Jan Sikes

Hard Times – Part 1


I felt the urge to share a Christmas story this year and I truly hope you enjoy it. My family was poor. Not the kind of poor that we think we are today, but the kind of poor that, for many years during the great depression, had no home in which to live, and very little food to eat. Sometimes they had a tent, sometimes a shack and sometimes only the side of the road, but they survived. This story is loosely based on tales handed down from my mom and oldest sister. Some of this actually happened to them, but not all in Roswell and not all in the same sequence. I am taking literary license here to create a fiction tale from their recollections.

Roswell, New Mexico in 1940 was just starting to grow and develop. After all, the air base located there brought people and people brought prosperity, but not for everyone.


“Christmas is right around the corner, Walter, and we have nothing for the children.” Ella Spencer put her hands on her hips and faced him.

Walter ran a hand through thin brown hair. “I know, Ella. Can’t you see I’m doin’ my best?”

Cold wind whistled through the cracks between the rough wood boards that made up the fifty-dollar house built into the side of a hill.

Walter checked the kerosene level on the single stove in the back corner.

Ella sighed. “I know. So am I. The washings I take in help, but it’s just never enough. If we had electricity, I could do more.”

“Dammit! I can’t work more than three jobs in a day’s time. So, I don’t know what else you expect me to do.”

“If I knew how to drive, maybe I could get a job in town.”

Walter waved a hand around the small square room. “And do what with these younguns?”

Ella’s small shoulders drooped. Walter was right. She had to take care of the children with what few resources they had.

But, at least they now had a house. It was a sight better than the tent they’d lived in before Walter built this house out of used lumber and bent nails.

“Times have got to get better,” she said. “They just have to.”

“Damned government don’t care one lick about us poor people. We ain’t the only ones, Ella. There’s a whole slew of us that ain’t got a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of.”

Again, she knew he was right, but it didn’t lessen the sting of not having a single present to give the children on Christmas morning.

They were doing good to put shoes on their feet, and food in their mouths, much less anything that wasn’t a pure necessity.

She let her mind drift back ten years. Maybe if she’d married Tommy Turnbow instead of Walter they’d be better off. But, she hadn’t. Walter had promised a good life.

She’d learned that promises were only made to be broken.

“Walter, if I could just buy a few yards of material, I could sew coats for the girls. They need something to help keep them warm through the winter.”

“I’ll take you into town Saturday and see what we can find. But, we can’t spend more than two dollars. That’s all we’ve got to spare.”

“Two dollars is better than zero. We’ve seen many a day where that was the case.”

Walter rolled a cigarette and blew a smoke ring. “All I know is I’m doin’ my best and I’ve got to get going or I’ll be late to the gas station.”

Ella handed him a tin box that held two biscuits and a thermos of soup. “I’ll see you tonight.”

The door slammed behind Walter, and Ella turned her attention to the wash tub and pile of clothes. She carried water from a single faucet outside the door and set it to boiling on the stove. The baby, Charles, crawled on the wood floor and banged a spoon against the boards. The two older girls played in a corner with rag dolls a kind lady had given them a couple of years back.

She sighed. “Girls, watch after your brother while I get this washin’ done and hung out on the line.”

The oldest looked up. “Okay, Mama.”

Ella worried about the scorpions they shared their house with. So far, no one had been bitten, but she remained vigilant.

Her hands red and chapped from the lye soap stung when the cold air hit them. By the time she had the clothes pinned to the line, she could no longer feel her fingers. Just as the hung the last sheet, her oldest daughter ran outside.

“Mama, Mama, come quick! Charles is bleeding.”

Ella dropped the clothespin bag and ran.

Unknown Playmate, Irene, Jean 1939 (2)
Actual photo from family archives






28 thoughts on “Hard Times – Part 1”

  1. Your style of writing is so engaging and easy to read, Jan. I enjoyed this segment and look forward to reading the rest of the story. 🙂 xo

  2. I can’t imagine how people managed then and manage today in many parts of the world. You have me hooked already, Jan. It’s even more compelling knowing that this is part of your family’s history.

  3. I’m glad you re-subscribed too, Denise! I’ve missed you. 🙂 Thanks so much for your comment. Yes, as Walter told Ella, there was a slew of folks all in the same boat in the Great Depression. I’m glad you enjoyed the beginning of the story. Hugs!

  4. D.L Finn, Author

    I’m loving this story Jan. You really know how to get into our hearts. This reminds me of some the tales I used to hear from my great-grandparents of how tough it was in the depression and how they got to California over the years and found good work finally. Perfect time to write this, I think we need to be reminded what true poverty is over what we think it is now. I can’t wait until next week.
    Sorry if I’ve missed any blogs, I just noticed WordPress decided to delete my subscription. It’s been doing that a lot to me lately. So, glad I saw this on Twitter and re-subscribed. Have a wonderful week.

  5. Thank you, Mae. Yes, the stories that Mom used to share were really unbelievable, and yet they lived it. Thankfully, by the time I came along, they had gotten past that horrible part of their lives. 🙂 I appreciate you reading and leaving a comment. Hugs!

  6. Oh,no! What a cliffhanger!
    Jan, you put me in that rural, dirt-poor setting and brought it vividly to life. What a strong opening. So sad to think this was a reality of life for some. Looking forward to more!

  7. I loved the beginning of your Christmas story. Those were sure hard times for our family and one year we got nothing but an orange, some nuts, and a few pieces of candy. We came to not expect much. Even young, we knew our circumstances. I love you dearly, sister!

    1. I’m so glad you like the start of this short story, sister. We were poor growing up, but nothing like it was for our older siblings. I hope I can do this story justice. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I love you!

  8. We really do have a way of talking about being poor in this day and time when we have no idea what poor really is. I can’t wait to read more.

    1. Thank you SO much!! Is this Stephanie? I’m guessing from the initials on your profile. Anyway, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. You are so right in that we only think we are poor when we have roofs over our heads and food in our bellies. I know there are homeless folks out there who do not have that, but that’s a whole other subject. 🙂 I appreciate you! Have a wonderful day!

  9. Jan- Thank you for sharing, I can’t wait until next weeks. Linda has told me about some of her childhood. You both come from a family of determined souls. You both have shown me that love is the true foundation of family and it will carry you through the rough times.
    Love you dear.

    1. Thank you, sweet Tonya. I’m glad you enjoyed the beginning of this story. Yes, we did come from determined souls, as I know you did as well. We all are here to learn and grow and our families are a big part of that. I appreciate your comment. Hugs! Love you!

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