Jan Sikes

The Haunting of Chatham Hollow #NewRelease @MaeClair1 @stacitroilo

I am thrilled to share with you one of the most exciting books to be released this year, and from two of my favorite authors, Mae Clair and Staci Troilo! Take a look!

Purchase Link

Jan, thank you so much for hosting me today. I’m delighted to be here with you and your readers to share The Haunting of Chatham Hollow. I co-authored this novel with Staci Troilo, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It was amazing to work with a co-author, especially someone as talented as Staci. She and I found we work great together, so who knows—maybe another down the road.

For now, we hope others will enjoy our supernatural mystery, which includes dual timelines, ghostly happenings, a town curse, murder, and rumors of buried gold.  

During our short promo tour, you’ll meet several characters who populate the book. To kick things off, I’d like to introduce Aaron Brock, the editor of the Chatham Hollow Chronicle in 1888, the “past” timeline. Spiritualism is a key thread in the book, so Staci and I thought we’d have each character sit down with a medium as a way of introduction.

Let’s listen in.

SPIRITUALIST: I’m surprised you agreed to a reading, Mr. Brock. My understanding is that you’re a skeptic when it comes to anything of a supernatural nature.

AARON BROCK (settling back in his chair and hooking one ankle over his knee): As an editor, I have to maintain impartiality regardless of personal feelings. Any article I write is based on fact.

SPIRITUALIST: Interesting. But you do have opinions, and from what I understand, they’re not favorable. At least not regarding Benedict Fletcher.

AARON BROCK (parts with a snort): Fletcher’s a charlatan. I might not say it in the Chronicle

SPIRITUALIST: But you did. Or at least came close to labeling him one after that debacle he pulled with Ward Chatham.

AARON BROCK:  The séance? Fletcher bit off more than he could chew. He should be thankful Victor Rowe was there to clean up his mess.

SPIRITUALIST: Ah, the competition.

AARON BROCK:  I suppose you could phrase it that way.

SPIRITUALIST: They are rival mediums, correct?

Aaron shrugs.

SPIRITUALIST: Isn’t Victor Rowe a friend of yours?

AARON BROCK:  Aren’t you supposed to do some kind of reading? Isn’t that why I’m here?

SPIRITUALIST: Nicely evaded, Mr. Brock. What I “read” is that you respect Rowe despite his profession as a spiritualist. Despite the fact you profess to be an unbeliever.

AARON BROCK: Rowe isn’t the con man Fletcher is.

SPIRITUALIST: Con man? The women of Chatham Hollow seem to favor Fletcher. I understand he’s regularly engaged with readings or spirit circles—all by invitation.

AARON BROCK: Of course, the women like him! The man’s a peacock. A popinjay. He knows exactly what to say to achieve his ends. But that gift of flattery didn’t help him at the Founder’s Day séance.

SPIRITUALIST: Do tell. All I have is your newspaper account of what happened. I’d like to know more about what took place.

AARON BROCK: Don’t you have a crystal ball?

SPIRITUALIST: I’ll ignore the sarcasm in your voice, Mr. Brock. I’m sure it wasn’t intentional.

AARON BROCK:  Regardless—if you want details, you’ll have to pick up the book.

SPIRITUALIST: (knits brows):  Book?

AARON BROCK: The Haunting of Chatham Hollow. Now, if you’ll excuse me—or not—we’ll skip the reading. This discussion has already taken more time than I can spare.

SPIRITUALIST: You have nothing more to say?

AARON BROCK:  Only that if you really are gifted in communicating with the dead, you might try solving the mystery that has plagued Chatham Hollow for over a century.

SPIRITUALIST: And what is that?

AARON BROCK: Find out where Ward Chatham buried his gold.



One founding father.
One deathbed curse.
A town haunted for generations.

Ward Chatham, founder of Chatham Hollow, is infamous for two things—hidden treasure and a curse upon anyone bold enough to seek it. Since his passing in 1793, no one has discovered his riches, though his legend has only grown stronger.

In 1888, charlatan Benedict Fletcher holds a séance to determine the location of Chatham’s fortune. It’s all a hoax so he can search for the gold, but he doesn’t count on two things—Victor Rowe, a true spiritualist who sees through his ruse, and Chatham’s ghost wreaking havoc on the town.

More than a century later, the citizens of the Hollow gather for the annual Founder’s Day celebration. A paranormal research team intends to film a special at Chatham Manor, where the original séance will be reenacted. Reporter and skeptic Aiden Hale resents being assigned the story, but even he can’t deny the sudden outbreak of strange happenings. When he sets out to discover who or what is threatening the Hollow—supernatural or not— his investigation uncovers decades-old conflicts, bitter rivalries, and ruthless murders.

This time, solving the mystery isn’t about meeting his deadline. It’s about not ending up dead.

Thanks again for hosting me today, Jan. It was a pleasure to drop by—along with my unnamed spiritualist and Aaron Brock. (Please excuse Aaron. He can be a bit prickly now and again). I invite your readers to pick up a copy of The Haunting of Chatham Hollow at the link below. Staci and I both appreciate the support and wish everyone happy reading!


Connect with Mae Clair at BOOKBUB and the following haunts:

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Connect with Staci Troilo at the following haunts:

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88 thoughts on “The Haunting of Chatham Hollow #NewRelease @MaeClair1 @stacitroilo”

  1. Pingback: The Haunting of Chatham Hollow Blog Tour: Thank You Tour Hosts and Commenters! | From the Pen of Mae Clair

  2. Pingback: THE HAUNTING OF CHATHAM HOLLOW Tour Wrap-Up #bookrelease #ghost #mystery | Staci Troilo

  3. Jan, thanks so much for highlighting this book. I look forward to its magic. Mae and Staci, congratulations on your achievement! Aaron Brock sounds like quite the interesting pompous stiff! Love his comebacks.

