As long as there is one person left alive on earth who remembers you, you are never completely gone.

James Richard (Rick) Sikes
8-5-35 to 5-1-09
Excerpt from ‘TIL DEATH DO US PART:
“Aren’t they the people who help you die?” Luke asked.
The doctor’s voice was quiet. “Yes.”
“We’ll talk about it all.”
“Fine. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
Once he left, Darlina leaned over the bed and laid her head on Luke’s chest. “Oh Luke. What are we going to do?”
He stroked her hair. “Sugar, you know I’d do anything to stay here with you, but I can’t stand to be more of an invalid than I already am. I don’t want to live without any legs.”
She raised her head and looked into his watery blue eyes. “You know I’ll always do my best to take care of you.”
“I know, but look at what I’ve already put you through.”
“You’ve put yourself through far worse. What I’ve done, I’d do all over again a million times. There is nothing stronger than our love…Nothing.”
“There are so many things I’ve left half-done. If only I could have a few more years.” The words ended with a sigh. “Would you climb up here beside me?”
“Of course.” She slipped her shoes off and gingerly raised herself up on the bed and snuggled next to him. She cradled his head against her breast.
Sobs shook Luke’s shoulders. “I’ll never be totally gone. You know that don’t you? I’ll always be with you.”
Darlina sobbed with him. “I know.”
Words became inadequate.
R.I.P Rick Sikes