It’s time to continue our journey through the runes! The next segment of the Elder Futhark runes is Tyr’s Aett. These runes speak to the aspects of the dance between the visible and invisible realms, with runes directly connected to the ancient deities, natural forces, and humanity itself. The first rune in this segment is Tiwaz (tee-wahz).

As the first rune in Tyr’s Aett, Tiwaz represents the qualities of the god Tyr. It is associated with courage, strength, and the forward-moving nature of masculine energy.
Tiwaz speaks of the need to put our causes above personal desires if the greater good requires it. If you are facing a decision that involves potential discomfort in order to achieve a positive outcome, Tiwaz is signaling that you possess the courage and ability to withstand the sacrifice and emerge victorious. You are ready for the challenge, provided you act with integrity and remain true to your inner knowledge.
Victory is another primary interpretation of Tiwaz, particularly when it comes to competitions of all kinds. Harness the enthusiastic energy and motivation to achieve your goals and you will succeed. This rune is also a positive sign for success in legal matters, providing that you are being honest and just in your actions.
The shape of Tiwaz resembles a spear and the upward pointing arrow symbolizes the force of masculine energy. Action is indicated. However, you are cautioned not to act impulsively.
Another aspect of the masculine energy of Tiwaz is passion and sexual energy, so romance is indicated by this rune, depending on the context of a reading. It could refer to a new romance or a reinvigoration of an existing relationship.
If Tiwaz is reversed in a reading (downward pointing arrow), it signifies a lack of courage or motivation when it comes to achieving your goals.
The birthdate associated with this rune is February 27 to March 14.
Thanks for coming along on this journey and I hope you enjoyed learning about this rune!
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Another great post on runes, Jan. This gives me a great idea for my oldest daughter’s birthday gift!
Oh, wonderful, Denise!! Thank you for stopping by!
Thank you very much for this very interesting article, Jan. I have to be honest, here in Germany one can hear at least nothing about runes. That may depend on the history, were this topic was very misinterpreted, and here in this part of Germany we are also “full catholozised”. Lol Indeed, very interesting! Thank you, and have a nice day! Michael xx
Hi, Michael. That is very interesting, seeing as how the Runic Alphabet originated in that part of the world. However, they have been misinterpreted over the centuries and, were banned by religion at one time. I just see them as another tool to help gain clarity, such as using tarot cards. Thank you so much for stopping by!
Thats true, Jan! It can be very useful, and everyone has to decide what to use. Thank you for the information, Jan! Have a beautiful rest of the week! Michael
Reblogged this on Die Erste Eslarner Zeitung – Aus und über Eslarn, sowie die bayerisch-tschechische Region!.
Thank you for the reblog, Michael!
Always with a great pleasure, Jan!
Reblogged this on GrannyMoon's Morning Feast.
Thank you, Granny Moon!
Your Rune posts are always so accurate Jan. I enjoy learning about all the different meanings. 🙂 x
Thank you, Debby. I am enjoying the journey! Thanks for coming along for the ride!
The rune Tiwaz spoke to me this morning and gave me the strength to get up early to go for a walk. I’m not a morning person and usually walk in the evening, but the heatwave hits the west coast. I need to keep walking, maintain my good health to enjoy my family especially the grandkids. Thank you for this positive post, Jan!
What an excellent comment, Miriam! I’m glad Tiwaz motivated you to take your walk and help maintain your health! Thank you for stopping by!
Tiwaz seems pretty important, either encouraging or discouraging (depending on how the arrow points). Thanks, Jan.
I’m all for keeping that arrow pointing upwards, John! Thank you for stopping by!
I agree. 😁
I really like the sound of this rune, Jan. I wish I had been born a week later.
It is a very positive and powerful symbol, Robbie. Thank you for stopping by!
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Very interesting stuff. I think for many, this is second nature–putting the greater good ahead of their needs.
I agree, Jacqui, especially for mothers and caretakers. Thank you for stopping by!
Thanks for sharing this, Jan. I enjoy these posts as runes are my go to for reflection. Give me strength as I clean my house today. Ha ha. 😀
Wonderful, Diana! I’m happy to provide a reflection. And YES! Here’s to the courage, motivation, and strength to clean your house today! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!
I found this one interesting, especially in the aspects it represents. It often takes courage and strength to continue in a forward-moving journey, so a perfect blend there. And, hopefully, those bring victory. A great rune, Jan!
You are so right, Mae. It often takes a truckload of courage and strength to keep moving forward in life. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment today!
This is my birthday rune. Integrity and courage have always been part of me. Thanks for sharing this rune with us today, Jan. 🙂
Oh, this rune fits you, Yvette. And it shows that you needed a son to share that energy with. It is also the birthday rune for my oldest daughter and she has three boys. These qualities also describe her. Thank you so much for stopping by!! Here’s to the arrow always pointing upward in your life! Hugs!
Courage, victory, and success are good qualities. I hope the arrow isn’t pointing down! Thanks, Jan.
I agree, Staci. Those are all qualities we need in some life situations. Here’s to the arrow always pointing upward! Thank you for stopping by!
I am fond of this Rune and when I was working in a male orientated industry and sometimes felt I was banging my head against a brick wall, this rune seemed to say that I had just as much courage and determination as any of them and to get on and prove it lol..Thanks Jan….hugsxx
Absolutely, Sally! This rune would have been a good one to draw the energy from in that situation. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!! Hugs back!
♥♥ in the blogger daily…x
This sounds like a great rune to keep handy. Thanks for sharing, Jan. Enjoy your day!
Sometimes we need a dose of masculine energy to push us through a situation, so I agree, Jil. Thank you for stopping by!
This is interesting and comprehensive. Runes… Who woulda thought. I likey! Thanks, Jan!
Wonderful! I’m so glad you are enjoying the study of the runes!
Thanks for sharing, Jan. I had never looked at runes until you started sharing these 🙂
I am happy to share this journey through exploring the runes with you Harmony. Who knows, maybe you’ll need a rune or two in a story someday! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!