  4. I’m about 30% into the book and just met Aaron. He is rather a skeptic. And things are starting to heat up. I’m going to bed early tonight so I can read more! Congrats on the wonderful book, Mae and Staci. Thanks for hosting, Jan.

    1. I am right there with you, Diana. Gotta go to bed early so I can read and my Kindle died, so I have to be close to a plug. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!

    2. Glad to hear Aaron has made his way onto the page, Diana. 🙂

      Reading in bed is my favorite time to curl up with a book (or my Kindle). I plan to do exactly that. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story. Thanks for visiting!

  5. It’s great to meet your characters, Mae! The interview is interesting and Arron has his motive to agree with the reading. I downloaded the book and look forward to reading it. Staci knows I’m selling my house and buying one close to my daughter. My house is like a war zone at the moment with the packing.
    Thank you, Jan, for hosting Mae and Staci.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Miriam. Taking the time out of a hectic move to support Staci and Mae shows what a great friend you are! Best wishes with the move and I know you are going to enjoy this book!

    2. Miriam, I am so excited for you that you will be moving close to your daughter. That is WONDERFUL! You’re going to have all that time with your granddaughters, too.
      I’ve worked in real estate for over 30 years so I know how much is involved with moving.
      I hope you’re able to get settled soon. And thanks for downloading Chatham. When you have time to read it, I hope you enjoy it!

      1. I appreciate your 30 years of real estate experience, Mae. Our listing agents are young, they worked together for 6 years. We talked to them two weeks ago. Since we’re leaving in a week for Autumn’s 5th birthday, they wanted us to move everything out except our bed so that they would bring in their own decorations and show the house while we’re gone.

        We have three weeks to sort, get rid of, and organize things we’ve accumulated in the last 31 years in this house. In addition, we put in a new roof (half done), and have the house painted inside and out. The inside is not done yet! I can tell scheduling is just something on paper. I don’t think they understand what it means but cleaning up a house after 31 years. I think they’re my daughter’s age.

        We tried our best and throw away things left and right. In a sense it’s a good thing. I’ve been decluttering for years. My husband is more sentimental and is a bigger pack rat.

        It’s raining, may delay the new roof. We’ll see what happens. See how much you got out of me when you said you worked in real estate for 31 years!! 🤣😂

  6. D.L. Finn, Author

    Fun interview with Aaron. Congrats on your fantastic release. Thanks for hosting, Jan xo

  7. Wow! Wonderful interview and spotlight, Jan! Congratulations, Mae and Staci! Wishing you all the best!

    1. LOL! I love that thought, Teri.
      I never wrote character interviews before, but I really had a blast writing mine for this tour. I’m going to blame Staci for my new infatuation with them. It was her idea!

  8. Wonderful interview and great showcase! I’m enjoying the Tour and the book. Thank you, Jan. And a special congratulations to the co-authors, Mae and Staci. Bravo! 🎉

  9. Love the interview. Aaron was another favorite character for me. Congrats again to Mae and Staci and a big thanks to Jan for hosting.

    1. Hi, Joan! Despite only being a secondary character, I loved writing Aaron Brock. It’s good to know he made an impression–both in the book and also here.
      Thanks for visiting!

  10. Jan, thank you so much for hosting me today. Staci and I are both so appreciate of the support. It’s always a pleasure to visit with you! ❤️🤗

    1. And it’s always a pleasure to have you here. You’re welcome anytime. Congratulations to you and Staci for pulling off such an amazing feat with co-authoring. I’m enjoying the book immensely! A review will follow. Wishing you both tons of success!

  11. I love this interview, which truly brings alive Brock’s character and scepticism! Enjoyed the book immensely and want more from these two amazing authors … no pressure, lols! Congrats to Mae and Staci. Thanks for sharing, Jan 💕🙂

    1. LOL! What a great comment, Harmony! Thank you so much. Once Staci and I get through a few projects we just may have to tackle a new book. It was certainly a great experience writing with her.

      I’m beyond thrilled you enjoyed the book, and glad you liked the interview. ❤️🤗

    1. Heeheehee. Aaron was a great character to write, Priscilla. He’s a secondary character in the book, but I like to think I gave him a strong personality!

  12. Jan, thanks so much for opening your blog to my amazing co-author today. Mae did a fabulous job with the past timeline, and this engaging interview proves it. We’re so excited about this book and are honored to get to share it with everyone. Much appreciated!

    1. I’m so excited about this book, Staci! I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it.

      Getting to introduce our characters this way is a lot of fun. I’m delighted to be here with Jan today.

    2. It is truly my pleasure, Staci! I love the idea of sharing character interviews. That is fresh and different and gives insight into the characters and the story. Congratulations to you both!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the interview, Michael. I really enjoyed writing the interviews I’ll be sharing during the tour. As short as they are, I think they showcase strong traits of the various characters. Thanks for visiting!

    1. So glad you’re enjoying it. Like co-authoring, writing character interviews was a first for me, too. I found I really liked writing them for this tour! 🙂

  13. Pingback: Book Tour Day 2: The Haunting of Chatham Hollow #newrelease #ghoststory #spiritualism #mystery @JanSikes3 @stacitroilo | From the Pen of Mae Clair

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