Jan Sikes

28 thoughts on “A Stellar Review for Ghostly Interference! @Wildrosepress @sdaileyauthor”

    1. I couldn’t leave a comment on Sandra’s site, Jan. Just wanted to give you a high-five for the awesome review. I’m looking forward to the read. 🙂

      1. There are some blogs I have issues when trying to comment. I kinda wish everyone used WordPress. Even with all of its issues, it’s the best out there. Anyway, thank you for the high-five!!

    2. So true, Diana. I’ve decided there is no such thing as rest for a writer. 🙂 I’m also around 20,000 words into my new WIP to that’s encouraging. Thanks for stopping by!

  1. Congratulations, Jan! How wonderful to be recognized through an amazing review! 💗

  2. Jan, congratulations on your stellar review! When someone says they’ll read your book again, to me – that’s the ultimate compliment! I have this one in my Kindle queue and am looming forward to it!

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