Jan Sikes

Monday Meanderings

Happy Monday, friends. I hope everyone is well and feeling positive about a new week.

We had our first snow of the year and, no this photo is not from the snow, but from Canva. It’s rare for Texas to get snow this early in January. However, it was short lived – only a couple of days and now everything is slushy. But the grandkids got to build their very first big snowman! They were so excited. The two that are my grandchildren are on either side of the girl in the middle, who is a close family friend.

Now the sun is shining and temperatures are going back to normal. I have to admit I took advantage of the downtime as I didn’t leave my apartment for three days. I worked on my new story, A Bold Bargain, and made some good headway. Not sure of the exact new word count, but well over 6,000 words, so I’m feeling good about that. I created an AI image that is slightly, somewhat how I picture Jack Blaine to look. See what you think. The half wolf pup plays a big part in the story, although AI made him much bigger than he really is.

Image created by AI in Canva

This week will return to a regular schedule as the kiddos will all be back in school.

I am making daily effort to live in a state of gratitude. It’s not hard to find things to be grateful for. I have running water and electricity. Not everyone has that. I have a roof over my head and food in my pantry. Not everyone has that. I have two legs to walk with. Not everyone has that. So, you see how easy it is to find things everyday to be thankful for. I love my word for the year!

I did a tarot card reading for a young lady this past week that has inspired me to share here again. So, I pulled one card as a sort of theme or inspiration for the week and it’s perfect. My motto is always ‘the cards don’t lie.’ It’s true.

Photo by Jan Sikes

I often hear the phrase, what God brings you to, He will bring you through. That’s what I see in this card. Until we are faced with hardships or adversity, we never really know our inner strength. As we move forward through the coming week, may we pull from our hidden or obvious strengths to make it the best we can. My heart goes out to all those affected by the fires in California and this card would definitely apply to them.

The town I lived in for over twenty-five years with Rick, Coleman, Texas, now has an independent book store! I’m so proud for them. The owner contacted me and asked for some of my books and I happily sent them. So, if you are anywhere near Coleman, stop in Sweetcrows A Confectionery Bookstore! It’s on the main street in this small town. Even though it’s a small book store, it makes this author happy to have books there.

I have a wonderful author guest on my blog tomorrow, so I hope you will all come back to support her!

If you have a book you’d like to promote either here on my blog or in my monthly newsletter, let me know. I’m always happy to help support others! Marketing is the hardest part of what we do. Sometimes writing the stories can be challenging, but we are always in control of the words. My sister and I were talking yesterday about all of this and I came up with this meme.

True? But we keep dancing, don’t we?

I hope you have a fantastic week ahead. See you back here tomorrow with my guest!

67 thoughts on “Monday Meanderings”

  1. Hi, Jan! Great to meet you again. After this longer time of festive days! You wrote about missing snow in Tx. It seems someone had heard this. I hope you can manage it. You are a great AI artist too. Congrats also to this! Have a wonderful week! xx Michael

  2. What a great snowman I bet the kids had fun building it…snow is distant memory for me as we are unlikely to get snow here …Congrats on the progress of your book, Jan 🙂

  3. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Blogger Weekly – #Update Jan Sikes, #Review Stevie Turner, #Writerlinks D.G. Kaye, #Dogs #Wolves Thomas Wikman, #Poetry Rebecca Budd, #GreenKitchen Carol Taylor | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  4. Aww. I love that picture of the snowman with your grandkids. I still like making them as an old lady! And the “two steps forward, one step back” describes writing perfectly. You made some great progress! Congrats on that. 🙂 And kind wishes for the fire victims. It’s been devastating and they need their strength and ours. Hugs, my friend.

  5. I love your efforts to stay grateful! It is supposed to be followed and remembered always but kids my age ( I’m almost 14,) tend to forget it.

    I love the title Monday Meanderings…it has a great ring to it. And the meme is lovely!

    By the way, I write poetry! If you like poetry, you could maybe drop by my blog! Nonetheless, have a great week ahead of you!

