Jan Sikes

#MondayMotivation – Meditation – #TarotReading #DragonOracleCard

Happy Monday! I wish you a great start to a new week. Let’s plant some seeds!

This mindfulness meditation is short but powerful for centering.

The Tarot cards really spoke to me today. I hope something about the reading will also resonate with you.

Photo by Jan Sikes

I know these cards will look familiar to you. We’ve seen them before, but never all three together.

First of all, notice the numbers (5,6,7). Interesting.

The Seven of Cups represents choices and decisions. There are so many things to choose from, and you may find your ideas are not grounded in reality. Often, the Seven of Cups can be a sign of wishful thinking and projecting into the future about what you would like to create, rather than taking action here in the present to make it happen. The Seven of Cups may be a sign of shiny object syndrome, where you keep finding the ‘next big thing’ but fail to see any of those new opportunities through to the end. When you are constantly in the idea phase, you miss the chance to bring your designs into fruition. Now is a time to focus on the one thing that will move you closer to your goal; resist the temptation to get side-tracked with other ideas as they arise. If need be, note your ideas as they come up, but stay focused on the one thing you’re doing. This card is inviting you to move out of the ideas and options phase and choose. Remember your choices today form your tomorrow.

The Five of Pentacles typically represent loss or poverty. It may predict hard times, especially when it comes to your work, career, finances, and material possessions. In this time of need, the Five of Pentacles indicates that you feel isolated and alone. Just like the two people in the card, you feel as if you have been left in the cold. You may wonder, “Why is no one coming to help me!?” It may appear as if no one cares anymore. However, since the windows in the church are lit up, help is nearby, but you are too focused on your problems to notice. You may be waiting for someone to come and help you when really, you need to be proactive and ask for help. You need to swallow your pride or let go of your fear of rejection and reach out. People are here to support you. Find them and let them know you need them. The upside is that this is a Minor Arcana card with temporary effects (rather than a Major Arcana card which has a longer-term impact). This, too, shall pass.

The Six of Swords may indicate that you are in a state of transition, leaving behind the familiar and moving toward the unknown. This change may be your own doing or forced upon you, and you may feel sad to leave behind what is so familiar to you. However, you know this move is essential for your growth and personal development. The card invites you to let go of whatever is holding you back. You are headed toward a much better position in life, so long as you are willing to evolve and shed whatever you no longer need. Do not dwell on what gets left behind. Instead, use this as an opportunity to change your beliefs about yourself, moving away from whom you used to be and toward whom you want to be. Similarly, the Six of Swords asks you to reflect on any emotional or mental baggage you may carry as you move from one phase to the next. In the boat stand six upstanding swords – a sign you are still carrying a heavy weight from your past as you move forward, which might slow your personal growth. These ‘swords’ may be memories, relationships, habits, behaviors, thought patterns, and beliefs that are no longer serving you. Decide what you need to take with you and what you can leave behind. The one comfort that always stands out to me about this card is that you are not alone. The boatman is helping get you where you need to be, and it’s a much better place.


Be mindful of the choices you make. Choosing something that is not grounded in reality is setting yourself up for failure, the feeling of loss, and desperation. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It is time to leave behind what no longer serves you and move on to something better and brighter. But you are never alone.

And this little Dragon is ready to help clear your way!

Deep Blue Dragon - Keeps you safe by clearing your pathway. Trust that you are protected. Walk on a path of light.

42 thoughts on “#MondayMotivation – Meditation – #TarotReading #DragonOracleCard”

    1. That’s a good analogy, Priscilla. Time waits for no one. I’m glad you enjoyed the reading. I love it when it resonates with someone. I appreciate your comment!

  1. This really speaks to me, Jan. I’ve been trying to cut things out that don’t work for me in an effort to find more time in the day. Wish there was some magical formula to figure that out!

    1. I wish for several magical formulas, Teri, and how to find more time in my day would be at the top of that list. Thank you for stopping by and I’m happy you enjoyed the post!

  2. A more cautionary reading today, Jan. I like the ones that shake us up a little and ask us to step back and take stock. It’s usually a necessary step toward growth. Thanks for the insightful reading. May we focus and find our paths forward.

    1. Cautionary is a good word for the reading this week. Sometimes we need to stop and take a look at what we’re doing. I’m happy you enjoyed the reading. I agree with you. May we focus and find our paths forward! Here’s to a great week ahead. Thank you for visiting.

  3. petespringerauthor

    Interesting set of cards today, Jan. I can see how the seven and six could work together. The seven (wishful thinking) combined with the six (state of transition).

  4. Wonderful for this week, Jan! And I love your statement: “Let’s plant some seeds!”

    Thanks for sharing! Have a lovely week. 🙂

  5. I love the quote you picked today.
    The reading took my breath. It is the Minor Arcade but what a powerful combo the three cards make! The reading totally represents my daughter’s job situation. She followed the right steps and now, the relief and reward are embracing her.

    1. Oh, how wonderful. I just love confirmations. Often we have to let go in order to move onto better things. I’m glad you enjoyed the post! Have a great week ahead!

      1. Yes, often we have a plan in mind and pursuing it while the bigger picture only opens up because we took that step. It is amazing! Thank you for your amazing inspiration and inputs with your readings, always💖

  6. D.L. Finn, Author

    I love that sweet dragon clearing a path 🙂 I have been stuck in the idea stage for quite some time. I know I need to write them down and start working on them. As for help, I’m horrible at asking for it. I do need to let some stuff go and move forward. This reading hit home.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Denise. I love the little dragon, too. Asking for help? I’m the world’s worst! I’m glad the reading resonated with you. Hope you have a good week ahead!

  7. Wow, this really hits home to me with a new publisher, new editor, and a new path that is scary. I don’t know how this will all work but I trust that I’m moving forward on something that will bring me great benefits. And then the great blue dragon. After my encounter with that dark spirit on Saturday that left me shaken, this blue dragon is protecting and clearing the path. Thank God! That was scary. Love you, sister.

    1. Most definitely, sister! The little blue dragon is clearing it all away. We never know how things will work out when there is change, so trust is a big factor. I hope your new direction will bring you loads of success. Thank you for stopping by! Love you!

  8. Love the quote! As for the takeaway it doesn’t apply to me right now, but when I measure it against a friend’s news I received this morning, it’s a perfect alignment for her.

    As always, I’m enamored of the dragon 😊

    Happy Monday, Jan!

    1. I always hope the reading will resonate with someone. I never know. I just get the cards I get. I agree about the little dragons. I just love that deck of cards and find myself going to them anytime I have a dilemma or question. Thank you for stopping by, Mae, and I wish you a great week ahead!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it, Craig. It definitely spoke to me as I tend to live with my head in the clouds and my choices aren’t always made wisely. Thanks for stopping by!

    1. I think we all struggle with that, Jill. It’s not easy letting go of what’s left behind, whether by choice or by force. We are all a work in progress, that’s for sure. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great week ahead!

    1. That’s good to hear, Staci. They definitely spoke to me. Life is all about choices and staying grounded is not always easy for me. Maybe that’s why I had to discover meditation at such a young age. Thank you for stopping by! I hope your week is productive and peaceful!

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