Jan Sikes

CREEK – #NewRelease @lindabroday.bsky.social

I love it when I get to feature my talented sister on my blog! She has a brand new release that I’m going to let her tell you about!


Thank you for having me, Jan. I’m so happy to be here.

I love talking to people about Creek and what inspired me to write it. I saw the cover before I even knew I was going to write the story. Instantly, a tale started taking shape in my mind. He was just so big and bold standing there on the cover and I knew he’d be a character with “heart.”

Creek reminded me of a cowboy in those old westerns I used to watch on TV and I saw how deeply he’d been wounded. He wanted something better though; he just didn’t know if he’d get it. He knows his life expectancy is short as did most men who lived by the gun back then.

He has a list of rules for himself that he’s laid down and one was never to draw on anyone unless they left him no choice. He’s one of the good “bad guys.” Someone with morals and deep conviction. So, when this little orphan girl, Willa July, becomes convinced he’s her daddy, it leaves him feeling very uncomfortable.

Jan’s and my dad had such a fascination with outlaws his whole life. He admired Bonnie and Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, and John Dillinger. Daddy would take Jan and I to museums and historical displays where we always learned something new. I think he always yearned to have “enough” for once in his life and fantasized robbing banks. Luckily, he never acted on any of that and died being poor.


A mysterious man with one name and secrets that gnaw at his soul.

Creek has a reputation as a gunslinger, a lawless man—one to be feared. So, when an orphaned eleven-year-old girl in this rough border town claims she’s his daughter, it jolts the very fiber of his being. For a man making a living with a gun, he’s not father material in any sense of the word. And he has serious doubts he ever met her mother.

Yet Willa July stands firm. Creek has the mark on his wrist that proves her claim. When she’s taken by a crazed killer from his past, Creek is propelled into a desperate chase. He alone understands the depths of this monster’s evil mind.

Time is his enemy as he races to save her. But if he succeeds in getting the girl back, can Creek tear down his walls and embrace the role he never dreamed possible?

Amazon LINK: https://amzn.to/4gM8NzT


Creek put down his fork. “Willa, I can’t. For one thing, I’m not staying here.”

            “Take me with you!”

            “I can’t.” He stared down at his plate. How would he convince her? “I make my bed under the stars most of the time and food is what I kill. Willa, I have nothing to offer you.”

            “Yes, you do.” Willa threw up her hands. “I’m all you got and you’re all I got. Don’t you see?”

            “Stop it, Willa!” Lib cried. “Basta.”

            “Why don’t you want me?” Willa whispered through her sobs. “Why?”

            “Honey, men like me don’t live long.” He grabbed her shoulders and tugged her to him. He spoke the words that were a knife to his heart, but they choked in his throat like straw. “I don’t want you to see me die! There. And I will. Probably soon and I can’t bear that.”

            The little house turned silent.

After a long moment, Creek pushed his chair back. “Lib, thank you for the meal and Willa, I loved the cake. I’ll just…go now.”

He rose and grabbed his hat on the way to the back door like he planned. He had to get out of there. How in the hell did he get in this mess? A mess he couldn’t fix.

Pushing the door open, he escaped into the gentle night breeze.

“Wait!” Willa cried, running after him.

He couldn’t stop. If he did, he’d be making promises he could no more keep than fly to the moon.

“I love you, Daddy Creek! I’ll always love you. I’m your daughter. I belong to you,” she sobbed.

He continued to put one foot in front of the other until he got to the river. The moonlight was like silver on the water. So beautiful. He sat down in the wild grass, put his face in his hands, and wept.

This is book 1 of an exciting multi-author romance western series that features ten Gun For Hire stories following men who live by the gun, surviving one day at a time. Outlaws, bounty hunters, hired guns—each has walked a dangerous path, never expecting a future beyond the next fight. There will be two releases a month until it ends on July 30th.


Linda Broday

In my twenty plus years of publishing, I’ve put out over 50 novels and short stories and along the way I became a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. My interest in reading and history came when I was a little girl, so it was no surprise when I began writing western historical romances. I reside in West Texas on land the American Indian and Comancheros once roamed, where ghosts from the past lurk around every corner. Humble roots and the love of family have become focal points of each book I write. I really love the depth that children and animals bring to my stories.

What’s ahead? I’m working on a new series that’s all mine this time. Book 1 is The Quest and the first of my McIntyre series. It’ll release later in the year.

Follow Linda Broday:







44 thoughts on “CREEK – #NewRelease @lindabroday.bsky.social”

  1. Sorry to be late to the party! This looks like another fantastic story, Linda. All the best and congratulations!

  2. Congratulations, Linda! I’m excited about this release and already grabbed my copy. I’m looking forward to the read, and wish you much success.
    Thanks for hosting, Jan!

  3. Hello my sweet Linda & Jan- I have my paper copy, I am excited to get started. Creek will keep me entertained after my surgery. I love the cover. He speaks to my heart. Carolyn my friend read my extra copy and she said she loved it.
    Congrats on another amazing book.
    Love you both.

    1. Miss Tonya, it’s so wonderful to see you. Yep, it can give you something to read after you have your surgery and are recovering. I can’t believe it’s next week. Coming up soon. Thank you for giving your extra copy to Carolyn. I’m so glad she liked the story. I think everyone will if they try it. I love you dearly.

    2. Awww, thank you so much for visiting, Tonya! I wish you success and fast healing with your surgery. And I know you are going to love Creek! Hugs!

  4. D.L. Finn, Author

    Great post! Loved that excerpt it really tugged at my heart as did the whole story. It was a fantastic read on many levels. Thank you for hosting, Jan xo

    1. Jacqui, now that’s a thought. I would love to write a sequel. A plot is already forming in my head. Ha! Thank you so very much for your review of the book. I appreciate that and will love you forever.

    1. Priscilla, I’m glad this caught your eye. Creek was a very complicated man. He hated living the kind of life he was thrown into but couldn’t figure out how to change. It takes a little girl to open his eyes. If you get a chance to try it, I hope you like it.

    1. Craig, I do stay busy, that’s for sure. And it seems the older I get, the faster I write. I’ve got to get all these stories that are in my head out into the world. Thank you for coming.

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