Even though I am on a blog tour, I cannot disregard my regular posts. So, your inbox will receive two from me today.

Today’s meditation I found to be particularly relaxing. I hope you enjoy it too.
And now for the Tarot Reading for the week.

The Page of Cups suggests a new idea or opportunity has come to you out of the blue. Your creative energy is flowing, and now the question is how you will express it. It invites you to have an open and curious mind. Be open to anything – including a fish popping its head out of a cup! It is with a curious mind that you will discover new aspects of life and yourself. Open your mind to all possibilities, especially those of a creative or intuitive nature, you will be pleasantly surprised. This card often appears when you are being called to trust your intuition and be open to the multitude of intuitive messages coming your way.
The stern and regal Emperor comes from the Major Arcana. The Emperor represents a powerful leader who demands respect and authority. Status, power, and recognition are essential to you, and you are most comfortable in a leadership role where you can command and direct others. As a leader, you rule with a firm but fair hand. You have a clear vision of what you want to create, and you organize those around you to manifest your goal. You listen to the advice of others, but you prefer to have the final say. The Emperor also reflects a system bound by rules and regulations. You create law and order by applying principles or guidelines to a specific situation. Create calm out of chaos by breaking down any problem into its parts and then mapping out the actions you need to take to resolve it. Be systematic, strategic, and highly organized in your approach, and stick to your plan until the end.
The Six of Cups is a card that takes you back to the happy memories from your past, whether as a child, teenager or young adult. You may simply be revisiting those memories in your mind, or you may travel back to your childhood home or reconnect with your childhood friends. Six is a harmony number and indicates cooperation in your relationships. You are ready to give and receive, without expectation. The Six of Cups can also refer to children in your life. It can suggest a pregnancy, a birth, and siblings who play nicely together. It may also be a sign that you are about to spend more time with young children, playing, laughing, and learning together. Children are often here to teach you something about yourself and can serve as great advisors. Kids also set good examples for how to stay present, open-minded, and curious. They see the world as a magical place and their hearts are open to the myriad of pleasures available to them.
I think as writers, we are always open to new creative ideas and nudges, but it seems this is a particularly auspicious time for beginning something new while staying within the boundaries of protocol and approaching with a systematic or organized mindset. Staying in harmony with others and keeping that mindset of our inner child will help keep it all lighthearted and pleasant.
For me personally, this reading really struck a chord as I am starting to work on a new series, but doing it in a completely different way. I’ve always been a pantser, just wrote the stories as they unfolded, but for this series, I am outlining and planning, but at the same time trying not to let it feel too heavy. Let me hear from you. Does this reading resonate with you in any way?
This Dragon card is just gorgeous. That’s all you can say about it.

