Good Monday Morning and Happy Valentine’s Day! As we look at the week ahead, I see an overarching theme beginning with the quote.

The meditation I chose to share today is different and was extremely powerful for me. Do you believe we have a team that assists us from other dimensions? Regardless of your beliefs, I think you’ll find this meditation to be amazing.
Returning to the Runes for reading this week, I am struck once again with the accuracy of what comes up.

Anytime the Wunjo symbol comes up in a reading, I get excited as this is the symbol I chose to use in my entire White Rune Series. It is a very positive rune and translates to joy and harmony, especially in regard to relationships. How appropriate for Valentine’s Day! One thing this rune reminds us of is the importance of focusing on the positive. When we focus on the negative, it brings more negative into our lives. It is the Law of Attraction. If you find yourself feeling down or out of sorts, take a step back and look at what you are focusing on. Remember, thoughts are as powerful as actions and words. Sometimes we need to readjust our thinking.
Perthro sitting in the middle of this reading indicates mystery, secrets, or things hidden. It may indicate that things are not as they appear outwardly and that perhaps something previously unknown is about to be revealed. This could be a secret you or someone else is keeping, or it may indicate a spiritual truth. If you’ve been wrestling with a stubborn conundrum, Perthro may be signaling the need to go within to find the answers you seek. Spent time in meditation, go for a long walk, or find other ways to attune with the Universal energies.
In the final position, Fehu most often concerns money or other moveable wealth. It is an indication of general abundance and rewards. It may indicate that a financial boost is coming your way. Or it may indicate good health, plenty of food, and love. Abundance comes in many forms. The main message here is to give thanks for what you have and share your good fortune with others.
My Takeaway:
Focus on positive loving energy, seek unknown truths and share your bounty with others, whether this is physically or energetically. A smile can go a long way toward brightening someone’s day.
On a more personal note, if you are fortunate enough to still have a physical partner in life, make sure they know how much you appreciate them.
Your thoughts?
This may be my favorite Dragon Oracle Card so far! Just stunning!

Several have asked where these cards can be found, so here is a purchase link on Amazon.
It’s always interesting to read your interpretation of these runes. Great way to start my day, Jan.
Wonderful, Jacqui! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
I like doing this type of meditations, but its been a while. Great reading and dragon card. It’s true we have to focus on the postive instead of the negative.
I loved it too, Denise, and I did visualize a new guide. From what I understand, different guides come forward when we need them the most. I always welcome any and all higher dimensional help! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! Hugs!
A beautiful reading, as always! Thank you, Jan. Choosing love and all its expressions can be difficult at times, but it’s well worth the effort. 💞
Thank you, Gwen. I totally agree that choosing love is not always easy, but is always rewarding! I appreciate your comment!
What a great rune reading – and a dragon to go along with it. Happy Valentine’s Day, Jan!
Thanks, Teri. I’m glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for leaving a comment! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too!
Thanks, Jan, for the positive loving energy from your Runes reading today. The series of posts on runes always uplifts me. Have a Wonderful Valentine’s Day!
My pleasure, Linnea! Thank you for stopping by!
Showing the ones you love is a full-time pleasure. Thanks for the reading, Jan
Yes, it is, John! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!
That quote is quite powerful. I guess the energies knew that today was the day to celebrate love in all forms. Your reading and dragon card are right on the money. Great post, Jan! 🙂
Happy Love Day, Yvette! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you for leaving a comment!
Hi, I shared this onto my blog but was unable to do anything except email the link to my blog email address due to an Internet outage I just wanted to let you know I think this is a great post this week.
Patty Fletcher lives in Kingsport Tennessee where she works as an author and social media marketing assistant. Learn more at:
Thank you so much, Patty. I appreciate you sharing and so glad you enjoyed the post!
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I love the Elvis quote, Jan! And again, I can totally relate to your reading in my personal way. I love the mystery about it today. Thank you for this post!
I loved the quote, too, Erika! I’m glad you could relate to the reading. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment!
Your Monday Motivation posts are among my favorite posts to read 💖
I love this rune reading!! Happy Valentine´s Day.
Thank you, Darlene! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too!
Reblogged this on GrannyMoon's Morning Feast.
Thank you, Granny Moon!
Oh! What a lovely dragon today. Perfect for Valentine’s Day. As is your rune reading. So appropriate!
My Valentine this year is my new granddaughter. Giving and receiving so much love! Have a lovely holiday, Jan.
Oh, most definitely, Staci! What a sweet little blessing. There is nothing like it. I’m glad you enjoyed today’s post and thank you for stopping by!
I needed this post today. Thank you for sharing, Jan.
Yay! So glad you found it inspiring, Marlena!
Thanks, I needed this reminder.
My pleasure, Alethea! Thanks for leaving a comment!
A great takeaway for today. I love the Elvis quote, too! Happy Valentine’s Day, Jan!
I did too, Jill. Who knew that even The King had some words of wisdom? Thanks for stopping by and I wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day, too!
A great message to start the week with, and such a lovely dragon.
Thank you, Jeanne, for stopping by. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post!
That is a lovely dragon card, Jan. Today is a good time to focus on positive loving energy. Happy Valentine’s Day!
I totally agree, Joan. It’s the day of love and a great time to focus on that energy! Thanks for stopping by! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too!
Those dragon cards are all so gorgeous, it’s really hard to choose a favorite. That’s another stunning example!
Focusing on positive loving energy is a great takeaway for every day, but especially this one. Happy Valentine’s Day, Jan!
Thank you, Mae, for stopping by and leaving a comment today! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too. I agree about the dragon cards. Glad you enjoyed the post today!