Jan Sikes

#TarotTuesday – King of Swords

Welcome to another Tarot Tuesday!

If you are just joining me, let me explain the inspiration to begin these posts. In Texas, and all across the country, Taco Tuesday is a popular day when Tacos are usually 99 cents. So, I had the inspiration, or Angel nudge as I like to think of it, to create a Tarot Tuesday. Each Tuesday I will post a different Tarot card and give its meaning. I pray and ask for the right card that will bring a universal message.

If you saw my post last Tuesday, you know I created a short video to demonstrate how I pull the card for the posts. If you missed it, here’s a LINK.

Today’s card is the KING OF SWORDS. The Suit of Swords deals with the mental level of consciousness that is centered around the mind and the intellect. Swords mirror the quality of mind present in your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs.

The keywords for this card are: Mental clarity, intellectual power, authority, and truth.

The King of Swords is a symbol of intellectual power and authority and has the courage and intellect to achieve all that he desires. It indicates that you have a clarity of mind and can perceive the truth, so it is up to you to take the lead with providing an objective point of view and making decisions based on impartial judgement. You are well-positioned to judge your situation appropriately and identify any limiting behaviors getting in the way. You are also masterful at keeping your emotions in check. You cut straight to the point and get to the heart of the matter for maximum efficiency and impact. While you may worry that you are not being particularly caring or sympathetic with others, this detachment is what you need most right now.

Often, the King of Swords represents a professional advisor, such as a solicitor or attorney, financial or taxation consultant. This person has a vast amount of knowledge in his particular field. He is impartial and will draw upon his experience and his innate understanding of the rules, systems and structures to give you well-researched advice. He may come across as detached or disinterested in your personal circumstances unless it relates specifically to his skill set. This is so he can provide only the most relevant guidance to you. He prides himself on his expertise and qualifications and is likely to charge a high fee for his services. Nonetheless, he offers the rigor and specialist knowledge that you need right now.

If you have not engaged the help of an expert, the arrival of the King of Swords suggests that it may be worthwhile to seek legal or financial advice. If you are expecting changes or particular circumstances that will require an expert opinion, you can be on the front foot by seeking help before they happen. That way, when they do roll through, you are ready to demand your rights and find an outcome that benefits you. You may also benefit from finding an advocate or mentor who can provide you with smart advice.

It will be interesting to see how this card resonates with everyone. I relate to it on two different fronts. First, I see this man as my son-in-law, who has a master’s degree in business. Secondly, I see it representing a mentor who I recently won an opportunity to work with through a blog tour giveaway. Another interesting synchronicity is the butterflies decorating his throne. Butterflies generally relate to transformation. I had a dream two nights ago that included a butterfly. That was before I pulled this card. I think there’s a message in that for me. How about you? Can you relate this card to any aspect of your life?

Thank you for joining me! See you next Tuesday for another inspiring message from the Universe via the Tarot Cards!

As always, I use the Rider-Waite Radiance deck and BiddyTarot.com for interpretations.

30 thoughts on “#TarotTuesday – King of Swords”

  1. Pingback: #TarotTuesday – King of Swords | Annette Rochelle Aben

  2. The butterflies captivated my attention instantly, Jan. Fascinating! I can relate to this card today. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Cheers! 🙂

  3. Wow, this card is perfect for me right now and I think it signifies that I’m on the right path with the things I’m putting in place in relation to deciding my future. I see this as an affirmation. I feel positive and hopeful.

  4. Hi Jan, This is so timely for me. I am seeking both legal AND financial assistance. I am competent in both of those fields to an extent, but the people I am dealing with are a lot more powerful (read millionaires and former attorneys themselves), and they have been playing mind games with me for about a year now, so I am tired of this, and now have decided that I have more to do with my life than to play games with people. Although it is really frightening to deal with them or anyone representing their family, I am determined. I have never taken legal action against anyone, but I think there is a time for everything, and to me, it is worth it to get what I should have.

    1. Wow, Anne! That fits perfectly with this card. I definitely think it was meant to encourage you to move forward and seek expert help!! Best of luck to you and thank you for leaving a comment!

  5. Hi, Jan! Recently, I’ve been struggling with an issue, and I’ve also been trying to uncover the truth about something. I’ve thought about getting professional help but wasn’t sure. Now, I think I will do that. I’ve been thinking a lot about transformation, too. Thank you! <3

  6. Interesting character, but I’ll have to give him some thought. I spend an inordinate amount of my time as the expert, so seeing him myself must mean something different.

    1. Oh, I definitely think you can see him as yourself. Like I said, I related him to my son-in-law who is an expert in his field. Think on him and look at the details on the card and I think it will give you more insight into yourself and your role. Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment!

  7. I can be blunt and cut the chase if I absolutely must, but normally shy away from that. I’m more of a counselor personality than a mentor.
    I noticed the trees and mountaintops in the background, both things that make me think of strength But whereas mountains are unyielding, trees can bend. Hmmm….most interesting.

    1. Great observation, Mae. And you are spot on with the mountains and the trees. That makes him a well-rounded character. I don’t like being blunt and shy away from any confrontation, so I relate to the idea of being a counselor (which I think of as a great listener) personality. Thanks so much for stopping by! Hugs!

  8. My hubby and I are finally doing our wills – so this aligns with the seeking legal help. Not too exciting, but there it is. 🙂 I like hearing about how the card relates to you, Jan. A mentor sounds awesome, as does transformation. 🙂 All good stuff!

    1. That definitely aligns with the legal help aspect of the card, Diana. I need to do that myself one of these days. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in and leaving a comment! Hugs!

  9. D.L. Finn, Author

    The mental clarity stood out to me along with an advisor. Butterflies have such a good message.

    1. Denise, I see that you responded to this post at 3:45 am. Are you having trouble sleeping? I have been for the past several nights and I don’t understand it. Normally I have no issues sleeping 7 to 8 hours. Anyway, thank you for your comment. I appreciate you!

      1. D.L. Finn, Author

        Weird it said that time. I either did it at 2:00 am or 9 am. I can’t remember which. Although, no I’m not a good sleeper…I appreciate you right back!

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