Jan Sikes

What you should be reading based on your Astrological Sign! Capricorn

Born between December 22 and January 19, Capricorns are responsible, reliable and steady individuals. The sign of Capricorn is the mythical Sea-goat, a creature of both earth and water. Capricorn’s reading tastes are equal parts practical and emotional. A Capricorn may be found reading a self-help book, or on the opposite end of the spectrum, a fantasy. But whatever Capricorn reads, the focus is on the carefully crafted worlds and a hero’s epic quest. And yes, that also applies to non-fiction selections.

So, my recommendations for Capricorn are as follows:


In a land on the brink of war, Gryff Worden discovers his family slaughtered, his farm in ruin.

Mortally wounded, he stumbles upon a timekeeper, an old woman of the northern forests, one who tracks the infinite paths of each life. She offers him a sunwield, a medallion promising to return him to the pivotal choices that swayed his life’s journey. Her only condition—he must wear the bronze charm until the end.

Now his story remakes itself, casting him backward in time to moments of decision and death. His old life gone, he no longer remembers the purpose of the medallion burning his chest. As he uncovers the sunwield’s power, new choices lead him on an epic adventure through war, death, friendship, life, and love.

If you’d rather pick up a self-help book, there is none better than The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. This tiny book holds a powerful message!

You can read my five-star review HERE! This is a true hero’s epic quest!


Bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.

There you go, Capricorns. Happy Reading!!

Next month, we’ll take a look at what Aquarius should be reading.

37 thoughts on “What you should be reading based on your Astrological Sign! Capricorn”

  1. Hi Jan
    Really a unique approach. I am looking forward to what you recommend for Skorpions. Oh dear, I have to wait for a long time now.
    All the best
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. Yes, unfortunately you will have to wait a while for Scorpio. I think this series will be fun and I will only recommend books I have read. Stay tuned!

  2. This will be a fun series, but it will be a while before you get to Virgo (which doesn’t describe me at all). Hubby is a Capricorn, but fantasy is the last thing he’d ever read, lol. He won’t watch anything fantasy or sci-fi-related – which is most of what I love to watch/read!

    1. That’s interesting, Teri. Does hubby prefer non-fiction? Yes. It will be a while before I get to Virgo. And there are other factors to it all as well if you are born on a cusp between two signs. I will just have fun with the series. None of it is set in stone. 😁

      1. He’s not an avid reader, but when he does read it’s usually action/adventure books. He also just read a Nicholas Sparks novel (he’s a big fan of Hallmark movies). When there was talk of the 13th zodiac sign, it moved me to Leo. My birthday is 9/12.

  3. I love this series and can’t wait for the Pisces edition. I too love the Four Agreements and reread if every 2 or 3 years. Maybe now would be a good time to reread it in honour of my mom who was a Capricorn. Great to see one of Diana’s books featured as well.

    1. Awww, I love that, Darlene – reading The Four Agreements in honor of your mom. I think we will have a lot of fun with this series. We’ll see what is recommended for Pisces. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. What a fun post, Jan. Well, I’m a Capricorn and I loved The Four Agreements. And how fun to see Sunwielder here! I’m feeling well cared for this birthday week! Thank you so much for sharing the book. And this looks like it will be a great series. If you’re only posting once a month, I may add each book to my pile. What a fun way to read through the year. Have a gorgeous day, my friend. Hugs.

    1. Happy Belated birthday, Diana! I had it on my calendar, then didn’t look at it. 🙂 I loved sharing Sunwielder. And being a fantasy author is perfect for Capricorn! Yes, I will be posting once per month so it shall be a lot of fun. I will only share books I’ve read because to me it’s a personal recommendation as well. Thank you for stopping by!

      1. That’s what I figured in terms of the books you’ll share. Your endorsement is why I’ll pick up the ones I haven’t read yet. Should be fun. And thanks for the belated happy b-day!

  5. I thought this was really interesting! We’ve got a ways to go before we get back around to scorpio, but if you have a link to an article you already about it, I’d be interested in reading it. This post is quite enjoyable. ❤️

    1. Hi, Kymber. This is the first post of this blog series and you are right, it will take me a while to get to Scorpio, but keep tuning in!! Thanks you for stopping by and expressing an interest!

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