Jan Sikes

#TarotTuesday – 2 of Cups

Welcome to another Tarot Tuesday!

If you are just joining me, let me explain the inspiration to begin these posts. In Texas, and all across the country, Taco Tuesday is a popular day when Tacos are usually 99 cents. So, I had the inspiration, or Angel nudge as I like to think of it, to create a Tarot Tuesday. Each Tuesday I will post a different Tarot card and give its meaning. I pray and ask for the right card that will bring a universal message.

I created a short video to demonstrate how I pull the card for the posts. If you’re interested, here’s aΒ LINK.

Today’s card is from the Minor Arcana and is the Two of Cups.

The keywords for this card are: Unified love, partnership, and mutual attraction.

The two of Cups is the flow of love between two people. With this card, you are creating deep connections and partnerships, based on shared values, compassion, and unconditional love. While these relationships are still in the early stages, they have the potential to grow and develop into something deeply fulfilling and rewarding in the long-term. You have mutual respect and appreciation for one another, and together you reach higher planes of consciousness and understanding.

When the Two of Cups card appears in a Tarot reading, you may enter a new partnership, perhaps with a lover, friend or business partner. You are both focused on creating a relationship that is mutually beneficial, one that will create a win-win situation for both parties. You see β€˜eye to eye’ and appreciate what each other can bring to the table.

In a romantic relationship, the Two of Cups shows a blossoming new union based on mutual attraction. There is both a physical and soul connection that leaves you giddy and weak at the knees. You bring out the best in each other and lift each other to even higher levels of potential. The exchange of emotion is heartfelt, and you are both willing to do whatever it takes to support one another. In some cases, the Two of Cups can refer to a marriage, proposal or engagement.

In a business partnership, the Two of Cups is a sign you are both on the same wavelength and share a similar vision for the venture you are creating together. You may not have the same skills as each other, but you create a beautiful synergy when you work together. For example, one of you may be talented at sales and marketing while the other excels at managing the business’s operations. A partnership like this – built on trust, harmony, and mutual respect – is likely to succeed so long as you continue to communicate with one another and focus on your shared alignment. (Though, it never hurts to have a contract or agreement in place to ensure this dreamy business partnership continues this way.)

Most interesting. For me, since I just signed the contract with The Wild Rose Press Publishing house, I see this card as symbolic of that new relationship. I like the way the card refers to it as a partnership, because that’s truly what it is – built on trust, harmony and mutual respect. All great stuff! How about you? Does this card speak to you in any way?

As always, thank you for joining me! See you next Tuesday for another inspiring message from the Universe via the Tarot Cards!

As always, I use the Rider-Waite Radiance deck and BiddyTarot.com for interpretations.

39 thoughts on “#TarotTuesday – 2 of Cups”

  1. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best with your new partnership, Jan. When my husband began working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic, I thought it was going to be a disaster. The two of us cooped up at home for so long, how’s that going to work? We’ve been in isolation together for at least two months now, and we’ve never been better. We’ve gotten along so well. It’s been great having him home, and our relationship has grown significantly. Now I’m dreading the day he has to go back to work. I can relate to the card in that sense. Thanks for another wonderful reading! <3 xo

    1. What a great story to come out of the pandemic in a closer relationship with your husband! Yes, this card definitely relates to that situation. Thank you for stopping by and for your well-wishes!

  2. Interesting, Jan. Initially I thought this couldn’t have any relevance to me and then I read the bit about business partnerships and thought that maybe it is relevant after all.

    1. It’s amazing to me, Robbie, how we can almost always find some aspect of a card that applies to us. For example, Erika’s comment above about how she saw the card as representing the partnership with her higher self. Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  3. D.L. Finn, Author

    I thought of you as I as reading about the card. Very fitting! It did speak to me on the business level,though.

    1. Wonderful, Denise! I think it could also represent your new book. After all, there is no more powerful partnership than between and author and her book! Congrats, by the way, and I hope you sell lots! Hugs!

  4. Huge congratulations on signing with Wild Rose Press, Jan. I’m excited for you, my friend. This card promises you such great things. ❀

  5. Such a beautiful, promising card of joy and fulfillment. When I saw this card I thought of a (re)union not with another person but with myself. I got more and more stressed out and began to show physical and mental signs of burnout. Right now I am turning the rudder around and this card actually felt like connecting with myself again. Can this be another message of the card?

    1. I can connect with Erika’s interpretation. This pandemic has given me the opportunity to turn inward and get to know myself again. So, I am renewing my relationship with myself. I definitely think the card fits your new contract deal with Wild Rose perfectly, Jan! I’m very excited for you! πŸ™‚

      1. Hi, Yvette. I totally loved Erika’s thoughts on the card. We all have had to slow down due to the pandemic and what a great time to connect with our higher selves! It made me smile when you commented that you missed the Aspire To Inspire show this week because you were in a meditation! That is what it’s all about. Getting in touch with our inner guides and finding out who we really are is our purpose for being alive. Thank you for the well-wishes! Hugs!

    2. Hi, Erika. YES, YES, YES!! That’s a great interpretation! I love that it sent you in that direction and know without a doubt that was your message. Connecting with our higher self is essential and this card is a perfect depiction of that! Thank you for that insight! Hugs!

      1. When I saw the card, it was my first thought. But yes, regarding the situation it also has an impect on my employment since the situation calls for a new look at how my business partner and I move on. And due to his understanding it is more bonding too. So, in any way this care is such a wonderful confirmation. Again it shows, that every crises creates something wonderful to improve the former situation.
        Haha, you see how inspiring this all is… lol. But I am also very happy that it is so perfectly fitting for you too. To me it confirms that this contract is the beginning of a great new partnership with your publisher. Awesome!!πŸ’–

  6. This is the perfect card for you, Jan. You are going to accomplish wonderful things with the Wild Rose Press. I just know it!

  7. Gwen M. Plano

    What a wonderful reading, Jan! The card speaks to me on multiple levels. In addition to those you’ve mentioned, I’ve discovered a deep love for people at large, and I’m not alone. I realize there’s politics (ugh), there’s the business execs who want to control (ugh), but the masses through this very difficult struggle of shutdowns and medical fears, the masses have re-found their hearts. They don’t care about the Dems or the Repubs or the nasty boss. They have re-discovered something incredibly beautiful. The store clerk who smiles and says, “can I help you,” is not just a nobody. She’s become a somebody. The love partnership I’m trying to describe is one that is broader/deeper than any of us could have imagined, for it is with humanity. β™₯

    1. Hi, Gwen. What an apt description! I see that too. People are actually seeing each other again instead of being so involved in their own thoughts, wants, and needs. That is a beautiful thing. Yes, there’s politics and yes (UGH!) and there’s business tycoons that want to control (UGH!) but behind and beyond it all, is people – souls and hearts that are finding each other. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your insights! Hugs!

  8. Good morning Jan- yes it does speak to me. My co-worker at work & myself have really relied on each other in this quarrying time. We do not see things, especially our way of life, we are very different, but through this we have found a new playing field where we are there and help each other. It’s really given us a close relationship that we have never had before.

    1. Oh, how wonderful, Tonya! It’s always great to hear that something good has come from this tumultuous time. I think there is always a silver lining. I hope your partnership with your co-worker continues in a good and productive way! Thank you for stopping by! Love you!

  9. Pingback: #TarotTuesday – 2 of Cups | Annette Rochelle Aben

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