Jan Sikes

Based on your Astrological Sign what you should be reading – Aries

Welcome back for another look at types of books that fit with different astrological signs. We are now in the season of Aries!

Aries folks are ruled by the red planet, Mars, the planet of passion, energy and determination. Aries are known for being active, adventurous and quick-witted. Because of that, the most often prefer books that are exciting, fast-paced, and thought-provoking.

So, fast-paced, action-packed stories, like adventure novels or thrillers fill the bill for these born under this sign. They also enjoy true stories about brave people.

When I saw the word ‘thriller’ I knew immediately what book I’d recommend.


I know this author, and while this book is a bit pricey, it’s well worth the cost. Taylor Moore is a former CIA Intelligence Officer who worked in both analysis and operations and later consulted for the Department of Defense in Theater Security Cooperation, Force Protection, and Counternarcotics. So, he has firsthand experience to write a compelling story. This books starts out with a bang and doesn’t let up. Therefore, it’s the perfect book for Aries readers.

You can read my review HERE!

And here’s another that I highly recommend. Not only is it a compelling thriller, but covers the ‘adventure and brave people’ requirement. It’s such a good story!


You can read my review HERE!

As I browsed through my books on Goodreads searching for a non-fiction about brave people doing extraordinary things, I found none. Truthfully, I read very few non-fiction books aside from self-help books. I’m not sure what that says about me, but the fiction book I did read that fits the description of bravery is this one. I think one of the things that appealed to me about this book was the character’s age and the drastic change she chose to make that definitely required her being super brave!


You can read my review HERE.

What can you add to these for Aries people? Can you recommend a non-fiction book? Let’s talk!

22 thoughts on “Based on your Astrological Sign what you should be reading – Aries”

  1. I enjoyed two of these books Jan but have not come across Down Range before… perhaps I am more Aries than Aquarius… I will check that one out…♥

  2. This is fun! I look forward to seeing other signs/recs to share with friends and family! Will wait patiently for my own Virgo to pop up.

      1. The fiancee gravitates more toward fantasy and science fiction, but the other two aren’t regular readers. If it pertains to sports, my son might read it, lol. My other son’s GF is a horror fan.

  3. These posts are so fun, Jan. I read and enjoyed Gwen and John’s whole series, and your other suggestions look great. My dad is an Aries and I’ll give his this list. 🙂 Happy Reading and congrats to the authors.

  4. Yes, Taylor’s would be a prime example of an Aries book. Anyone of any astrological sign would love it. Just wondering if this is Parris’s new book. 🙂 Have a good day, Sister.

    1. No, this isn’t Paris’s newest. I have it on my Kindle but haven’t read it yet. The title is Stumbling In and is set I. Scotland. I am looking forward to reading it. Thank you for visiting, sister!

  5. Thank you so much for recommending The Contract, Jan. I’m sure the Aries out there appreciate this and the other two recommendations. 😀

    1. Awesome, Jacqui. So glad the books grabbed your attention. And I’m convinced reading preferences don’t have a whole lot to do with astrology, but still, it’s fun. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

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