Jan Sikes

Good Liniment – #NewRelease #TheHatSeries @virgilante

Happy Tuesday, everyone! I am thrilled to feature my good friend and fellow Story Empire contributor, C.S. Boyack‘s newest book release in The Hat Series! If you saw my review last week, you know how much I loved this newest addition to the series. I have read all of Lizzie and The Hat books and highly recommend them!

But for now, I’ll turn it over to C.S. Boyack and let him tell you about this new book!


Thanks for lending me your space today, Jan. I’m here to talk about the newest tale in The Hat Series, called Good Liniment.

This one has been planned for a long time. Ever since book one I intended to return to witchcraft, but felt like Lizzie had to grow a bit as a fledgling monster hunter. She’s chased down a variety of different classic monsters, and has some skills by this time. Enough to be recognized by the local coven as someone who could help them with a problem.

This left me with the need of developing a magic system, and I had some personal desires of things I wanted to avoid. The biggie on that list was a school for magical sudents.

I took the path of apprenticeship for those who got spotted by the coven. In my world, magic is a genetic variation. One that has been hunted down and eliminated from the gene pool for centuries. This makes the coven quite secretive about their existence and lives in general.

To bring readers some of the fun with magic, I decided my witches would have one natural ability, no more than two at most. Other disciplines could be learned by study and practice. I decided early on not to limit myself to elements, those are part of the mix, but so is gadget magic, plant magic, death magic, weather, and anything else I can come up with later.

Writing this took some effort, because there are a lot of new characters. I made it so readers would be able to make a guess about specific witches without spelling it out for them. When Cyrus Yoder uses specific kinds of dirt, manipulates gravity, or uses a lot of clay, readers can make a logical guess about his skills.

I did spell things out for Dash Goodman, who is apprenticed to Cyrus. They spent some time figuring out that his natural ability involves air. Because he’s the character to walk us into this world, I don’t feel bad about how this got spelled out. I’m toying with the idea that he may have a second natural ability involving artwork. Might happen in a subsequent volume, might not. I’m on the fence about that. Dash has a penchant for stealing airplanes which helps me sell his natural ability. He’s also an artist so the groundwork has been laid if I want.

The clues are there, but can be subtle. Sometimes you have to glean it from names, like Solis and Umbra, who are twins. I may not revisit everyone in subsequent volumes, but I have a nice pool to draw from.

Just for fun, I included a test for witchcraft of my own invention. (Actually, I stole it from Staci Troilo, so props to her. She didn’t know it was a witchcraft test.) Readers might have a good time seeing if they can pass.

Readers should keep in mind that The Hat Series is dark humor. You’ll find death and blood, but there are light moments and pop-culture references aplenty. If this sounds like the series for you, they were all written as stand-alone short novels. You can pick up any volume that interests you and not feel lost.


Someone is murdering members of the local witches’ coven. They turn to Lizzie and the hat for their unique skills that might help eliminate the killers.

A religious zealot might be a monster, but is still a human being. This task isn’t the same as staking vampires or shooting zombies. It isn’t the usual project Lizzie takes on for her night work.

This all takes place during a recovery period for Lizzie. She needs to keep her cover band together and find a new way of getting them gigs. More bands and less venues are making finances tight. The hat didn’t make things easier during her absence, by spreading rumors about why she took her sabbatical.

Someone killing others over a point of view insults Lizzie’s sensibilities. She has secrets to keep. Her employers have secrets, too. It doesn’t make for a comfortable working environment, but she agrees to do what she can.

Convincing her strong-willed employers to stay indoors during all this poses another problem. Can she keep them alive long enough to finish her task?

Good Liniment is full of magic, magical creatures, and an entire underground community living amongst us.

The Hat Series consists of short novels that can be read in a single afternoon. They’re full of snarky dark humor and can be easily read out of order.


The Hat Series Purchase Link

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74 thoughts on “Good Liniment – #NewRelease #TheHatSeries @virgilante”

  1. Having read plenty of books involving magic, I really like how you expanded on the witches abilities, Craig. I personally wouldn’t mind having gadget magic! Thanks for hosting, Jan!

  2. I loved Dash. He’s a standout new character. Thought it was cute that as an “air” witch, he liked to steal airplanes:) Hope Craig gets around to writing another story with him. And Noodles. Noodles was adorable. Thanks for sharing the news about the book, Jan.

    1. I think Dash will stick around for a while. Lizzie has her street informant, and now she has an insider at the coven. Might even give him his own story one day after he grows up.

    2. I liked Dash, too, Judi. And I’m glad that Craig is letting him stick around for a while. Oh, and Noodles, too. πŸ™‚ Great story! Thank you for stopping by and adding your recommendation!

  3. D.L. Finn, Author

    I loved what all the characters you brought into this story and the coven. I look forward to seeing them more in future stories, Craig πŸ™‚

    Thanks for hosting, Jan!

    1. I agree, Denise. I too look forward to seeing some of the new characters introduced in this book showing up again. Thank you for stopping by and sharing today!

    1. I totally agree with you, Jacqui. I also wonder how Craig manages to come up with some of these creatures and characters! Thanks for stopping by to support him today!

  4. I love designing magic systems and was intrigued by Craig’s discussion of what he did in this book. The Hat series is my fav and I look forward to this read. Thanks for hosting, Jan, and many congrats to Craig. πŸ™‚

    1. Hard to come up with anything completely new when designing magic systems. I still tried to put my own quirky spin on things. So glad you’re enjoying this series.

    2. I know you are going to enjoy this story, Diana. I love what Craig said about putting his own quirky spin on the magic systems in the book. I highly recommend Good Liniment! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. “Secret tests for witchcraft are tight!” You know what I mean, Craig. πŸ˜‰

    I really enjoyed this work. Wishing you all the best with it. And Jan, thanks for hosting.

  6. Great blog tour so far, Craig! And another tantalizing post, too! Still looking forward to reading this one, and passing the news along. Thanks for having Craig here today, Jan, and best wishes, Craig, for mega success with this Good Liniment! πŸ˜€

      1. I enjoy keeping up when I can, though I admit lately, I often have to settled for leaving a like and sharing. Time is really tight for me lately, but I’ll always do what I can. πŸ˜€ And hopefully, Mega success is winging its way toward you right now! πŸ˜€

  7. Congratulations, Craig. Another great success. Thank you, Jan, for hosting.

  8. Fun post today. I love the glimpse of background work that went into setting up your magic system, Craig. Good Liniment is a highly imaginative read with a treasure trove of interesting characters. And creatures–let’s not forget Noodles, LOL. Wishing you continued success with the release.

    Thanks for hosting today, Jan!

    1. I loved this glimpse into the well-thought-out background work that had to go into setting up the magic system too, Mae. Craig did such a great job building this world and I loved all the new characters including the creatures. Thank you for stopping by to help support Craig!!

  9. Reblogged this on Entertaining Stories and commented:
    The Good Liniment tour continues over at Jan’s place today. The topic is the witchcraft I introduced in the series. Stop over and check it out. While you’re there, surf around Jan’s site. She’s a fabulous author, a Story Empire partner, and one of the most interesting people I know.

  10. I read Good Liniment this weekend. I’m always intrigued by Craig’s active imagination. Thanks for hosting today, Jan.

    1. That’s a mild way of describing Craig’s imagination. πŸ™‚ Active is a good word. Thanks for adding your comment today and for sharing, Joan!

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