Jan Sikes

Monday #Meditation #Motivation #ChakraBalancing #Tarot

Good Morning. The words on this banner are the last words the guide speaks in the meditation I am sharing today. It is so profoundly beautiful I had to make it stand out.

This short meditation guides you in balancing your Chakras (Energy Centers). It’s an energizing way to start your day and your week. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


The mini Tarot reading for this week is absolutely amazing! It almost needs no words. The cards speak for themselves!

All positive, all good. You don’t have to be an expert in the Tarot to know that The World and The Wheel of Fortune cards are totally magic. The World card symbolizes completion, fulfillment, and accomplishment while the Wheel of Fortune offers you just that – a spin at the wheel, and signifies good luck. And finally, the Four of Wands is a celebration. So, what a week we are going to have!! Of course, there is lots more on each of these cards, but I promise to keep this short and sweet. Here’s to you from my heart to yours! Go out and have the best week ever!

38 thoughts on “Monday #Meditation #Motivation #ChakraBalancing #Tarot”

  1. D.L. Finn, Author

    Perfect reading, Jan! I loved this mediation and found I need to work on my root chakra. I need to get back into my charka work again and get more grounded. What a nice way to start the week, thanks. xo

    1. It’s wonderful to balance our chakras. It energizes us and gives us a much more grounded approach to life. I’m so happy you enjoy the meditation. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. What a wonderful reading for this week! And thank you for the meditation to celebrate the wonderful being everybody is. That’s such a lovely start you give to our weeks. Thank you, Jan!

  3. Wow! That’s a fabulous way to greet the new week, Jan. Thanks for helping me start my day in such a positive state of mind. ❤

    1. I definitely think so, Vashti! And I drew the cards with my eyes closed, so they came straight from The Universe! Thank you for stopping by!

    1. You too, Staci! To be honest, I was blown away when I opened my eyes and saw what cards I had laid out. 🙂 Fun stuff! Thanks for stopping by!

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