You hear me talk a lot about the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB, and I also feature lots of authors who are members of the club.
Maybe you’ve been a bit curious about RRBC or maybe you’ve even taken a look at the website.

Well, now you have a chance to take advantage of a FREE 30 day trial membership. You can try it out for yourself and see if it is a good fit for you, and it costs you nothing!
This is not just a book club. It is a community of authors and readers who promote and support each other.
The RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB is A UNIQUE place to be if you are seeking amazing author support for your writing. Not only are our books being purchased, but read and reviewed on a regular basis. No other international organization offers so much incredible uplifting support!
But, you need to know up front that this is not a place to list your books in the catalog, sit back and wait for the reviews to start rolling in. It is a place where you get as much as you give. Begin by purchasing, reading and reviewing other’s books, then share it all over social media and watch what happens. Every author needs more reviews. I’m offering you the solution! For the answers to all of your questions, click HERE!
Interested? JOIN US!
I am an RRBC Recruitment Affiliate so please be sure to list my name (JAN SIKES) on your application.
Please invite all your friends to join, as well, and ask that they also list my name as their referring source! ~ Thanks in advance!
Thanks, Annika! I’m glad I piqued your interest. It truly becomes family and not just “family” but supportive family! Don’t forget to mention my name if you sign up for the trial membership!
Jan, a fantastic offer and one I’ll be heading over to consider! I see so much about the group and the support and encouragement looks fantastic.
You are such a great member, Jan. I was for two years but won’t be renewing. That said, I know Rave Reviews has been great for many authors. And a wonderful offer!
Great offer!
Very thoughtful, Jan! Lonely, indie authors should know about RRBC.
But, Jan…which one of us is the most “wonderfullest” of all? -_________________-
Well said, Jan:)
Thank you, Denise. If not for RRBC, I would have never met wonderful authors like yourself!
I feel the same way!
Love this! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Natalie!
Jan, what a great post! Would you mind if I borrow it and post it to my own site? Thanks so much in advance!
Of course, I don’t mind, Nonnie. You don’t even have to ask. Borrow away!
What a great offer! This is wonderful promotion! 👍
It is, isn’t it, Gwen! Who could resist a free trial? 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!!