Jan Sikes

First Monday Menagerie of 2025

Courtesy of Canva

Welcome to a new year and the first Monday post of 2025. While I enjoyed my blogging break, I am ready to get back into some sort of routine. The kids return to school this week and that will help to get back to some normalcy. But it’s been fun and I’ve enjoyed all the family activities.

Each new year, I receive a word that represents the theme for the year. This year, I waited patiently until the word came and it’s one I will embrace daily throughout the year – GRATITUDE.

No matter how tough things get, I can always find something to be grateful for. So, that will be my mantra for 2025.

I started the new year by re-reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It is truly the most profound little book and it has been at least ten or twelve years since I first read it. If you are looking for a simplistic way of daily living, this little book has the perfect path. Each agreement is so basic and simple, yet powerful. I highly recommend it. It was a great reboot for me!

If you missed my top book picks for 2024, they are now on YouTube.

Going forward, I will be adding a few new blogs to my regular schedule. I won’t commit to a certain number of blogs as some will only be monthly, but I also want to return to some inspirational blogs as everyone seemed to enjoy them, and I did too. Maybe every other week or so. I’m still figuring all that out.

One new monthly blog idea comes from something Staci Troilo shared with me a couple of years agoβ€”Based on your astrological sign, what should you be reading? That will be a super fun monthly post! Can’t wait to post my first one. Thank you, Staci, for the idea! And by the way, if you haven’t read Staci’s latest, Born for Revenge, you are missing out on a gripping story!

I am also going to do some Throwback Thursday posts to shine a light on my older titles. I don’t know what else I may include in those posts, but I am thinking to include some of Rick Sikes’ work as well.

My blog is open to guest posts. If you have a new book you are launching, or if you’d like to have a spotlight on an older title, hit me up. I always enjoy having guests. My first guest is this coming Wednesday, so keep an eye out for that.

On the writing front, I am going back to work on the third book in The Bargainer Series. This book will be very different from the first two and I find myself second guessing whether or not I have the ability to write it the way the story deserves. Just know I will give it my very best! The main character in the new book, A Bold Bargain, first appeared as a side character in A Noble Bargain as a sixteen-year-old. Now it’s two years later and he’s finding his footing in life. Jack Blaine loves spending time with the old folks. He enjoys their tales, learns from their experiences and takes to heart their wisdom. He longs for a higher education but college isn’t for people like Jack, or so he thinks. The year is 1950 and he has lots of adventures in store, including rescuing a half-wolf pup that attaches himself to Jack. I’m anxious to get this story moving forward!

No publication date yet, but definitely in 2025.

I’d love to hear about any projects you have on the horizon. So, let’s talk!

I’ll leave you with a bit of inspiration. This saying really resonates with me as it adheres to my belief that we are here on Earth to learn and grow. It’s not always easy, but anything worth doing requires effort on our part. And, we’ve all signed up to be here.

Have a great week ahead!

46 thoughts on “First Monday Menagerie of 2025”

  1. Thank you for the honorable mention nod for Simple Pleasures, Jan! I’m so glad you enjoyed. I’ll be spending most of 2025 preparing to launch my next novel, The Weight of Snow and Regret on October 1. For new work, I’ll be focusing on poetry and flash fiction–and I have several short stories in need of revision.

    1. It was my pleasure to share your Simple Pleasures poetry book. I loved the photos AND the poems so much. I will look forward to your new novel. The title already intrigues me! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  2. Gratitude is an excellent choice and most of us who turn up in the blogging world must surely have a lot to be grateful for.
    I’m Aquarius so would my choice of books be waterlogged?

  3. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Weekly – #2025 Darlene Foster, Jan Sikes, Brad of Writing to Freedom, #Reality Janet Gogerty, #Romance Carla Reads, #Booklaunch for D. Wallace Peach by Roberta Eaton Cheadle and D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  4. Sounds like a great plan Jan and I think the posts on what you should be reading depending on your astrological sign will be a both informative and entertaining.. β™₯

  5. The Four Agreements is one of my favourite books. It deserves a reread every couple of years. Gratitude is such a good WOTY. I’ve used it myself a couple of times. Have a super week.

    1. True words, Darlene. I hope I don’t wait another ten or twelve years to read it again. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  6. HI Jan, I tried to comment on this post yesterday from my iphone but the comment wouldn’t post – probably the signal in the vehicle. Anyhow, gratitude sounds like a great word for the year and the new astrology series sounds interesting.

  7. Thanks for the book recommend Jan, I’ve added it. And loved the meme, so true, I think earth is the most difficult part of our journeys. πŸ™‚

    1. D.L. Finn, Author

      I love your word for the year is gratitude, Jan. I have been focusing on that too. Great idea avoid what types of books should we be reading accordingly to our sign. I look forward to that. I look forward to book three and have no doubt you will tell the story as it should be told. For me this year no plans other than adding blog challenge.

