Welcome to another stroll through the world of Gemstones!
Today’s spotlight is on a beautiful blue stone, Sodalite.

I absolutely love this stone and have the three shown above. I keep one by my bedside and often will slip one under my pillow. I also keep one next to my computer.
Sodalite was first discovered by Europeans in 1811 in Greenland but has been traced as far back as 2000 B.C. near Lima where it was used for trade among the Caral people.
It is associated with the throat chakra and brings order and calmness to the mind. It unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception, allowing for downloads from the higher mind to the physical level. It stimulates the pineal gland and third eye which deepens meditation. Sodalite clears electromagnetic pollution which is why I keep one next to my computer.
This stone is particularly helpful with group work, as it brings harmony and solidarity of purpose. It can help bring about emotional balance and ward off panic attacks.
On a physical level, Sodalite balances the metabolism, overcomes calcium deficiencies and cleanses the lymphatic system and organs which boosts the immune system.
It’s easy to find different jewelry pieces made from Sodalite and it is an inexpensive stone. It is not recommended that Sodalite be used to make an elixir as it contains traces of aluminum and is potentially toxic if taken internally.
Sodalite is often confused with or sold as Lapis Lazuli. But there are several distinct differences and qualities between the two, including the price. It’s always best to buy from a reputable dealer.
Do you have any Sodalite? If so, how do you use it? I’d love to know.
Loved this, and your beautiful stones, especially the heart shaped one. I do have me some of this stone. 🙂 x
Thank you for stopping by, Debby! I’m glad you enjoyed the post!
Hugs xx
This is a very pretty stone, Jan. I must have a look an see if I have one like it.
It is gorgeous, Robbie. I love the different hues of blue and it has such great properties. Hope you have one!
Reblogged this on Plaisted Publishing and commented:
Hi guys, sorry this is a day late, Jan has some grand info on Sodalite, I’m curious, any of you have experience with this stone?
As I was reading, I became overcome with a desire to buy a chain with a pendent made of Sodalite for a friend of mine.
Thank you, Patty!!
This is a beautiful stone! I don’t have any, but wish I did. Interesting about the electromagnetic pollution. Probably 2/3 of my time is spent at a computer.
Me, Joan. I spend a lot of hours each day in front of my computer. I was happy to discover this stone. Thank you for stopping by!
I had no idea about the clearing of electromagnetic pollution. That’s a great hint. Thank you!
My pleasure, Erika. Thank you for stopping by!
You are welcome. Jan!
I don’t have a sodalite, but thinking about it/looking at its image makes me think of floating. I can’t tell, though, if I’m floating in the sky or water. Water, I think.
That is an interesting perspective, Priscilla. I can see where this stone might be representative of water. Thank you so much for your comment!
I could use some of sodalite’s harmonic properties!
As could we all, Jacquie! Thank you for stopping by!
This one is so pretty and I’m surprised I don’t have it. I will be looking for it next time we rock shop!
Yes! A fun search adventure the next time you shop for rocks, Denise. Thank you for stopping by!
Thanks for the information, Jan. I don’t have any sodalite but it does sound nice to have.
Thanks for stopping by, John!
I’ve never heard of this stone. It’s beautiful! DDG says it’s rare and valued. I can see why.
Thank you for your comment, Jacqui.l I don’t know what DDG is, but Sodalite is not exactly a rare stone and is usually not expensive. But it is often confused with Lapis Lazuli, which is expensive and hard to come by. I appreciate you stopping by!
Duck Duck Go–the alternative search engine. Interesting about the hit.
Jan, I don’t have any Sodalite but I’ll keep any eye out for it. Maybe that little shop I just discovered here would have some. It is very pretty. I noticed a little bit of pink in the picture of each of yours. Maybe it’s the lighting though. Love the properties. Love you, sister.
It has to be the lighting because there is no pink in these stones. It’s mostly blues and grays, but I agree, so pretty. Yes, you can check at your newly found little shop. It shouldn’t be expensive. Thank you for stopping by! Love you!
Reblogged this on GrannyMoon's Morning Feast.
As always, thank you, Granny Moon for the reblog!
Harmony and solidarity…how beautiful. I love this stone and your description is perfect. Thank you, Jan!
Those are two words that give us inspiration and hope, Gwen. Thank you for stopping by! Hugs!
Hi, Yvette. I agree that this is a much-needed stone in our world and it is beautiful. I just checked my email and spam and did not see anything from you. Please resend. Have a great day!
Reblogged this on About the Jez of It.
Thank you, Jez, for the reblog!
My pleasure
The world could certainly use more harmony and solidarity! What a beautiful stone. Thanks for sharing, Jan!
I agree, Jill. Thank you for stopping by!
I don’t have any, but I should. I think I need it, and it’s absolutely lovely. Thanks for sharing.
It is a lovely stone with such a good feel to it. Thank you for stopping by!
Not only is this stone beautiful, but it’s essence is much needed in our world. This is one I would definitely buy. Great post, Jan! (On another note, I sent you an email. Let me know if you didn’t receive it.) 🙂