Jan Sikes

Reporting In – Texas Catastrophic Weather

Good morning world!

I am finally back in my home and happy to report I came home to electricity and water. No internet, but this morning even that is back. I am so blessed and feeling a little guilty to have things back to my normal when so many are still suffering.

After I lost power, a wonderful friend took me to my daughter’s house on Monday. There, we had off and on power but had water and a gas cook stove. Then on Wednesday, my son-in-law discovered that because they have solar panels on the house, could set the status to Stormwatch and we began charging directly off the Tesla grid. From that point on, we had power with no blackouts.

I took my laptop with me but it totally crapped out, so all I had was my phone. Have you ever tried to keep up with emails and blogs on your phone? Some folks can do it. I can’t.

But at least I was there with family, safe warm and loved.

I took care of the children while Mom and Dad continued to try and work. We did lots of craft projects, made snow angels, had hot chocolate, made alien men out of marshmallows, baked cookies and eventually yesterday got to make a snowman when the snow got wet enough to stick together.

Now, I will be playing catch-up and making a great attempt to visit the blogs I missed during the week. If I don’t make it around to everyone, forgive me.

And I will resume my regularly scheduled Monday Meditation, Tuesday Runes, books, writing and music blogs.

I’m so thankful to have escaped this catastrophic weather with only small inconveniences. I am blessed indeed.

One of Rick’s favorite winter jokes was about a woman who slipped on the ice and fell. She shook her fist at the ice and said, “July will take care of you.” 🙂 And it will.

How is everyone out there? I’ve missed you!

62 thoughts on “Reporting In – Texas Catastrophic Weather”

  1. Ah, Jan, how horrible. I lived in Houston for 14 years and I know the people there aren’t prepared for that kind of weather. My son is still in Texas and he had some of the same problems minus the solar panels. I’m glad it’s better and that you’re able to resume life in a somewhat normal environment.

    1. Hi, Linda. You are right in that we are never prepared for those kinds of temperatures down here and especially when they linger for days and days. Everyone I know is dealing with a water situation, including my daughter and son-in-law. They had a busted pipe. I am grateful to resume a normal life again! Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Hi Jan, glad to see you’re back and that you had a safe and warm place to go. It looks like you had a chance to spend some quality time with the family. 🙂

  3. I’ve been thinking about you and my other Texan blogger friends, Jan. I’m so glad that you’re safe and that you’ve returned to a home with electricity and water. The play in the snow looks like it was fun. It’s nice to see kids being so resilient! Stay warm.

    1. Kids don’t have to worry. The adults make sure they are fed and warm. They can take it in stride. I am happy to be back home and back working again! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Shirley Harris-Slaughter

    Jan, the way its being reported it sounds much worse than what you are presenting. I’m so glad you are safe because it lets us know there is hope in all that devastation. It seems the utilities and your state representatives have a lot to answer for.

    1. I am one of the lucky ones, Shirley. The devastation you are seeing is real and so many are still without power and water. You are right in that the government has a lot to answer for and they say they are launching an investigation. Who knows. Another thing that is now happening is people are receiving utility bills for thousands of dollars even though they have been without power. The utility company says it is due to the power surges. Just craziness! Thank you for your comment.

  5. Glad to see you back, Jan, and so glad you escaped the worst of the mess in Texas. What a horrible disaster. Fingers crossed the predicted warming trend stays in the forecast and does the trick. I’m glad you had a fun time with the grandkids, even if the reason behind the visit was not a good one!

  6. Jan, I’m so glad you and your family are all safe and well. We have been following the weather catastrophe in America on the news in utter disbelief. it’s as if we’re watching a movie instead of real-life events. It’s great you are up and running with everything in your own home. Ahh … your time with the children looks like a lot of fun by all and as for working from a mobile, nope, I’ve never been able to do that with any success. Have a good time settling back home and reconnecting with the world. Here in southern England, it’s lovely Spring sunshine, enjoying lunches out in 14 degrees centigrade – one can sense everyone’s spirits lift with the better weather after a long damp and grey winter. hugs xx

    1. Thank you, Annika, for your lovely comment. Sadly, the events you are seeing are real and many are still greatly affected. I’m so blessed!

  7. petespringerauthor

    We take electricity for granted until we don’t have it. We’ve been lucky this year. For three of the last four years, we’ve had problems with wildfires in California. Sometimes this has meant the power company has held mandatory cutoffs of power. This means everyone is running generators and fireplaces.

    Glad you came out fairly unscathed, Jan. No need to feel guilty.

