I am so pleased and excited to share an awesome new book release with you from a fellow Wild Rose Press author, Dan Rice! Take a look at this fabulous cover!

But I am going to let Dan tell you about it!
Thanks for having me as your guest today, Jan. I’m super excited about my new book and I hope your readers will be too!
Dragons Walk Among Us is about the friendship between the protagonist Allison Lee and her squad. I imagine them as typical high schoolers with lives and interests and conflicts young adult audiences will identify with. For example, Allison is infatuated with cross country star Jason, who sees her only as a friend, if a good one. Unbeknownst to Allison, her close friend Haji harbors a ginormous crush on her.
The card-carrying members of Allison’s squad are Dalia, her BFF, and Haji, the editor of the school’s online newspaper. The three of them are inseparable, although Allison seeing or perhaps hallucinating mythical creatures threatens their bond. While the story is 100% Allison’s, Dalia and Haji are significant players in the novel’s plot. As such, I give each unique interests, while allowing for enough overlap for great friendships.
Let’s take a closer look at Allison. She is more introverted than her squad but isn’t painfully shy. This one trait differentiates her quite a bit from her more outgoing friends. Her passion is photography in all its forms. In fact, she photographs many of the sporting events Haji covers for the school newspaper. Allison’s also concerned about the environment and photographs local climate protests that Dalia organizes. Right away, you can see how their interests are different yet intersect. I hope this makes their friendship seem realistic.
Of course, there are other ways I differentiate the characters. Allison is biracial and, at one point, suffers abuse for her appearance. Dalia dyes her hair neon pink and sports a nose ring. While the two girls are cross country runners, Haji refuses to run even when in danger, citing flat fleet––okay, he runs eventually because he’s not a dunce. In terms of how they speak, Dalia is typically upbeat, while Allison is a bit more subdued. Haji, being obsessed with all things sports-related, often uses terminology and sayings derived from athletics.
I hope the realistically portrayed friendship between Allison and her squad adds an extra layer of depth to Dragons Walk Among Us, making the characters irresistible to readers. In the end, after all, no matter how fantastical and well told the tale, it’s the characters we remember.
Shutterbug Allison Lee is trying to survive high school while suffering the popular girl’s abuse. Her life is often abysmal, but at least her green hair is savage. Her talent for photography is recognized by the school paper and the judges of a photo contest.
While visiting her friend Joe, a homeless vet, Allison’s life irrevocably changes after an attack leaves her blind. All her dreams as a photojournalist are dashed as she realizes she’ll never see again. Despair sets in until she is offered an experimental procedure to restore her vision. But there are side effects, or are they hallucinations? She now sees dragons accompanying some of the people she meets. Can she trust her eyes, or has the procedure affected her more than she can see?
Dalia resumes talking about strategies to solve the equation, but I barely register a word. My gaze is lured back to Dr. Radcliffe like a particle inexorably pulled into a black hole. My eyes widen, and my jaw slackens. Furrowing my brow, I blink, desperate to clear the mind-boggling absurdity from my vision.
Projecting from Dr. Radcliffe’s body is a shimmering golden dragon, the European variety complete with sparkling golden scales, talons, and green wings. The dragon fades and flashes in and out of existence. The tail, the bulky body, and leathery wings pass through the wall as if all are insubstantial. This is insane asylum madness. I must be hallucinating, or maybe it’s my prosthetic eyes. Not a single person, and there must be at least fifteen people in the library, notices the beast. On top of that, the dragon doesn’t make a sound. There is no way an animal of that size can be silent in such a confined space.
I don’t know if I should hope it’s my eyes or not. If it’s not my eyes, I’m a nutter. If it is my eyes…it’s too terrible to consider.
I draw a shuddering breath and chew on my lower lip. The hairs on the back my neck stand up straight, and my body tenses like prey ready to flee a predator. I want to look away from Dr. Radcliffe and the craziness glimmering all around him, but I can’t.
“Allison. Allison.”
I tear my gaze away from the professor, but I still glimpse the dragon’s glimmering golden light in my peripheral vision.
Dalia stares at me in evident exasperation. “Did you hear anything I just said?”
My gaze shifts back to Dr. Radcliffe and the draconic projection surrounding him. A student walks straight through a foreleg. My mouth drops open.
“What is it?” Dalia asks and turns in her seat to face Dr. Radcliffe. She turns back to me. “Do you know him?”
“Know who?” I shift my gaze to Dalia, long enough to catch her puzzled look, then look at Dr. Radcliffe.
“That old man you’re staring at,” Dalia says. “Are you okay? Is he the one who attacked you?”
I stare at my friend. “What? No. How would I know? I don’t have any memory of that. That’s Dr. Radcliffe. He knows my dad.”
I see golden scales and a red cardigan right behind Dalia. I look up and feel like my prosthetics are going to pop out of my head. Behind Dalia is Dr. Radcliffe and the twinkling winged beast.
“Oh my God,” I whisper.
A spectral golden forefoot with foot-long white talons passes straight through Dalia’s chest.
