Jan Sikes

What You Should Be Reading Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Aquarius

Hello, friends. Welcome back to another post about the types of books you should be reading based on your zodiac sign.

Aquarians are known for their forward-thinking nature and desire for change. It is an air sign and carries the symbol of the water bearer. Some say that Aquarius is the most humanitarian sign in the zodiac. Aquarians are clever, analytical, technical, truthful, assertive, confident, progressive and innovative. They like to solve problems, improve what’s already working well, and push boundaries. They are activists, campaigners and promoters of the causes they think will make a difference to the world.

So, based on those personality traits, Aquarians are most likely to enjoy books that explore progressive ideas, futuristic themes, social issues and intellectual concepts, often with strong independent female characters.

Aquarians often enjoy stories set in the future or exploring alternate realities. I can’t think of any book that fits those criteria better than this dystopian novel. I read it back in 2019, and still the story lingers with me.


You can read my review HERE!

To go with the theme of social issues, I think this memoir fits perfectly. I found it to be inspiring and empowering.


You can read my review HERE!

Then, I have to share just one more as it fits several of these categories all rolled into one. It’s futuristic, sci-fi, and explores future social systems. It’s a fun read!


You can read my review HERE!

That’s it for this zodiac sign. If you have any others, post them in comments!

36 thoughts on “What You Should Be Reading Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Aquarius”

    1. Brenda’s book affected me on a deep level. I found myself storing away information for the time when everything goes black. I think you would enjoy it.

  1. Thank you Jan for your introduction of Aquarius and review of books. Almost a lovely birthday present as my birthday is on the 7th of February. 😊. I am an avid reader so will never be without a book. My first loved present was a hardback book called “ Karin finds clarity”. I use loved it so.
    Will try one of your reviewed books, haven’t read any of them yet.


  2. that is funny. You said Aquarius have a “desire for change”. My uncle is Aquarius but whatever change was about to take place he tried to resist as long as possible 😂

  3. As interesting as always, Sister. I need to get Matthew McConaughy’s book. I’m not really into sci-fi fiction though. Of course, I’m not an Aquarius either. Can’t wait until you get to Tauruses.

  4. D.L. Finn, Author

    Good list for Aquarius readers, Jan. I did enjoy Nicholas’ book and found one to add to my reading list. Xo

  5. Thanks very much Jan.. I am an aquarian… I do like books that are out of this world… science fiction or paranormal… I like to imagine there is more to our world and others… ♥

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