Jan Sikes

Some Recent #Reviews – @maeclair1 @pursoot @teagangeneviene @spolakoffauthor @maurabeth2014

It has been a while since I took the time to post some reviews for books I’ve read recently, so here we go!

If you want to hop over and purchase a copy of any of these books, simply click on the titles.

From the super talented author, Mae Clair – “In Search Of McDoogal.”

Quirky and Entertaining!

This short read from Mae Clair is funny and filled with quirky characters. When Brady mistakenly sells his girlfriend’s painting, her talisman, her treasure, (or so he is led to believe) he will move heaven and earth to get it back. He grabs his best friend, Declan, and the two set out to retrieve the painting before the girlfriend returns from out of town. The search almost reads like a “who’s on first” scenario, as they met dead-end after dead-end in a small town four hours away. The characters come to life and jump off the pages, from the love-struck Brady to the star-struck Dorie and a confused sheriff. I loved everything about this story. It is well-written, a quick easy read, and will make you laugh out loud! But my favorite part of Brady’s quest was his own discovery of how much he’d come to care for (no fall in love with) Vanessa. While the quest was to retrieve the dreadful painting, it accomplished so much more. If you’re looking for a lighthearted escape from life, this is a perfect choice! It is well-written and shows the diverse talent of this author! I highly recommend it!

From Author, S. Burke, “The Reckoning Squad.”

Full of Action!

This story gripped me and drew me in from the first sentence on the first page. Unimaginable tragedy strikes a young girl, Chastity, crippling her mentally for a long time. When she has to shoot and kill another classmate to save lives, she struggles to recover. Her desire to see justice served to those who deserve it send her on a path of becoming an FBI Agent once she graduates college. But, the unexpected offer to join an elite team appeals to her even more.
As the story unfolds, we see her bond strongly with her teammates as they face arduous training, with only a handful completing the training. But the bond cements itself as they begin to work cases and bring about justice in whatever way it takes.

When they’re assigned to an extremely high profile case and there is a breach, causing great loss of lives, things move into overdrive for Chaz (the name she shortened Chastity to after the school shooting) and other team members. The intricate web of deceit, murder, and high finance proves to be a challenge beyond anything they’ve imagined. These characters come to life at the hand of this talented author. I particularly loved the characters, Chaz and Zach, and the romantic tension between them. This story has everything any reader could want. It is a definite page-turner. I couldn’t wait to see the outcome. If you are a fan of fast-paced, deep stories, you’ll love this one! This story deserves to be made into a movie and I hope Ms. Burke has more in store for the characters going forward.

Suzanne Burke is a member of the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB!

From author Teagan Geneviene, “Brother Love – a Crossroad.”

An Imaginative Tale At a Crossroads!

This author serialized this story on her blog before publishing it, and I enjoyed following along then. But reading the story from start to finish was an entirely different experience. There are several things I love about this story. A girl who is ostracized because she happens to live in a house that sits at the crossroads and believed to be evil. A magpie, Jinx who can talk and sing is another aspect of the story I loved, But the tent revival setting and shenanigans that occurred captured me the most. This author took word prompts from her blog followers to include in each chapter of the story and that is such a unique idea. She also included some fun facts or educational information at the end of each chapter. This story is well-written. The only criticism I have for it is the way it ended abruptly. I would like to have had a more satisfying conclusion. Great story with an imagination that knows no bounds!

Teagan Geneviene is a member of the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB!

From Maura Beth Brennan, “Stardust.”

So Many Different Levels of Goodness!

I thoroughly enjoyed this short story. Maeve is a retired librarian and the children in the small town adore her. As a ritual, each year at Halloween, when the trick-or-treating is over, many children along with their parents gather in Maeve’s living room for stories and refreshments. Maeve is beloved by everyone despite her eccentricities such as riding her bicycle all over town. But, when she ventures out of her safety zone to visit a new supermarket, tragedy strikes in the most horrific way. Maeve is mugged by a group of thugs and would have met her death without the intervention of a young boy, Eddie. The two become best of friends as she helps him with his school lessons. That is until his older brother finds out, and makes threats he is known to carry out. Maeve is drawn to a chest left to her by her great-grandmother, where inside, she finds a shawl that she remembers being told was woven from stardust. That starts a series of magical events. I will not leave a spoiler for this story, but will say it is very well written and compelling with many different levels and layers of goodness! I highly recommend it.

Maura Beth Brennan is a member of the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB!

