Nonnie Jules is known for her head-on approach to life, to writing and to raising her children. Let me introduce you to her book, THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS!

If you’re reading this book then you’re probably a Mom, Mom-to-Be, Guardian (or maybe even a Dad) to daughters. And although I’ve found this to be the greatest job in the world, sometimes it might leave you thinking that boys might have been a little easier . And just for the record, I’ve never had that thought! Are your daughters getting off track and you’d like to know how to get them back on? Are you a new Mommy and you want to know how to raise your daughter (almost) perfectly starting from day one? Then “THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE…” is just for you!
This guide is filled with 100 tips on how you can raise girls “everyone can’t help but love!” In her very humorous manner, the author shares how she started teaching her daughters from the very beginning, when they were in her womb, and she still swears by this method!
“I didn’t have to do much research as I lived this, day in and day out. Throughout this guide you will find my TOP tips that I used in rearing my two (almost) perfect daughters, one now an Adult and the other in her teenage years. Real life situations along with methods on how to effectively deal with each and every one. A little humor thrown into the mix is also what you will find in THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE…”
With an astonishingly surprising twist, the Author includes a few Bible Scriptures here and there without it coming across as “preachy”. They were placed first and foremost because “my daughters were raised in a Christian home and THAT is the real basis of their foundation,” she says.
The author pokes fun at herself throughout this guidebook which makes it all the more enjoyable to read. She shows us that we don’t have to be PERFECT Mommies to raise (almost) perfect daughters, we just need to be GOOD Mommies with consistent teachings, and with that, our daughters will turn out just fine.
This guide is great for rearing toddlers, on up to young adult daughters. It will become your personal PARENTING BIBLE.

I am sure that most of you know that Nonnie Jules is the founder and creator of the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB, an international community of readers and writers. There is no other community like it on the planet!
She also created the RAVE WRITERS INT’L SOCIETY OF AUTHORS, where you’ll find the cream of the crop of #RRBC authors!
I’d love it if you’d follow along with the rest of the amazing BLOG HOP!
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As the Dad of two girls, aged nine and twelve, I can attest to some of the challenges (and plenty of joys). This book would be a great read for fathers, as well. Thanks for sharing your experiences, Nonnie. I wish this book had been around when they were born 🙂 . Thank you for hosting, Jan.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a great comment, Mark! Happy Monday!
I often wished that someone who have created a book like this while I was raising my two daughters throughout their life. Alas, my girls a now young women in their 20’s, and now a grandpa. Love the concept of this book truly. Thank you for sharing Jan.
Thanks for leaving a comment, Forrest! And now I know more about you. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Great post, Jan. I enjoyed this book and wished I had had it when my children were still impressionable. 🙂 However, I must say despite my shortcomings, they have become wonderful people.
Thank you for stopping by, Mary, and for leaving a comment! It’s funny how that in spite of ourselves, our children turn out pretty amazing! 🙂 Hugs!
Here’s my review:
Sound Advice.
This guide was recommended to me by a friend. Even though I don’t have daughters much of the advice translates to sons. Its about being a role parent and instilling values and manners into our children. They watch what we do rather than listen to empty words. I liked the format – breaking up the tips into easily digestible pieces. There’s plenty of humour within the antidotes and it’s evident real love exists in this family.
Thanks for sharing your review, Wendy!
Congrats to Nonnie on the new book, and I wish her the best of luck. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Jan. It sounds like a helpful read. <3
Thanks for stopping by, Diana!
Lovely post Jan. All moms think they have raised perfect daughters. Thanks ladies.
Right, Balroop! I think mine are pretty close to perfect. 🙂 I appreciate your comment!
I am proud of mine. 🙂 All moms are.
If I was raising daughters, I know I would love this book!
Thanks for hosting, Jan. It’s always such a pleasure to stop by. 😀
Thanks for stopping by, Rhani!
I read this book a while ago but I can’t remember this cover. I don’t remember the old one either but this one is beautiful. Thank you, Jan for hosting Nonnie. 😀
I agree, Joy. This is a great cover – old or new. 🙂 And, it’s a pleasure to host Nonnie!
Jan, thank you so much for hosting me today! And, a special thanks to all the visitors who dropped in.
Happy Friday!
It was my pleasure, Nonnie!
Wow, beautiful new cover! Thank you for hosting, Jan. This was one of the first books I read when I joined the club. Good advice and wonderful tips for any mom with daughters! ♥
Thank you, Gwen! I’m happy you stopped by!
Happy Friday, ladies. Cheers to you both! 🙂
Thank you, Natalie! Happy Friday to you too!
Hello, Jan! Wonderful post. I enjoyed the blurb! Thanks for hosting! 😀 xo
Thanks for stopping by, Vashti!
Have a great weekend!
I have this book on my shelf:) Thanks for hosting, Jan.
My pleasure, Denise! Thanks for stopping by!
Excellent post for Nonnie. Thanks for hosting, Jan.
Thanks for stopping by, John!