Welcome to another card reading for TAROT TUESDAY!
Today I pulled the 3 of Swords.
Swords deal with the mental level of consciousness that is centered around the mind and the intellect. Swords mirror the quality of mind present in your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs.

The Three of Swords represents possible heartbreak, emotional pain, sorrow, grief, and hurt. It can signal that you are feeling deeply hurt and disappointed. Your heart has been pierced by the sharp blades of others’ hurtful words, actions and intentions, and they have inflicted intense emotions of pain, sadness, grief, and heartbreak. These events are often unexpected and come out of the blue, making them even more painful.
However, the Three of Swords is also about an emotional release. When you have suffered a major setback or loss, now is an excellent time to have a good cry. Expressing your sadness is part of the cleansing process and letting it all out will help you move on to better times. Allow yourself the opportunity to experience these emotions, no matter how painful. Cry, shout, or scream at the top of your lungs. Do whatever it takes to express your anger or pain as this will help the emotions flow through (and out of) you.
The good news is that this painful season will pass. While the Three of Swords brings hurt and sadness, it is only temporary. You will bounce back. The clouds will dissipate, and soon you will have a better perspective on what you can learn from the experience. You can conquer any pain that comes your way – all it takes is faith, self-love, forgiveness and time.
Just remember that you do not have to accept the hurtful words as truth; they are merely another person’s opinion or a projection of their own inner fears and anxieties. Shift the energy by looking at these people with a compassionate heart: what struggles are they going through that they feel they need to throw their insecurities at you? Be mindful, too: why are their words triggering you? Is there a more profound truth in what they’ve said, one you might not be willing to see just yet? Use these pain points to expand your perspective and see the bigger picture of what is happening here.
I hope if you are experiencing anything like this that you can take away a different perspective from the message the card brings, and keep in mind this too shall pass!

This interpretation was taken from BiddyTarot.com.
See you next week for a new card and a new message!

I’m loving this series, Jan. I’ve always been curious about Tarot cards. This is a beautiful interpretation of the Three of Swords card. <3 xo
Well, you posted this on the 18th. Today is the 24th and WP just now notified me. I don’t know what’s going on there. Sorry for my late reply.
Anyway, this is interesting. And kind of uplifting. It’s nice to know that even in the cards, nothiing is all bad and the sun will shine again.
How bizarre, Staci!! There are definitely some strange things that go on in the innerweb. Glad you made it by! There will be a new #TarotTuesday tomorrow.
Fascinating to learn more about this, Jan. The storms of life… this too shall pass. Thanks a bunch for sharing. 🙂
Thank you, Natalie, for stopping by. You are so right! The storms of life are only temporary!
I really like the constructive suggestions. This is beautiful: “You do not have to accept the hurtful words as truth; they are merely another person’s opinion or a projection of their own inner fears and anxieties. Shift the energy by looking at these people with a compassionate heart: what struggles are they going through that they feel they need to throw their insecurities at you? Be mindful, too: why are their words triggering you? Is there a more profound truth in what they’ve said, one you might not be willing to see just yet? Use these pain points to expand your perspective and see the bigger picture of what is happening here.” ♥
Thank you, Gwen! You always are able to see the positive in everything and that makes you such a special soul! One thing I have learned about the Tarot cards is that there is always a positive spin on what could be viewed as a negative message. I appreciate you stopping by and leaving such a wonderful comment! Hugs!!
3 of swords seems to lay bare the realities of life, as everyone has to go through the pain of some sort and deal with it alone, despite the love and support of others around us. Clouds dissipate and we see light! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this lovely post Jan.
Exactly, Balroop! Life is not always a bed of roses and how we handle the difficult times helps to map out our futures! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such an insightful comment!
Excellent, Jan. Such good advice on letting the hurtful stuff go. Such a super series. Thanks
Thank you, John! I’m glad you are enjoying it. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Pingback: TAROT TUESDAY – 3 OF SWORDS | Annette Rochelle Aben
This is certainly not uplifting but I can see how it might help someone locked in turmoil over hurtful things. I’ve turned loose of mine long ago and I’m not going to let hurt fester anymore.
Excellent, sister!! And no, the card isn’t uplifting, but life isn’t always a bed of roses. It’s how we handle the difficult times that determine the future or how we handle it next time. It’s just like our stories. There has to be a conflict to have a story and so it is true of life. I love you!!
Cleansing the soul when you’re carrying the baggage of an emotional struggle or hurt is always a great way to get rid of that poison. An excellent reminder, Jan!
I totally agree, Mae! And even though this isn’t an upbeat good fortune card, it’s life. Life isn’t all roses and how we deal with it is what counts. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Doesn’t seem like a card to look forward to.
No, but isn’t that what life’s made of, Craig? Ups and downs, ins and outs…It’s how we write our stories and how our stories write us. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
How our stories write us! I love that line.
I’ve always wondered what each tarot card meant. This is cool. Thanks for sharing. Love you!
I am so glad you are enjoying this, Tonya! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! Love you too!!