked Fried Green Tomatoes, you’ll love Wildwood Healer. The message is one person can evoke change. This is special to me.

  4. Wow, Jan. I’m beyond grateful. Thank you so much. I’m thrilled you enjoyed the story and am honored to be counted among all these other talented authors. My best to them and you.

  5. D.L. Finn, Author

    Fantastic reviews, Jan! I have read many and agree with your reviews, all good reads! I have Wildwood on preorder and love that cover! Xo

    1. Thank you for adding your recommendations, Denise. I enjoyed all of these. I know you are going to love Wildwood Healer. It’s different from anything Linda has ever written.

    2. Denise, I think you’ll like Wildwood Healer. The message I tried to relay is that one person can evoke change if he/she is deeply committed to trying. Thank you for the preorder!

  6. All great reviews, Jan! I’ve read Sally’s and learned so much. Very inspiring too. Congratulations to all the authors! Thank you for sharing!

    1. I agree about Sally’s book being an inspiration. She puts it all in terms we can understand and it makes so much sense. Thank you so much for stopping by, Joy!

  7. I’m definitely going to check out the nutrition book! I can relate to having issues with food going back to my childhood. It took decades for me to stop punishing myself for not eating everything on my plate, lol! Smaller portions and giving myself permission to not clean the entire plate has definitely helped me. The other books you’ve mentioned sound fascinating. Thanks for sharing, Jan! 🙂

    1. Sally’s book is the most comprehensive I’ve read as she covers all aspects of a healthy diet, from the mind, body and soul. Plus there are some great recipes in the back of the book. I am going to be making her Irish Soda Bread this weekend. Thanks for stopping by!

      1. Thanks again so much for your wonderful review and for sharing here as well amongst the other amazing authors. ♥♥

    2. I know exactly where you are coming from Mary and I hope if you have the opportunity to read the book you will find of interest and support.

    1. I loved that whole series, Priscilla. And Mercury Striking is the first, but as I said in my review, I was almost glad I read them out of order. Great storytelling!

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