Jan Sikes

#MondayMotivation – #Meditation – #RuneOracleCard #DragonOracleCard

Good morning beautiful souls! I missed you last week while I was away. We had a jam-packed week of fun in the Florida sun at Universal Studios and Volcano Bay. The kiddos loved it. They are big Harry Potter fans, so that was a big treat for them.

Now it’s back to the real world, although I will be away again next Monday.

Created in Canva

Within the structure of our Universe, there is a perfect balance. This meditation brings such a state of peaceful harmony, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I recently bought a new deck of Oracle cards and wanted to use them in the weekly reading.

Photo by Jan Sikes Rune Oracle Cards

The card I drew for this week is Isa. I added the actual rune with this symbol to the photo.

Photo by Jan Sikes

The meaning of Isa is Ice. The keyword is intuition.

Odin holds a stick on the end of which shines a transparent stone as if might have been carved from ice. This symbolizes the purity of truth. There is such power in this card. He almost looks angry and most certainly determined. I love all the different colors and symbols on his robe.

The rune is associated with thought and intuition. We might have unexpected flashes of awareness occur that can pierce the veil of illusion and sometimes cause turmoil, both internal and external.

Courage and moral strength are needed to be able to sustain our truth unwaveringly.

Isa protects us from overly harsh criticism and enhances our critical thinking and self-esteem.

My Takeaway:

This is pretty straightforward. The truth is our strength in any and every situation. Unexpected awareness can shake us out of our comfort zones. Harsh criticism is something we, as authors, often experience. I think the message in this is to remain unwaveringly in our truth, keep our self-esteem and never stop believing in our stories.

What a lovely Dragon Card showed up today!

Quan Yin's Pink Dragon brings firm love that resets your karmic balance. See all your cords dissolved by transcendent love. Enjoy your freedom. Look for the divine around you.
Photo by Jan Sikes

I wish you a great week ahead! Keep your balance!

35 thoughts on “#MondayMotivation – #Meditation – #RuneOracleCard #DragonOracleCard”

  1. I can’t believe it’s already Friday, and I’m just getting around to reading this. Lol! I love the new cards, Jan! The message is wonderful, and that dragon card is just beautiful! Happy you had fun in the sunshine state! 🙂

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Yvette. It’s the time of year when we are all distracted and for parents, the summer is coming to an end which creates even more things to handle. I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

  2. Glad you had fun in the sun. We are not as it’s well over 40c in England.We are not used to those temperaturs so are all melting away. I have a new blog site Jan, joymlilleyauthor.wordpress.com Hope you get a chance to visit. Best wishes,

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Joy. Yes, I’ve been hearing about the soaring temperatures in the UK. Here’s hoping for some relief soon! I’ll check out your new blog site.

  3. petespringerauthor

    Great card! When in doubt, trust our intuition. Glad to hear your time away was so fun.

  4. Gwen M. Plano

    A beautiful reading, Jan. Thank you. I love the silence and the reminder. Perfect. 💗

  5. We’re big Univeral fans and I’m a HP fan, but hubby isn’t even though he enjoys the theme park. I bet they had a ball!

    1. They most certainly did, Teri. It was pretty amazing, just thinking about what it took to build it. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. “Unexpected awareness can shake us out of our comfort zones.” Wow, this hit home. I have been at that point a couple days ago. It was a healthy insight that really cleared my mind, put my heart on top, and silenced my ego instantly. Thank you again for the confirmation. That was so important!

    1. It’s that unexpected awareness that can bring about changes in our lives. When for a brief moment, the veil of illusion is lifted, amazing things can happen. Thank you so much for stopping by and for the confirmation! Hugs!

      1. You say it, “for a brief moment” but the awareness that got revealed can last for the rest of the life. Amazing!

  7. HI Jan, it sounds like you had a terrific break. Volcano Bay sounds interesting. Thanks for this reading, truth is so important and yet so scarce, it seems, especially in politics.

    1. That is 100% for sure, Robbie. It’s a shame that leaders have allowed corruption to flourish. Thank you for stopping by today. I appreciate your comment.

  8. I love this. Never stop believing in our stories is such good advice and we need to be reminded from time to time. Thanks.

    1. I most certainly do, Darlene, especially when sales drop to nothing. I was glad to get the reminder. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I can’t tell you how often I have to remember to stay true to my stories given comments about them. This reading gave me comfort today Jan. Thanks.

    1. I am right there with you, John. If we don’t believe in our stories, we can’t expect anyone else to. I’m glad this reading brought a measure of comfort. Thank you for stopping by!

  10. brodaylinda932

    Jan, I love these Rune cards. You seem to have been led by the spirits as always. This is a great message and one writers can use every single day. Negativity just seems to plague us because people these days have lost their buffer. Strange times in which we live. This is the most beautiful dragon card you’ve pulled. We can stand to reset our Karmic balance. Glad you had a wonderful vacation, sister.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, sister. I knew I had to have the Rune cards when I saw them, and I am really enjoying them. You are right in that negativity is everywhere. It’s up to each one of us to stay positive. I agree about the dragon card. It is beautiful. Love you!

    1. Hi, Jeanne. I found the Rune cards in a metaphysical store in Lewisville. I’d never seen them before and had to have them. I don’t know if they’re available online, but I’m sure they are. Thank you for stopping by, and I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

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