Jan Sikes

Monday Motivation – #NativeAmericanWisdom

Happy Monday. As we launch into a new week, I hope to share with you a tidbit of inspiration that may make a difference in your days ahead. I hope you enjoy!

I stumbled across this story on YouTube and it is so simple, yet so profoundly true. It’s short, and I hope you enjoy!

For the card wisdom this week, I was drawn back to the Medicine Cards.

Many Plains Indian tribes dance the Grouse Dance to honor these birds. The movement of the dance follows a spiral, which is the ancient symbol of birth and rebirth, the ribbed tunnel of eternal return.

The Grouse advises you to analyze the way you move through your world. How do you picture yourself in the act of “locomotion?” What kind of reaction do you create with the energy you send to the Universe? What words would you use, to describe the way you move through both the material and spiritual worlds? In the final analysis, is your movement compatible with your greatest desires or goals?

Many spiritual disciplines ask that you cease all external movement in order to recognize the inner life. Grouse medicine, however, is an invitation to the dance. Grouse celebrates the Divine Source through its sacred spiral dance and offers this dance to you as a gift. You can spend a lifetime learning to harmonize your dance with Mother Earth’s cycles, and how to offer the dance as a creation of selfless beauty.

I know this is very different, but I asked Spirit to lead, and this is the path it took. I hope you leave feeling inspired and uplifted. Make it a great week walking forward!

42 thoughts on “Monday Motivation – #NativeAmericanWisdom”

  1. These messages are so important Jan. Our connection to the earth and world is fundamental and so many millions are now living in cities where access to nature and even fresh air and food is lacking. Thanks for passing them along. ♥

    1. You are so right, Sally. I live in one of those big cities where nature is quickly being gobbled up by concrete and huge buildings. I am so glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for commenting!

      1. I hate to tell you, but I no longer get notification emails (unless they’re going to spam. I just realized I should check there. If I find them, I’ll make sure to clear them).

  2. What kind of reaction do you create with the energy you send to the Universe? It’s like you were peeking into my head with that one, Jan. I was thinking about a couple of situations last week I could have handled differently earlier today. I could have used more positivity, for sure. Have a great week!

    1. That question makes you stop and think, doesn’t it, Teri? It certainly did me. I’m so glad you stopped by and left a comment. We are always learning and growing and hindsight is our best teacher.

    1. I agree about the legend of the two wolves, Darlene, and I almost posted that one. Here’s to feeding the right wolf! Thank you so much for visiting!

  3. What a lovely post, Jan. Different, but some wonderful advice about staying present with spirit even as we walk about our days. I have a deck of medicine cards, and you’ve inspired me to revisit them this week. Wonderful quote and video too. 🙂 <3

    1. Awesome, Diana. I’m glad I inspired you go get your deck out. Annette said the same thing. It is simple and yet so hard to stay present through our days but those days I manage to do so are peaceful no matter what happens. So glad you enjoyed the post! Hugs!

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