I am not a pantster, Jan, I think I am to much of a control freak for that to work well for me. This is a great reading, but I don’t want any new ideas. I already have 5 WIPs in various stages of completion. Inspiration and a swift pen to finish my next chapter would be great.
Lol, Robbie! Five projects! Wow! Yes, you definitely need inspiration and a swift pen. Best wishes in all of your endeavors. Thanks for stopping by!
This is perfect for me, Jan, as I began working on a new novel yesterday.
Wonderful, Joan!! I’d say the reading fits for sure. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!
I sure wouldn’t mind some new and creative energy. I didn’t know you were a pantster, Jan – that interesting you’ve planned and outlined this new series. I’ve tried to lean more in that direction also, but sometimes the characters still surprise me – which is usually a good thing. Have a great week!
I have always had some idea of where my story was going, but I’ve never done the detailed outlining that I am trying with this new series. We shall see. I think no matter whether we outline or not, we have to be open to the characters surprising us now and then. Thank you for your comment! I’m glad you stopped by!
Good luck with the plotting Jan. I think that the dragon card usually turns up when it is most needed… usually when there might be a challenge or some extra impetus and courage required. We shall see…love the card and the promise it offers ♥
That is so very true, Sally. What we need shows up at just the right time. Thank you for stopping by!
Great reading and meditation. I really loved the dragon card and nature keeps calling to me for inner healing. I do have a lot of new ideas but need to finish editing what I’m working on and past work. Although that inner child needs some attention too. Thanks for the Monday inspiration.
Spring is coming, Denise. I think the inner child in all of us is anxious to get outdoors and play! Thank you for stopping by and so glad you enjoyed the post!
I love the quote, the Dragon card, and of course, the reading. I like your summary, but it also goes along so well with my post today. So, thanks for the reading, dear Jan 💖
I thought the same thing when I read your post, Erika. They do compliment each other today. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
So stunning! See, that’s why I love your readings. They never fail to amaze me the way they speak to me 💖
Another awesome #MotivationalMonday! ✨✨✨
Good reading, Jan. I wish you well on the plotting.
Thanks, John. I need all the well-wishes I can get!
I think you have a lot of them
I’m all about the Six of Cups these days. And loving every second of it!
Great post, Jan. (And good luck with your WIP.)
I immediately thought of you when this card came up, Staci! It certainly fits. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Soak up that sweet fresh baby love!!
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Thank you for reblogging, Patty!
Another great reading, Jan! The Dragon Card is beautiful! I’m such a fan of nature and love being surrounded by it. There’s such a calmness. As for the tarot cards, I can definitely relate to the creativity side. I’ve felt like I have been at a high the last couple of weeks. My mind has been reeling with ideas and plans for the coming year. It’s even a little overwhelming but in the most positive way!
I love it when the creative juices flow, Marlena! It is so exciting and exhilarating. I agree about the dragon card. It is beautiful as is nature. Thank you for stopping by and I’m raising my glass to your creativity!!
Love the meditation and reading, Jan. The Emperor card is a bit odd for me because I’ve never been comfortable in a leadership role. I’m more of a follower. Maybe this is meant for someone else. It’s funny about the 6 of cups because I’ve been thinking a lot about us as kids. 🙂 Have a beautiful day, Sister.
That is an interesting observation, sister. However, I disagree about you being a leader. You always managed to lead me. 🙂 The other aspect of the Emperor card that talks about boundaries and adhering to protocol fits you to a T. Thank you for stopping by today and leaving a comment! Love you!
I’m definitely open to new and creative energy right now, Jan. I’m finally making progress on a WIP that has been languishing for some time, and I have two other projects niggling for attention. I think I will likely plants the shorter of the two, but the longer is likely to require more plotting then I usually do. I think it might be time for me to tackle plotting, too.
LOVE that dragon card! Utterly gorgeous!!
Then we are in the same boat together, Mae. I’m just hoping my boat doesn’t have a hole in it and I sink. 🙂 I know I have lots more to learn about all forms of writing and that part is exciting! It’s that feeling of excitement that I’ve been waiting for. Thank you for stopping by and I’m glad you love the dragon card!
I love Mark Twain’s quote and all that follows. I’m working on a very different story right now, and this reading is an inspiration. Thank you, Jan. 😊
I agree about the Mark Twain quote, Gwen. It really hits home these days. Thank you so much for stopping by and I am glad the reading resonated with you!
Love the dragon card and how the dragon is holding a key. 💚
I agree, Alethea! It is such a beautiful card with so much minute detail! Thanks for leaving a comment today!
Kids are a great example for adults, in particular writers. I’m in the same boat as you, Jan….planning and plotting. I’m longing for my pantser days. 🙁 Thanks for the mediation today!
Lol, Jill. I’m not totally abandoning pantser writing forever, just for this project. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!
My next WIP has been whispering to me lately. And I’ve recently planned my summer trip, but this time it’s just my son and me, so I’m in full control (with full responsibility). I’m looking forward to it because it will be a time for he and I to enjoy adventure together. As for the dragon, nature always speaks if we are willing to listen. 😉 Great post, Jan! 🙂
I love your comment, Yvette. The Pages in the tarot deck almost always represent a young person and in this case, I’d say it represents a new and wonderful opportunity with your son. How exciting! It will be something you will both always remember. And I agree, nature always speaks. Thank you for stopping by!
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