Jan Sikes

Monday Meanderings #2

Greetings, friends. Happy Monday!

Thank you for joining me as I look back over the past week and forward to the week ahead.

My grandson, who was home from college, spent the night with me last week and one of the things he wanted to do was watch The Wizard of Oz. It had been many years since I’d seen it and it was a joy to share that with him. He left yesterday to go back to Michigan to finish out the year at Calvin College. We’ve certainly enjoyed having him home for a few weeks.

I had an odd thing happen to me regarding my newsletter last week. First of all, I sent out a newsletter sharing my top book picks of 2024 and a new giveaway. Then all of a sudden, my subscribers jumped by over 600 throwing me into a higher paying category with my provider. Puzzling, right? I struggle to just get one new subscriber, so to have this happen was mind blowing. I contacted Brevo, and they informed me the subscribers came from WordPress. I’m still scratching my head over this occurrence. Are they real people? Bots? How can this happen? So, I’m still trying to figure it out. Of course, I hope they are legitimate subscribers, but I have my doubts. Has anything like this ever happened to you? I’d love to hear the outcome.

Coming up this Wednesday, I will be a guest on the Voice of Indie Podcast! I’m excited about joining Beem Weeks and Stephen Geez for some fun and lively conversation. Also, their new podcast format is now live video, so you’ll see our smiling faces. I do hope you can join in and support the effort!

You can join the live broadcast at 7 pm CST HERE!

On the writing front, I’m now at around 20,000 words on the new Bargainer story. So, it’s starting to come together. I’m certainly feeling positive about the progress. I still don’t have a target date for publishing.

In case you missed it, I participated in D.L. Finn’s Creative Writing Challenge. It had been a very long time since I attempted any flash fiction. You can see my story HERE. The challenge is still going if you want to join in.

I cringed when I pulled this Tarot card for the week, but there is always something positive to be found in each card.

The Ten of Swords invites us to greet the approaching dawn while honoring lessons learned from the past. The is a new beginning within an ending. I’m not sure how that applies to an overall theme for the week, but just know the darkest hour is before the dawn. And with every ending, there is a new beginning. It’s a Universal cyclical law. What goes around must come around. I think the main thing is to keep your eye on the positive aspect of endings and beginnings. In America, it’s inauguration day for the newly elected president. I’m having hard time seeing a new dawn in that. All I see is more of the same lies and corruption we’ve come come to expect and accept from these politicians. My approach to that is to stay focused on the tiny part of the world I have control over…my attitude, my work, creativity, family and LOVE. I refuse to get sucked into the negativity.

That’s about it for today. I’ll leave you with this thought.

Have a great week ahead!

45 thoughts on “Monday Meanderings #2”

  1. Hi Jan, Thanks for your comment on Story Chat. I don’t get the newsletter thing either. I don’t even write a newsletter. I think WP just sends out a notice by email to all your subscribers, when you write a post, but I don’t really know if they get one. I love the meme, too. It’s a good reminder.

    I haven’t watched the Wizard of Oz in years, but I saw the movie Wicked recently. It was fabulous. What I loved about it was it took the bad and made it good and also reversed the good and made it bad. The premise seemed to be that we understand the thinking behind someone that we think is evil, it might make a difference. I’m not suggesting that evil is good, and good is bad, but it is such a creative writing strategy.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Marsha. I found it in my Spam folder. Ugh! I have no idea how that happens. Anyway, I didn’t want you to think I was ignoring your comment. Just didn’t see it. I haven’t seen Wicked yet, but my kids and grandkids have. The message does seem to be about how our perception can be skewed about situations or even people. And yes, it’s a great writing strategy!

  2. How wonderful to spend quality time with your grandson, Jan. Those are moments he will cherish all his life. It sounds like you had a great start to your new Bargain series.
    I agree that our whole political landscape has become overwhelming, and I think there is a national weariness of the fighting and contentiousness from both sides. When did it stop being about the welfare of the people? Have a lovely week.

    1. That is a very good question, Joy. I think the answer to it would be when money and greed became more important than humanity. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  3. Hi Jan, it’s lovely to hear that you watched Wizard of a Oz with your grandson. Happy times. Congratulations on your writing progress.

  4. Oh my, I love that meme that you closed with. What a great twist. I saw the tarot card and my brain went to the same place yours did. “My approach to that is to stay focused on the tiny part of the world I have control over…my attitude, my work, creativity, family and LOVE.” Very wise advice that I will take to heart. And that’s great about your newsletter – that’s amazing and I hope every single one of them is the genuine thing. Hugs.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the meme, Diana. And you are absolutely right about what we need to focus on. We have to release things we have no control over and NONE of it is worth relinquishing our peace. Your priorities are spot on. Yes, I am hoping the new subscribers are legitimate, but the jury’s still out on that one. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  5. ‘The glass is refillable.” I like that one. Voice of Indie Podcast sounds great. I’m in to watch on the 22nd.. I’ve been watching more podcasts lately. My 2024 resolution to attend more events with people.

