Happy Monday! Welcome to another opportunity to pause and reset your intentions for a new week!

We continue with our efforts to open and balance the chakras. This week, we are focusing on the fifth major chakra. The Throat Chakra is located in the center of the throat and back of the neck. It controls our flow of communication, self-expression, and listening. When there is an imbalance, you may find that you have a harder time speaking your truth or getting your message across to another. This also affects our creativity in writing. Our job as writers is to get the thoughts and images from our heads and hearts into words that convey them accurately and effectively. Some ways you may be able to tell if this chakra is blocked would be, hesitation to speak your truth, having your throat close up or constrict when you are trying to talk, a sore throat, a raspy voice, or if you feel anxious about a conversation. You can enhance this chakra by wearing the color blue, especially in jewelry around your neck. Gemstones that are great for the throat chakra are Turquoise, Kyanite, Aquamarine, or Lapis Lazuli. You can also help activate this chakra by doing neck stretches and repeating affirmations.
Here’s a short meditation to help balance the Throat Chakra.
Now for our Tarot Reading for the upcoming week.

The King of Swords is a symbol of intellectual power and authority. It indicates that you have a clarity of mind and can perceive the truth, so it is up to you to take the lead with providing an objective point of view and making decisions based on impartial judgement. The King of Swords encourages you to use your logic and intellect to navigate the path ahead. The Three of Pentacles is all about teamwork, collaboration, learning and implementation. It can represent the value of different ideas and levels of experience in collaboration. Each person has an important role to play, and when they come together as a team, they can create something much more significant than if they were to undertake the project on their own. So, when the Three of Pentacles turns up in a Tarot reading, take it as a sign to collaborate with others, creating synergies to achieve big results. The Eight of Pentacles is a card of apprenticeship and mastery. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, you are working hard to improve your skills and become a master at what you do. It may indicate further education or study in order to hone your skills. More broadly, the Eight of Pentacles suggests you are working away at the finer details of the various aspects of your life, in an effort to continuously improve your situation. The Eight of Pentacles encourages you to keep doing what you are doing as it will eventually lead to success.
So, an overall take on this reading would be to implement teamwork and collaboration, work hard to improve your skills and all with clarity of mind and an objective point of view.
Sounds good to me. Make it a great week!
The throat chakra meditation was relaxing, Jan! Next time I’ll wear my turquoise necklace! Cool stuff, thanks!
Awesome, Linda! I’m glad you stopped by and that you enjoyed the meditation. Hugs!
When I sit down to write this week I’m going to be draped in blue and wear turquoise jewelry!
Perfect, Teri! I think I will join you. I wonder if that would count as collaboration? 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!
I like the idea of keeping at the self-improvement projects since the Eight of Pentacles projects success. Thanks Jan
Always, John! I never want to stop! Thanks for stopping by!
You have plenty of sream, Jan. 😁
Wow to that reading again. We are a small team of three at work. My business partner and I tried to find a third person who is able to think reasonably and sharply and takes responsibility for her own part in that team. We now have one of who we think, she could be it, eventually. And yes, my part does take me to my limits and needs a lot of effort to achieve the level I am supposed to reach. Because right today, I got to feel my limits again. Again, awesome reading!!
I’m so glad you enjoyed the reading, Erika! I do hope the new person works out to help balance out the team. By the way, I LOVE the new profile photo! Gorgeous!
Thank you for your wishes, we really hope so too and so far it looks good. So, your reading enhanced my hopes and confirmed my perception.
My, thank you, Jan. It was high time for an update… lol
All excellent stuff to begin the week with, Jan. It appears teamwork and collaboration are the main focus. I’ll try to see how it applies to me. But…I’ve started a new short story to be included in my writing group’s anthology so maybe that’s it. I like where the story is going so far. You have a good day, sister. Love you.
Oh, I definitely think that would apply. That is for sure teamwork and collaboration! So glad you are participating in the anthology. Thank you for stopping by, sister, and I can’t wait to see what the new story is about! Love you!
Hello Jan and all.
I’m curious, if someone is continuously having issues with their voice, is it possible this could be an indication that they’re dishonest?
The reason I ask is that I’ve someone in my life who I believe is not being totally truthful with me and others they work with and they continue having serious issue with their throat?
Just curious.
Oh, I definitely think so, Patty. I think with enough time and consistent behavior with anything can manifest in a physical issue. Of course, sometimes there are underlying circumstances, such as smoking. But I do think our behavior and our thoughts can manifest in physical ailments. Thank you for stopping by!
Hi again Jan and all.
Well, this person continues having serious allergy issues and her voice has become very raspy over the last few weeks but anyhow, on top of this every-time I pull a tarot card in questioning about them it comes up with one which always points to dishonest or untrustworthy behavior.
I believe I’m going to work toward extracting myself. LOL.
I can definitely apply this reading to my week ahead. I’m leaving for my road trip, so I will literally be navigating my path this week while having to collaborate with my parents and son while continuing to practice calming my anxieties and increasing my patience. LOL! I will do the throat chakra meditation a bit later today. Great post, Jan! 🙂
Oh, how wonderful, Yvette! I know you will have a great trip. It just feels good to be able to get out again after lockdown! Thank you for stopping by and I’m so glad the reading resonated with you. I think you will enjoy the throat chakra meditation, too. Hugs!
Great reading today, Jan. Thanks for sharing! Have a great Monday.
Always a pleasure, Jill! Thank you for stopping by!
Interesting that you got a throat/speaking/truth chakra with a teamwork/collaboration reading. Interesting stuff, Jan. Have a fabulous week!
Isn’t it though, Staci? 🙂 I just love the way synchronicity works!! Thank you for stopping by and here’s to a great week of truth, teamwork, and collaboration!! Hugs!
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Thank you for the reblog, Granny Moon!
Beautiful quote, Jan. A perfect way to begin the week.
Thank you for stopping by, Joan! Have a wonderful day AND week!
A wonderful reading, Jan. I love the teamwork and collaboration aspects as well as aiming for clarity of mind and truth. Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely week 🙂
I do too, Harmony! I am inspired today and starting this week feeling the awesomeness of collaboration! Thank you for stopping by!