From author, Sam Polakoff – “Shaman.”

A Reincarnation Journey!

Dan Alston has spent a lifetime building a reputation – that of the last clean politician. He’s now serving in the U.S. Senate and represents his constituents with honesty and integrity. But things are not all rosy for the Senator. As his life starts to unravel, more and more strange occurrences – visions – voices and mystical possibilities unfold. This book gets off to a slow start and I was almost at 50% before the story grabbed me and wouldn’t let me rest until I reached the end. There are dual timelines and souls intertwined and reincarnated to learn lessons and for some, to seek revenge. The ultimate revenge to bring down the Senator and destroy the world at the same time is a huge undertaking for Maritza Coya and her accomplice. I won’t tell you what happens, as I do not want this review to be a spoiler. I’ll just say this is a journey from start to finish. While I am a believer in reincarnation, some parts of the scenario I found to be a bit unbelievable, but still entertaining. The last scene in the book left me confused. A wedding in Peru with both living and deceased people in attendance left me scratching my head. However, after contacting the author, it all became clear. The story came to a satisfying conclusion. If you are intrigued by reincarnation or mysticism, you will enjoy this book.

Sam Polakoff is a member of the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB!

I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on these books. If any grabbed you, click on the title to purchase. I’m now reading a book by an author new to me, Linda Trout, and the title is “Tangled Promises.”

I’ll share my thoughts on this book later. What are you reading?

38 thoughts on “Some Recent #Reviews – @maeclair1 @pursoot @teagangeneviene @spolakoffauthor @maurabeth2014”

  1. I’ve read works by Mae, Teagan, and Soooz. Their work is always so engaging. In Search of McDoogal and Brother Love I’ve actually read and loved both. So nice to see them and this eclectic mix of authors here. Thanks, Jan.

  2. What a great selection of diverse and intriguing books, Jan. I’ve read McDoogal and can attest to how much fun it is, but the others are new to me. Going to have to check them out, for sure. My TBR stack is about to get much taller. 😀

    1. Boy, do I relate to that, Marcia. If a Kindle can combust, mine surely will. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!

    1. You would enjoy “The Reckoning Squad,” Craig. It’s super well-written and quite the compelling tale! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Jan, I’m absolutely thrilled with your review of The Reckoning Squad. Thanks so much. It’s a pleasure to be included in this talented company. This book played out in my head exactly like a movie. I’m so delighted it played out visually for you as a reader. ❤

      1. I’m working on a book at the moment, then I’m planning on writing The Reckoning Squad book 2. Thanks again, my friend. xo

  4. Fabulous reviews and recommendations, Jan. Thank you. I have Mae’s and Teagan’s book on my Kindle and I would be reading them soon!

  5. D.L. Finn, Author

    All great reads, Jan:) I want to go back and re-read Brother Love, too. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to hearing what you think about Tangled Promises.

  6. Great reviews, Jan. So many options to choose from and some sound intense. Maura’s short story was particularly appealing (beautiful cover), and I’m looking forward to Mae’s book. Thanks for the recommendations. 🙂

    1. Maura Beth’s short story was super, Diana! With that little element of magic, I know you’d love it. 🙂 Mae’s book was just a light-hearted wonderful short read and a great escape from the grim world we are living in. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. What a wonderful surprise to find In Search of McDoogal included with so many other engaging works. I am thrilled you loved my little comedic story, Jan. 🙂

    I have read and really enjoyed The Reckoning Squad. I believe it’s my favorite of Soooz’s to date and that’s saying a lot. All of the others look awesome too, and I offer congrats to all of the authors. It’s a pleasure to be included among them. Thank you, Jan!

    1. I have to agree with you about “The Reckoning Squad,” Mae. I can see it as a movie! I’m thrilled to include your short story here. It was a quirky entertaining read! I loved all the characters and hope they show up somewhere else. 🙂 Thanks for leaving a comment!

    2. I loved In Search of McDoogal, Mae. Jan’s review is so well deserved. Thanks for your kind comments on The Reckoning Squad of all my fiction books this one was my most intensely visual to write. I saw every scene so clearly in my head.

    1. Jan, thanks to your blog post, just purchased “In Search of McDoogal,” by Mae Clair. Who doesn’t need a lighthearted escape right now? Looking forward to reading this and the other works by these talented RRBC authors!

    1. Hi, Yvette. When I was reading that book AND Suzanne Burke’s book, I could see them as a movie easily! Thanks so much for stopping by!

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