Happy Monday and happy start to a new week!
And now for our Tarot Reading for the upcoming week.

There is a lot of energy floating around out there this week, starting with the Knight of Wands. As you can see just from the horse’s demeanor, he is raring to go! This card indicates energy, passion, motivation, and enthusiasm. Sounds like a good start to me. However, be mindful that the Knight of Wands can express himself as an ‘act first, think later’ type of person. In your pursuit of action, you may be impulsive and impatient, expecting everything to be done yesterday. Me? Never! 🙂 The Page of Swords is all about new ideas, a thirst for knowledge, or new ways of communicating. Along with the Knight of Wands, the Page of Swords is also a huge energy and passion card. When this card shows up, you may be bursting at the seams with new ideas or plans for the future. And, as Swords can relate to communication, it can suggest that you are finding a new way to express yourself and are excited to try it out. Then, the Queen of Cups reins it all in with her beautiful sense of calm and balance. In this reading, she is encouraging you to take the energy of these new ideas, projects, or new ways of thinking and find a flow. You are being asked to trust your intuition and pay attention to your feelings and emotions. Lead with your heart, not your head. Be open to receive the intuitive messages flowing to you, be it through your dreams, meditation or visualization. And ‘feel the feels’, even if those feelings are tricky or challenging. You are stronger than you know. Wow! I don’t know about you, but this reading really resonates with me. I’d love to hear from you.
Thank you for joining us for another positive start to a new week!
Great reading for this week, Jan! This reading really resonates with me too. Thank you! <3
Wonderful, Vashti! Thank you for stopping by!
I really need the energy this week, Jan. I’m hitting hurdles with a family member who is having health issues. It’s been an exhausting week, but I’m hoping for improvement moving ahead. I need to disappear into the soothing meditation!
Calgon take me away! Little did we know back then the power of that commercial. Calgon was just a means to get into that relaxed state of meditation. 🙂 I do hope you find the energy you need to jump over the hurdles that are in front of you Mae. Thank you for stopping by! Hugs!
Jan, loved the Rumi quote to start off, and then did identify with today’s cards. Galloping off “in all directions,” is what I often do, when I should be taking a breath and thinking! Since I am really struggling with several projects right now, I appreciated the Queen of Cups calming influence. I’m going to concentrate on the Queen! Thanks!
Hi, Maura Beth. Thank you so much for your comment. I am so glad you enjoyed the quote. It is one I have taped to my bathroom mirror as a daily reminder. And, I’m happy you enjoyed the tarot reading. Here’s to the Queen who keeps everything in balance! Have a great day! Hugs!
I love that you talk about the positives. I know the world has problems but they’re more palatable with a spoon full of sugar.
Here’s my out look on that, Jacqui. Yes, the world is filled with problems and on a global scale. I can do nothing about those problems, but I can work on my own little corner of the world and try to make it the best it can be. That’s really all any of us can do. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by today!
That’s my approach, too, though maybe my books hint at a more far-reaching impact. Still, I try to be a responsible citizen of the Earth, do what I can, and not explode when others act like i*****
Wow, that reading gave me goosebumps! I am finding the most beautiful feathers everywhere, lately, and in some way, this reading is another confirmation. “Take action (you know what you want), realize your ideas, and will be the fulfilling you are looking for.” Just thought this would sum the reading up for me personally. Thanks so much for sharing your readings every Monday. Oh, and I love the quote which goes along so wonderfully with the reading, in my opinion.
Thank you so much for stopping by, Erika. I’m glad the reading resonated with you. How amazing to be finding feathers everywhere. I always take them as a love message from the Universe, and a confirmation that we are never alone on this journey. I wish you the very best with following your heart and manifesting your inspired ideas!
Yes, exactly, like you, I see feathers as strong signs of confirmation, and of letting me know that I am guided and (as you said) not left alone out here. Lately, they are almost haunting me.
Thank you, dear Jan. And your posts are such signposts too!
What a great reading today, Jan. I had to laugh out loud at the acting before thinking comment. It describes me to a T. Just reading your interpretation lights a fire. Thanks.
Yep. I relate, John. Thank you for stopping by!
That reading could be relative to my looming work week. Nice to ponder it ahead of time.
What is the saying, Craig? Forewarned is forearmed? Here’s to being forearmed!
Jan, this reading is sure me to a tee with my impending relocation plus a new series in the wings that I’m excited about. I feel that everything is falling into place the way it’s supposed to and it’s a good feeling to know I’m on the right path. Love you dearly, little sister.
I definitely thought of you when these cards came up. Thank goodness for the influence of the Queen to level everything out! Love you too, sister, and thank you for stopping by!
Wonderful quote and I loved the meditation:) Great way to start my week. I loved the reading and it fits I’m deciding what my next project is, and I haven’t been able to make up my mind between a short story collection, and two stories I wrote during NaNo. I will have to see where my heart leads this week. Xo
Isn’t it wonderful to be at that creative crossroads, Denise? I just love it. I know your heart will lead you where you need to go. Thank you for stopping by! Hugs!
Jan, a wonderfully uplifting reading and as I’m often I have often been told I think too much, letting my head lead the way, I like the thought of giving the heart free rein! In the modern world, we sometimes forget to listen to our intuition, pushing it aside, your post reminds us to pay heed, giving it all the attention it deserves.
I agree, Annika. The world seems to demand of us that we lead from the head, but truly the heart will never take us down a wrong path. Thank you for stopping by and I’m glad you enjoyed the post!
Goodness. Lots of energy here, Jan. Thank goodness for that queen. I’m feeling the energy (partly with the return of spring) and I’m glad she’s there to keep the peace. I love these spreads. I’m glad you’re doing them again.
Thank you, Diana. Yes, thank goodness for some balance for all of that energy! And you are right about the return of spring bringing renewal and inspiration. Thank you for stopping by!
It really resonates with me as well, Jan. Thank you for sharing the beautiful meditation and extra special reflection. Love it! 💗
When these cards came up, dear Gwen, I immediately thought of you and all that’s going on in your life. I’m glad you enjoyed the meditation and Rumi quote. It is one I keep taped to my bathroom mirror as a daily reminder. Here’s to spreading your wings and the amazing energy to help you take flight! Hugs!
I could definitely use some of that energy. Thanks for the meditation, Jan…very nice.
Thanks for stopping by, Jill. I’m glad you enjoyed the meditation and hope the energy from the Tarot cards comes flooding in!! Have a great day!
My energy has not been flowing well lately, so hopefully, these cards can infuse me with their message. Thanks for the nice meditation this morning, Jan. 🙂
Oh, I certainly hope so, Yvette! I’m glad you enjoyed the meditation and thank you for stopping by! I hope you have a wonderful day!