  8. So happy you were able to stay safe and warm with family. I just put solar panels on my home this past Fall. I haven’t bought a back-up battery yet because they are so expensive, but I hope to do so one day. 🙂

      1. No, they weren’t. The Tesla panels were way too expensive in my area, but the ones I went with have great reviews. Since installing them, my electricity bill has been about $10 for the month. Granted, I have to pay off the panels, but after that, my bills will be very minimal. More important to me, I’m doing my part to help save the environment. 🙂

    1. I was very lucky, Craig. At least up your way, your homes and buildings are designed to withstand the cold whereas down here they are not at all.

  9. Glad things are wending their way back to normal, Jan. I have tried to keep up on a phone. I wasn’t comfortable, didn’t do it well, but–as you probably did–tried my best!

    1. I absolutely hate doing anything more than scrolling through Facebook on my phone. Typing emails is painful and I make so many mistakes. But, as you say, things are getting back to normal and I am grateful. Thank you for stopping by!

  10. Glad you came through the catastrophe safe and sound, Jan. This winter has been one for the books!
    I love the fun photos you shared with your grandchildren- makes me want to join them, lol

    1. Thank you, Jacquie. Yes, I am glad to see the longest week of my life come to an end. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. They can be a lot of fun.

  11. Funny how a bad situation can turn into a blessing. I’m sure you’ll always remember the special time spent with your family. Being forced to unplug can be a good thing. I’m happy your safe, Jan!

    1. I agree, Jill. I was thinking about that when I posted the pictures this morning. About how the girls will always remember the winter storm that brought MiMi to their house for the week to take care of them and help build a snowman. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. D.L. Finn, Author

    I’m relieved to hear you are back home and all is well. Sounds like you made the most of it with snow angels and crafts. Wonderful pictures! Texas has been in our prayers. Xo

    1. It’s certainly been a mess, Denise, but we are starting to thaw. The plumbers and pool repair guys are going to be very busy for a while along with carpenters. Lots of damage to repair. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. It’s nice to hear that you have been warm and comfy with your loved ones Jan. Some blessings are always around! Thanks for sharing those lovely pictures. The aliens are so cute!

  14. It sounds like you had a mini winter vacation, playing with the grandkids, living off the grid… So glad you and your daughter’s family are safe, and that your houses are fine. Love the pictures! That’s quite a snowman and those alien marshmallows! Welcome back.

    1. Hi, Patty. I think the term making lemonade out of lemons applies here. I am so blessed to live near family. I did enjoy my time with the children. Thank you for stopping by!

  15. Glad to see you back to your home, Jan. We watched the news every night and the crazy weather, power, and water conditions worried me. We need July badly.
    Good that you had a great time at your daughter’s house and did fun things with the kids. A couple months ago I didn’t know my phone was not connected to the WiFi and continued to use it. Within 20 days, it used up the 2G and my husband used up his also. My daughter reminded me so I had it connected again. I checked the blogs on the phone so I don’t look at the computer all day. I use the computer to do the posts.

    I’m glad everything is back to normal for you ☺️🙂.

  16. Welcome back! A huge sigh of relief you and your family are doing well, Jan! Love the pictures! We have been following the updates in Texas. What a mess! My stepdaughter lives in Austin and was without power for three days, along with no water. We’ll be checking in on her today.

    1. It has been a mess down here for sure, Mary. I hope your stepdaughter has power by now. We are starting to thaw. Thank you for stopping by!

    1. It was expensive to install, but it paid off through this mess. They are getting lots of calls from neighbors inquiring about it. 🙂 I hope we are all back to normal soon!

  17. Hi Jan,
    It is good to have you back. Many times we don’t realize how bless we are until something like that happens.
    I‘m happy that you are safe and healthy.

    Shalom aleichem

  18. Glad to see you back, Jan, and to know you survived this crazy weather. We lost electricity Monday night and it didn’t come back on until Wednesday afternoon. Fortunately, we had an alternate source of heat, so we stayed warm. Eating cold food, however, wasn’t fun but I shouldn’t complain. We’ve had adequate water, something a lot of people don’t have. Our internet is still down but I’ve been using the phone as a hotspot. We live in the country and I haven’t been out since last Friday. Hopefully, the roads will thaw enough today so we can go somewhere. I’m an introvert but I’m even starting to get cabin fever.

    I say bring on summer. I won’t even complain if we reach triple digits!

    1. Hi, Joan. I thought about you and hoped you guys were doing okay. So glad you had heat. I tried using my phone as a hotspot last night when I got home to no internet and the response time was so slow that I finally gave up. 🙂 I agree with you about summer. We will have to be reminded of then when it gets over 100. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!

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