    1. Yay! I’m so glad you will tune into the podcase, Paula. Much appreciated. I’m happy you enjoyed the meme. It’s so true. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Jan, I’m wondering if your sudden jump in followers had to do with the glitches you encountered when you switched your blog. Didn’t you lose some subscribers when you moved? Maybe it’s recalibrating your follow list? Just a thought. And ouch the 10 of Swords is no surprise at this time of the world when everything is so volatile and it feels like a purge of destruction phase before the world can be peaceful again. Stay in the light! <3

    1. I have no idea if the jump in newsletter subscribers came from the glitch on WP or not. Brevo tells me they’ve all come from WP. It’s craziness for sure. Stay in the light is the best advice for everyone right now. Thank you for visiting, Debby!

  7. How wonderful you got to spend that time with your grandson, Jan. I can’t help you with the subscriber increase, but I sure hope they’re real people – those stupid bots are everywhere. Have fun with the podcast!

    1. Yes, they are, Alethea. So much uncertainty. Thank you for stopping by and hope you have a more restful night tonight. Focus on what you can change and let go of the rest. Hugs!

  8. I’m watching the dog and pony show right now. Doubt any of it will affect me either way, but I’m trying to be optimistic. (Hard for me.) Interesting card to draw today.

  9. “The darkest hour is before the dawn.” I claim that is the best way to describe it. Then I thought about my current life and I can see this Ten of Swords finalizing its mission too. Everything is coming to an upswing now. Fantastic!
    I hope the 600 subscribers are real. You would deserve them, Jan!

  10. I love your attitude!! “My approach to that is to stay focused on the tiny part of the world I have control over…my attitude, my work, creativity, family and LOVE. I refuse to get sucked into the negativity.” That is the only way to live. Glad your WIP is coming along. I am finally back into my Ireland story.

    1. Absolutely, Darlene. We can only control our tiny part of the world and keep a positive and living attitude. I am happy you stopped by. Have a good week!

  11. I thought the swords sticking into that man’s back on the card was appropriate, Sister! As for old movies, I’d rather watch something old than these newer ones. I watch a lot of those and have been into The Walton’s series. It’s a wholesomeness that we’ve been missing. Love you, Sister. Your new subscribers is certainly weird.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, sister. Yes, the card is appropriate. And I agree about the old movies. The actors and actresses really had to work back then. No digital special effects. Just the story and their acting. Love you and hope you are feeling better. ❤️

  12. D.L. Finn, Author

    I love you bonded with The Wizard of Oz! What a great memory. I hope you figure out the sudden subscribers, too. What a card to pick right now, but I love that quote. Yes, refillable!!!! Xo

  13. Husby and I are getting into old movies–like Wizard of Oz. There is something about the way stories were told decades ago that is appealing, so I see your enjoyment of this movie with your grandson. The subscribers–no never happened to me. On request, WP will transfer subscribers, but that’s not what happened. Very suspicious!

    1. I completely agree about the suspiciousness of the subscribers, Jacqui. I’m going to go with it and see how it all pans out. The old movies were presented so differently than the ones today. There were no special digital effects. They had to create them all. I loved sharing that movie with my grandson. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  14. Congrats on your podcast with Fresh Ink Group, Jan! My sentiments about the inauguration match yours. The image on the tarot card feels apt for today. LOL! Still, like you, I am focusing on my circle of control, which is very small and full of positive energy. Definitely research that huge increase in subscribers. Hopefully, it’s legit! I know with the new social media outlets, it’s quite possible that you have reached more people. 🙂

    Yvette M Calleiro 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Yvette. I found your comment in my spam folder. WordPress…ugh! Anyway, I appreciate your comments and your determination to stay positive in this volatile climate around the globe. Fingers crossed that the subscribers are legitimate, but I certainly have my doubts. Have a great rest of the week!!

  15. petespringerauthor

    I commend you for not getting sucked into the negativity. It feels like we’ve taken ten steps backward as a nation, but I just focus on doing what I can in my own community.

    I haven’t experienced anything like you describe about new subscribers to that magnitude, but I have heard others describing the same thing. I’m pretty sure it’s bots. I have clicked on the sites of some of new “subscribers” and they’re sometimes non-existent.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Pete. Yes. We have to focus on things we can control and stay positive, no matter what. I sent out an experimental newsletter to the supposed new subscribers and I am surprised to see the there has been many opens and even one click through. It is so puzzling, but if they are indeed legitimate, I am grateful.

  16. It’s always fun to connect with family around a favorite movie. I’m glad you had that opportunity. I hope the new subscribers all have a pulse. Have a good week, Jan.

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