  8. It sounds like you have a busy year ahead, Jan. Gratitude is a magical word to hold to throughout the year. As for your ability to give that third book in the series the effort it requires, I’m sure you can do it, but good luck.

  9. You are right, I like the synchronicity of our my quote and your post: Gratitude – fantastic!
    I love your plans and ideas around your blog. Sounds exciting!
    I will participate on further markets with my company this year again. Also, there is a book idea forming in my head, but that will take quite some time. However, the idea is growing. I will also travel a little more than last year. Cannot wait to visit Lisbon with my sister and Schottland with my husband (I was there 40 years ago). Other than that, I am curious where the year will take me in the coming months. Have a great year, my friend!

    1. Sounds like a full and exciting year ahead, Erika. I love the thought of travel. I don’t know exactly what that might look like for me. I love it when the Universe shows us the magic of synchronicity! That is exciting to me! Thank you for stopping by. Happy Monday!

      1. Oh, for me too. It is kind of a confirmation that we share a needed. Yes, I defintely love that too! Let’s see how this exciting life develops this year πŸ’–

  10. The Four Agreements is one of my favorite reads for getting grounded, Jan. Such wonderful wisdom. It sounds like you have some great plans. I like them all – from the new features to the new book! Reading based on astrology signs?! What a fun series that will be. I wish you a fantastic new year full of gratitude. Sounds perfect. <3

    1. I agree, Diana. The book is small but powerful. I’m glad you stopped by and glad the new blogging plans interest you. I look forward too sharing! Have a great Monday!

  11. petespringerauthor

    You couldn’t have chosen a better word, Jan. I’ve been recently thinking about friends and why we connect with some people and not others. I’m sure you know people who are always complaining about something. I don’t enjoy being around those types. We all need to blow off some steam from time to time, but looking at the glass half full and having gratitude is a much better life outlook.

    1. All true, Pete. And one thing I know for sure is I have no control over other people, places and things, but I do have control of my reactions and thoughts. Keeping them on a high vibration! Thank you for stopping by. Have a great week!

  12. You have an exciting year ahead, Jan. “Gratitude” is a great word of the year. Mine is “mature.” There are some areas in my life in which I just need to GROW UP.:-)

    1. That’s an interesting word, Priscilla, especially for an adult, but it’s also super appropriate for many of us. I’m not sure we ever get done with growing up. πŸ™‚ Thank you for stopping by and wishing you a great year ahead!

  13. Your post is so inspiring, Jan! You have wonderful ideas in store for your blogs. I look forward to your 3rd book in Th Bargain Series. It sounds amazing. You’ve sparked some ideas for me. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Fantastic! I am thrilled to spark some ideas. That’s what we do for each other. There is a line in a song that I SO relate to. It says, “Trying to catch a spark from someone else’s flame…” I’m always open. πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Your plans going forward sound great, Sister, and I love the word you chose for the year. We should all try to be more grateful for what we have. It’s wonderful for me as well to get back to some routine after the rash of holidays. And I’m so glad to be nearing the finish line on my current work in progress. 2025 is filled with opportunities. I’m optimistic. Love you, little sis.

    1. I don’t think either one of us will have any problem staying busy through the new year. πŸ™‚ And you are so right. We all have so much to be grateful for, even on our worst days. Congratulations to you, sister, for getting near the finish line! That’s always a good feeling. Thank you for stopping by!

  15. Happy New Year, Jan! Enjoyed reading your news for 2025, and I love your word. I have several right now. It’s a different year for me as I’ve had to step fully into a role of being a caregiver. I’m learning to navigate and trying to maintain the writer inside me. Have a lovely week!

    1. Sending you virtual hugs, Mary. Stepping into the caregiving role is not easy. I had to do it and it was almost as if our roles got reversed. I will keep you and your hubby in my prayers. If I can ever do anything for you, please let me know. Big hugs!

  16. I’ve come across some perfect words for the year this morning, and I’m adding gratitude to the list, Jan. I’d be interested to see what I should read based on my astrological sign. It’s never described me, so it makes me wonder how far off the book recs are!

    1. It will be interesting, Teri. I think for most of us readers, we are open to such a wide variety of genres that the astrological sign recommendations may not apply as much as it might to those who only read occasionally. We shall see. πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by!

  17. I came across my copy of The Four Agreements when I was decluttering my house. I kept it, of course! But I do remember holding it for a moment longer than the others, and now you mention it. I think I’ll pull it from my shelf and read it again. Thanks for the inspiration, Jan!

    Yvette M Calleiro πŸ™‚

    1. When things like that happen, Yvette, I see it as Angel nudges. It was awesome to read it again. I am different than I was the first time I read it. Go for it! And thank you for stopping by. Happy Monday!

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