Jan Sikes

Monday #Meditation #Motivation #TarotReading

Welcome back for another Monday post filled with positive energy and motivation. I’m sharing with you another quote from Sue Vincent.

And now for a short meditation to start your day filled with positive energy!


Such beautiful cards this week! The Four of Wands is exactly what it appears to be – a celebration. Ironically, I just returned from a music festival (my first in almost a full year). It was so great! I hope you’ve had or are looking forward to some sort of celebration as well. We had an Ace last week, so apparently new ideas are flying around everywhere. The Ace of Pentacles represents a new financial or career opportunity, abundance and manifestation. That’s something we can all use. On a personal level, I was able to get one of my books in Kevin Costner’s hand at the music festival, so maybe that will turn into some sort of opportunity. Who knows? All I know is that it is always up to us to make the effort in life. What happens after that is out of our control. The Four of Cups represents contemplation, meditation, reevaluation or possibly apathy. Three cups sit in front of the man with another being offered. Will you take the opportunity or let it pass? It’s always a choice. Perhaps the opportunity doesn’t feel right for you. If that’s the case, it’s best to let it go and keep your eyes on the horizon for what the Universe is bringing that is just right for you.

I hope you have a fabulous week ahead filled with positive vibes!

34 thoughts on “Monday #Meditation #Motivation #TarotReading”

  1. Hi Jan, I am glad to hear you had a good time at the festival and managed to get one of your books to Kevin Costner. The card this week is interesting. Opportunities can be doubled edged swords.

    1. So very true, Robbie. Opportunities and choices can be, as you say, double-edged swords. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  2. I feel such positive energy flowing from you, Jan. That music festival did you good. These are great cards, and it fits your journey so well right now. I can connect with the Four of Cups. Still processing the other two. Lol! I’m going to listen to the meditation tomorrow morning. 🙂

    1. Wonderful, Yvette. Yes, the music festival was good for my soul. It was so wonderful to see people I hadn’t seen in almost two years and to get to hear music! I’m glad you can relate to the Four of Cups. Maybe the other two will have some meaning for you. I hope you enjoy the meditation! Have a wonderful week, and thank you for stopping by!

  3. What? You encountered Kevin Costner and he even has your book now? This sooooo cool!
    I love Sue’s quote. I got goosebumps reading it. And thank you for the card reading again. Really great cards that showed up!

    1. I didn’t get to meet Mr. Costner personally, but I did get “Flowers and Stone” to him through the event coordinator. You’re right. It is SO cool. He may have tossed it straight into the trash can, but at least I tried. 🙂 I loved this quote from Sue. Thank you for stopping by and I’m glad you enjoyed the cards. I did too! Have a great week!

      1. Ah, I see! It is already amazing that it was even accepted to forward. What an experience. Fingers crossed that you receive a feedback!
        Thank you and you have a wonderful week too, Jan 😊

  4. Sue’s quote is spot on. So excited you got your book into Kevin Costner’s hands – how awesome is that? The cards look like they’re in your favor, Jan.

    1. One can hope, Teri. I believe all we can do in life is make the effort and the rest is not up to us. Thank you for stopping by! Have a great week!

  5. Did you tell Kevin you wanted him to star in the movie? Or just have your book in his hand on the next People magazine shoot.? Good cards today. I’m glad you liked the festival

    1. Lol, John. I didn’t get closer enough to Mr. Costner to tell him anything. The event coordinator took my book to him. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the cards. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. D.L. Finn, Author

    I absolutely agree with Sue’s quote. So very true and glad you are sharing them. I’m SO excited you got to pass on your book to Kevin Costner. Yay! How wonderful you got to enjoy the music festival. I hope to do that soon, its one thing I miss. Wonderful reading, I feel a lot of positive coming and it reflected that. Now, I’m going to enjoy the meditation. Thanks for the uplifting post and great way to start the week. Xo

    1. My pleasure, Denise. I’m glad you enjoyed the reading and I know you will enjoy the meditation. I also feel positive things coming this week. I wish you the very best, and thank you for stopping by!

  7. Hi,
    I didn’t know Kevin Costner could sing, but I know it now. I ‘m glad you went to the music festival and so very happy that you could put a book into Kevin Costner’s hands. Who knows what that will bring, the doors it will ope, and how wide the radiance of acceptance will shine. I hope that your step out on the water brings you your heart’s desire.
    Shalom aleichem

    1. Thank you for your beautiful comment, Pat. Yes. Now that you know he also does music, you should look him up. His band is called the Modern West. He doesn’t have a great singing voice, but he did put on a fabulous show and engaged with the audience. Apparently, music is a passion and one he can afford to indulge in. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead! Hugs!

  8. OMG, Jan, I’m so excited that you got one of your books into Kevin Costner’s hand. Who knows where that could lead? Possibilities, indeed!

    1. One never knows. All we can ever do in life is make our best effort and the rest is up to the Universe. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a fabulous week ahead! Hugs!

  9. What a beautiful reading, Jan! I’m so happy for you that you got to go to a music festival, and even more exciting, you were able to give Kevin Costner your book. YAY! ✨✨✨

    1. It was a wonderful event all the way around. I worked my tail off on Friday, but Saturday was a little easier and I got to go listen to some of my favorite artists. Thank you for stopping by. I’m glad you enjoyed the reading! Hugs!

  10. Those are beautiful cards, Jan. I sure could use a couple Aces…if you’re handing them out. 🙂 That’s really cool about Kevin Costner. Did you ask him to be sure and write a review?

    1. Ha Ha, Jill. I didn’t get to see Mr. Costner personally. The event coordinator took him my book. I hope he meant his words when he said he and his wife would read it. Thank you for stopping by. I’m glad you enjoyed the card reading!

  11. How cool that you got one of your books to Kevin Costner. And even without that, it sounds like you had a great time. Glad to hear that.

    My daughter is job hunting. Fingers crossed this indicates something good in her future!

    1. I’ll drink to that, Harmony! 🙂 The festival was amazing and yes, I too hope Mr. Costner likes my story. At least I made the effort and that’s all we can do. The rest is up to the Universe! Thank you for stopping by!

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