Welcome back to another segment in our study of the Elder Futhark Runes!

Today’s rune is Ehwaz (ay-wahz).

The shape of Ehwaz is symbolic of the horse, revered as a sacred animal in the cultures of the ancient Germanic tribes. This rune represents the qualities of faith, loyalty, and trust – all necessary to a successful relationship between a horse and its rider.
Ehwaz is the rune of partnership and friendship, and indicates the need to be faithful and accountable to the people in your life.
The concept of faithfulness also applies to yourself and your goals. You have what it takes to accomplish them but must dedicate yourself fully to see any endeavor through. Steady progress is made by putting one foot in front of the other. If you do your part, the support you need will arise and you will gain momentum.
Horses are able to change direction swiftly, so another meaning of Ehwaz is change. This is a positive change, although it may seem daunting at first. Ehwaz is also related to movement and travel. This can be a journey in the physical world but is most likely an internal spiritual journey, as horses are related to astral travel in many shamanic traditions around the world. Thus Ehwaz is a helpful tool in attempting astral travel.
If Ehwaz is in a reversed position in a reading, it could indicate that you or someone else in a relationship is not demonstrating loyalty. It can also indicate that you lack momentum in reaching your goals. Perhaps you don’t have faith in yourself. If reversed in regards to travel, it is a warning that now is not the best time to go on a journey.
The birthdates associated with Ehwaz are March 30th to April 14th.
Thank you for stopping by and joining in!!
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I know so little about runes, but thanks to you, I’m “getting” it know. All fascinating. Here’s to faith, loyalty and trust.
getting it now – by starting to “know” what runes are all about. 🙂
I am happy to share, as I learn along with you, Pamela! Thank you for stopping by!
I’ve always loved horses, and I love traveling, so I like this rune. This seems like a good rune to get in a reading, even if it turns out to be a warning. Great post, Jan! 😊
I think so, Yvette. Even reversed, it’s simply a nudge to get back on the right track. Thank you so much for stopping by!
Fascinating. The horse is indeed sacred, isn’t it, Jan?
Yes, it is, Sandra! Thank you so much for stopping by!
I like this rune, Jan. Having had the good fortune to know several horses, I can vouch for the loyalty factor here. I would definitely pay attention if the reverse came up no matter what. Thanks, Jan
Thank you for your comment, John. I think there is a special bond between horse and rider for sure. And I agree about the reverse!
I finally have the chance to do some blog reading and am so glad yours was the first, Jan. I always enjoy your insightful posts. This one is definitely a pick me up that I needed. Thank you for sharing friend!!
Awwww, I am honored, Mar! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! Hugs!
I like the idea of being faithful to the friendship, Jan. Thanks for sharing.
Most definitely, Miriam! Thank you for stopping by!
I’m enjoying learning about runes, Jan. I picked up a set of runes for my oldest daughter’s birthday in moonstone 🙂
Oh, how exciting, Denise! I know you both will enjoy them! Thank you for stopping by today!
Wow, very interesting. All about faith and believing… in one another, in yourself, in your goals, in your decisions, in loyalty, and the opposite that it makes aware or warns. I like the symbol of it. It represents the meaning of “two together” or “two separate” so well.
Very true, Erika. Sometimes we struggle to believe in ourselves. It’s much easier to believe in someone else, but we must start with ourselves. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a wonderful comment! Hugs!
I fully agree! Everything starts with the man in the mirror! Thank you for the insights you are sharing, dear Jan 💖
This is always so interesting.
I’m so glad you are enjoying these posts, Jacqui!
Lovely, Jan. I’m learning so much. Change is definitely before us and accompanied by faith, loyalty and trust, miracles will abound. 💗
I am so glad you are enjoying the rune posts, Gwen. I am learning right along with you and loving it! Thank you for stopping by!
Reblogged this on GrannyMoon's Morning Feast.
Thank you for reblogging, Granny Moon!!
These are all qualities I look for in people. What a great rune. Thanks for sharing, Jan.
They are qualities we should look for in others and nurture within ourselves. Thank you so much for stopping by, Jill!
I’m learning a lot through these posts. This one just missed my birthday, but I do like that faith, loyalty, and trust are associated with this rune. Those are important qualities.
They definitely are, Joan. I am happy that you are enjoying our journey through the runes. It’s my pleasure to share. Thank you for stopping by and have a fabulous day!
This is my birthday rune. Faith, loyalty, and trust are all important qualities to me. That’s very interesting. Thanks, Jan.
This is such a great rune to be born under, Staci. And I can see all of these qualities in you and in your work. Thank you for stopping by! Hugs!
Aww. Thank you! That’s such a kind thing to say. 💕
I like that faith, loyalty, and trust are the first three elements associated with this rune—especially given it can also reflect change. When change is on the horizon we often need faith, loyalty, and trust to embrace what change brings.
Thanks for sharing, Jan!
So very true, Mae. Faith, loyalty, and trust are three things that will get us through life. Thank you for stopping by!