  6. Lovely pics of the grandkids, Jan! They are precious. Sounds like you are very organized with your goals and inspiration for the new year. I can’t wait for your new book! Happy New Year!

    1. I think busy is my middle name. I never seem to lack in things to do. 🙂 I haven’t figured out if that’s good or bad. I blame it on my mom and my upbringing. 🙂

  7. Getting enough snow for the grandkids to build a big snowman and getting an independent bookstore are great happenings 🙂 And that’s also good progress on your novel!

  8. I am certainly doing the two step at the moment Jan…. and as for adversary…when I look back at my life over the decades there were times when it seemed I was facing a difficult challenge but I can see now from a distance how something positive usually resulted. ♥♥

    1. Isn’t amazing how clear hindsight is, Sally? I do the same. I appreciate you stopping by. It seems everyone relates to the Two-Step method of writing a book. 🙂

  9. Hi Jan, a lovely post. I’m glad you’ve had a happy and productive time writing. I have been madly catching up with a lot of commitments for posts and poems. I’m also ploughing through the book reviews I need to complete. I still have 5 to go 😊

    1. I understand. Getting caught up is like chasing the carrot dangling in front of the nose. 🙂 I have no doubt you’ll get there. Thank you for stopping by!

      1. I am getting there and once caught up, will return to finalising my new animal poetry book. I am also putting together Poetry Treasures 5: Simple Pleasures and I need to edit my new book of short stories. Eeek! I have three SE posts written and ready to go though so that is great.

  10. I never liked winter but for quite a few years I do love it when it snows. Such a beauty and silence. you can hear the snowflakes falling to the ground. I love it most at night… such a peaceful world it is then.

  11. D.L. Finn, Author

    How fun you got some snow, Jan! It is good writing weather 🙂 I’m still waiting for our first real snow, but I’d take more rain too. Have a couple more dry weeks, they say. Great reading, and yes, challenge does make us stronger. Love the picture and excited and a half wolf being a part of the next book. Yes, there is always something to be grateful for, even if it’s just waking up to a new day. We do need to keep dancing xo

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Denise! Yes, we must keep dancing. No way to stop. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed today’s post and hope you get the needed moisture in your area. Have a great week!

  12. Looking forward to your next book, Jan. Congrats on the progress. And you’re brave to try AI images. Most I’ve seen don’t look realistic, but this one does.

    1. Thanks so much, Joan. I am happy to be moving forward with the new story. I think most AI images don’t look realistic as well, and this one could use some improvement, but it’s close.

  13. Lovely uplifting post. I have only one quibble. Having read your book, I think the AI was showing the wolf-dog’s heart, not his physical size. Nothing outsized about that.

  14. Love the post, Sister. Wow, you’ve been having fun in Canva again! I love seeing what Jack looks like and I think it’s awfully close to my vision too. Hope your cover guy can capture him. Fingers crossed. A good Tarot pull. We all definitely need Strength! Love you bunches. I’m going to get busy on my two-step today!! 🙂

    1. Yep. I feel sure the cover guy can get what I want. Just not at the point to start that process yet, but soon. I agree that we all need Strength! Okay, have a great two-stepping day! Love you!

  15. Haha! I tell my hubby I’m constantly doing the Texas Two Step all the time. Enjoy your week, Jan. Can’t believe it’s the middle of January!

    1. It’s so true, Mary. Glad you enjoyed the meme. And no, I can’t believe the first month of the year is already half over. Time, slow down!! Thanks for visiting! Hugs!

  16. Looks like you got more snow than we did, Jan – bet your grandchildren had a great time building the snowman. Love the TX Two Step comparison – a very apt description, lol.

    1. It was definitely a lot of snow for us, Teri. We seldom get more than a dusting, so the kiddos had a blast. Glad you enjoyed the meme. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

    1. That’s a good idea, Yvette. I was playing around with it, trying to come up with something. I’ll consider creating separate images. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!

    1. I keep shuffling, Dan. Two steps forward, one back, turn around, sit down, get dizzy, try again. 🙂 Yes. The kiddos will remember the snowman for sure. Thank you for stopping by!

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