Jan Sikes

#WednesdayWonders – Lapis Lazuli

Time sure has a way of flying by, and it’s been WAY too long since I did a gemstone post.

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I’ve had a couple of small pieces of Lapis Lazuli for years, but on my recent trip to Missouri, I picked up two new ones, and I’m just loving them!

Photo by Jan Sikes

Lapis Lazuli stone meaning came from the Latin word Lapis means stone, and from the Persian word, Lazhward, meaning blue. It was used as the finest art through the ages, especially when it was used in ancient Egypt, beloved by the Babylonians, Minoans, Chinese, Greeks, and up to the Romans. It was historically used in the death mask of King Tutankhamen, where they inlaid it with turquoise and carnelian in bright gold. It was also a subject from a well-known writer Marco Polo way back in 1271. Michelangelo grounds up this stone to create blue paint called ultramarine that brings color and brings the robes of Mary of Nazareth painted on church walls.

Lapis Lazuli’s benefits consist of a powerful, intense royal blue stone used to open minds and give enlightenment. It is used to encourage self-awareness, self-confidence, self-knowledge, peace and harmony, compassion, and morality, putting the wearer in a good mood throughout the day.

Lapis Lazuli’s healing crystal was discovered to relieve anger and negative thoughts. It is a useful tool for those who suffer emotional breakdowns. It calms the senses and opens up the mind to produce knowledge and self-awareness. It is a stone of protection against anxiety and psychic attacks, allowing clearer thinking and enhancing the ability to be more creative. it stimulates clarity and objectivity and speaks one’s truth and emotions. It also brings to balance the male and female aspects of your personality, which vibrates with the energy of the inner king or queen, and are historically stones of royalty.

Lapis Lazuli’s emotional healing is not just with the inner issues, but it can help to generate goals and determination. It strengthens the mind to influence your body for being active at work, career, and in life, in general.

This stone can connect your heart and mind forcing it to create a good flow of blood and calms your emotions. It aids in the treatment of skin issues and respiratory ailments. It is good for the nervous system that controls brain disorders. It is also believed to boost the immune system, help the blood circulate normally, and soothe the areas of inflammation. Because of its intense blue color, it is related to the throat chakra, therefore being beneficial in helping regulate the thyroid gland.

This stone has a way of making you fearless with your choices or decisions throughout your journey, which lifts your spirit to become more motivated every day. It’s a highly spiritual crystal that expands your thinking, gives deeper connections to the spiritual world, and promotes awareness. 

**It is not uncommon to find Sodalite in stores being sold as Lapis Lazuli. The best way to tell the difference is the intense royal blue color and the specks of gold and pyrite found in Lapis, whereas Sodalite will have some gray and white, but not the other reflective minerals.**

I hope you enjoyed this!!

29 thoughts on “#WednesdayWonders – Lapis Lazuli”

  1. Gwen M. Plano

    I love lapis. It’s such a beautiful and powerful stone. Thank you, Jan, for sharing it with all of us today.

  2. I have a bracelet with lapis lazuly. It does build up inner strength and confidence. It is awesome!

    1. It is such a beautiful stone with all the different minerals mixed in. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment, Priscilla!

  3. D.L. Finn, Author

    Beautiful stone, Jan 🙂 I’m glad more found their way to you. This is one I have and love.

  4. This stone is also the stone used in the Vampire Diaries series, though the author took great liberties with its healing properties. Lol! Great post, Jan! 🙂

  5. Your information about the qualities and characteristics of Lapis Lazuli are so refreshing. I knew a little bit about it. I have a necklace Sam gave me and I do enjoy wearing it. I feel comfortable, calm, and peaceful when I wear it. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful qualities about this percious stone, along with experiencing the joy of discovery on that special trip to Branson!

    1. Oh, you’ll have to show me the necklace next time I see you, Judy. I’d love to see it. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! Hugs!

  6. Enjoyed learning more about the history of this stone, Jan! Thanks so much for sharing. This makes me want to go and visit my favorite gemstone store. Have a lovely week. 🙂

    1. It does have a fascinating history, doesn’t it? I loved the tidbit about Michaelangelo grinding Lapis Lazuli to use in a painting. Thanks for stopping by!

    1. It is such a beautiful stone, Jill, and I have loved wearing the necklace. It just makes me feel good. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

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