Jan Sikes

Friday Free-For-All! Music Festival and Keyboard

I have to start this Friday’s post off with a short recap of the amazing music festival I attended last weekend. With over 36 hours and 112 bands and solo acts, not counting the nightly campfires, it was a lot! There wasn’t much sleeping involved. And, I even got to dance. 🙂


I took some early author copies of Saddled Hearts and sold them all. I wish I would have had at least ten more! Then this lovely lady had purchased Flowers and Stone from Amazon, and brought it to the festival for me to autograph. She then ended up buying the other three books. Thank goodness I had packed a couple of each.

Jan and Linda Harlan

All in all, I sold $280 of books. That’s not bad! Plus there was a gorgeous full moon! I thought of Dan Antion as I tried to capture it between the two flags. I am sure he would have done a better job.

Photo by Jan Sikes 10-8-22
Jan Sikes and Deryl Dodd

And last, but certainly not least, I got to put Saddled Hearts in Deryl Dodd‘s hands. You see, he is in the book as himself along with his song, “One Ride In Vegas.” It almost took an act of Congress for the publisher to allow me to include him, but he so graciously signed all the waivers they insisted on. So, it made me very happy to hand him an autographed copy.

I left the festival, tired, but with my heart full to overflowing. It was the best of the year for sure, and a wonderful way to close out the season!

Meanwhile back in the real world, what’s up with my keyboard? Over and over I wear the letters off the keys. I guess I hit them too hard or something. Does that happen to you too?

Photo by Jan Sikes

So, I found some stick-on tabs on Amazon that says they are tough and durable and will stay on the keys. For less than $6, I ordered them and stuck them on. They aren’t uniform or even, but at least all the keys are visible once again.

Photo by Jan Sikes

I have no idea how well they will stay on, but it prevents me from having to purchase yet another keyboard when the one I have is barely over a year old.

Have you ever tried these? I’ll have to let you know how long they last. 🙂

That’s it from me for this Friday. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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