“What?” Dalia says. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Dr. Radcliffe stares at me from behind rimless spectacles. He is holding a thick book at his side. I try to meet his gaze, but my eyes keep flicking up at the looming dragon’s head, staring down at me with yellow eyes split by black pupils.
“You’re Raymond Lee’s daughter,” Dr. Radcliffe says. “Wait. Don’t tell me. Alice.”
I shake my head. Dalia faces the professor.
“Hello, Dr. Radcliffe,” Dalia says. “Allison was telling me all about you.”
“Oh, that’s right. Allison. How could I forget? And who are you, young lady?”
“What a lovely name. Your hair. Pink like a dahlia,” the professor says and hefts the book he holds. “Well, I will let you young ladies get back to it. Good day.”

Dan has wanted to write novels since first reading Frank Herbert’s Dune at the age of eleven. A native of the Pacific Northwest, he often goes hiking with his family through mist-shrouded forests and along alpine trails with expansive views.
Dragons Walk Among Us is his debut novel. He plans to keep writing fantasy and science-fiction for many years. You can explore his blog at https://www.danscifi.com.
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Excellent showcase, Jan. Congratulations, Dan. I wish you all the best.
Thank you for stopping by to help Dan launch his first book, Gwen!
Thank you.
Great cover! Congratulations to Dan on his new release! I enjoyed the blurb and excerpt. Thanks for hosting, Jan! <3
Thank you for stopping by, sharing, and leaving a comment, Vashti!
You’re welcome. 🙂
Thank you.
Congratulations, Dan! A great debut!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing, Mark!
Thank you.
Great review, Jan! This book sounds great! 😊
Thanks for stopping by, Yvette. I haven’t read this book yet, so no review, but it is on my TBR list!
Thank you.
This sounds like a great YA read with plenty for teens to relate too. And dragons… who can resist dragons? Congrats to Dan on the new release. Thanks for hosting, Jan. 🙂
Thank you so much.
I totally agree, Diana. Who can resist dragons? Thank you for stopping by!
Absolutely adore dragons! This book is on my summer reads list. Wishing you continued success, Dan!
Mary, thank you for being so supportive.
Thank you so much for stopping by to support Dan, Mary! I agree with you. This one is on my summer reading list!
Congrats on your new release, Dan! It sounds like a great read, especially with dragons involved 🙂
Thank you
Thank you for stopping by, Denise. I thought this one might get your attention. 🙂 I appreciate your support!
This book sounds captivating. Thank you for sharing Jan. Wishing Dan all the best.
My pleasure, Balroop! Thank you for stopping by!
Thank you
Sounds like a great book! Good luck with it.
Thank you for sharing, and for stopping by to leave a comment, Jennifer!
What an intriguing story. Kudos, Dan!
Thank you for stopping by and sharing, Jacqui!
Thank you very much.
That’s a fantastic cover – congrats on the new release, Dan!
I totally agree, Teri. I thought of you when I first saw Dan’s debut novel. Thank you for stopping by!
Thank you very much.
Congratulations on your release, Dan. All the best with it.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing, Craig!
Thank you
Wow, that cover is eye-catching, and the premise sounds so unique. Definitely an appealing YA read. Wishing Dan all the best with his release. Thanks for hosting and introducing him to us today, Jan!
My pleasure, Mae. I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment!
Thank you
Jan –
Thank you so much for hosting me!
A true pleasure, Dan! I wish you much success!
Jan, I agree, that is one fabulous cover!! Dan, its great to learn about you and your book. The book’s premise is original and sounds like one that will resonate with your YA readers. Congratulations on realizing your dream and I wish you all the best!
…will resonate with your YA reader. I hope so!!!
Thank you for stopping by today to support Dan with his debut novel, Maura Beth! Have a great day!
Congrats on the new release, Dan, and best wishes for much success. Thanks for hosting today, Jan!
Thank you
Thank you for stopping by, Joan!
Congratulations, Dan! Thanks for sharing, Jan.
Thank you
My pleasure, Jill. Thank you for stopping by and sharing!
Happy book birthday, Dan! I hope this is the first of many for you.
Thanks for hosting, Jan.
Me too. Fingers crossed!
Thank you for stopping by, Staci, and for your encouragement for Dan.
Hi Dan, Hi Jan,
Dan, I congratulate you on writing a Y/A book that is multicultural. Your main character is BIRACIAL and your book automatically jumped on my TBR list. I like your excerpt and I think your inciting incident about how Allison lost her eyesight is the perfect hook to get the reader to seeing and feeling the way Allison feels.
I look forward to reading your book
All the best and I truly wish you a great launch for your book debut.
Jan, I thank you. Another great book that I have put on my TBR list from your blog.
Wishing you both a great day.
Shalom aleichem
Thank you for your kind words & interest.
Hi, Pat. Thank you for stopping by today to support Dan. I am thrilled that the book grabbed your attention. This is his debut novel.
Congrats on your book release, Dan! This looks like a fun YA read 🙂
Jan, thanks for sharing Dan’s book release 🙂
Thank you.
My pleasure, Harmony. Thank you for stopping by!