Jan Sikes

Motivation Monday – #Meditation – #TarotReading – #MedicineCards

While I thoroughly enjoyed my time away, it’s good to be back with another Monday post. I hope you find some inspiration for your day or week ahead.

This meditation is the perfect way to align yourself with what you want for your day ahead.

The Tarot cards have an uplifting message for us this week!

Photo by Jan Sikes

The Page of Swords is the messenger of communication and brings a fresh perspective. Be open to hearing and sharing ideas. This card urges you to pay attention to subtle messages surrounding you and prompting you to move forward, but with measured caution. Communication, fresh perspectives, and opportunities to engage your mind surround you right now. Creating a solid plan before you take your next step helps boost your confidence.

The World is the last card in the Major Arcana and indicates exactly what you would think – all good things! It can indicate the end of a cycle and success or reaping rewards. It serves as a great reminder that when you complete a project, whatever it might be, you experience the fruits of your labor. Celebrate your wins, and acknowledge how far you’ve come. There is excitement around what is yet to come and you are now ready to begin a new journey from a place of empowerment and maturity.

The Six of Pentacles is all about sharing resources and showing generosity. We’ve had this card before and it emphasizes the beautiful flow of giving and receiving. And as we’ve talked about before, for most of us, it is easier to give than to receive graciously. So, it’s another balancing act. Here’s the tip from this card. The more comfortable you become with receiving, the more abundance will flow into your life.


This reading really hits home with me. The urge to move forward with my next book is strong, yet I need a clear path ahead before I continue on. The World card could not be more personal to me, having come off a successful book tour that reaped rewards beyond what I could have imagined. And YES, I’m ready to begin a new journey! The final card is a reminder to strive for a balance in giving and receiving. It’s a constant work in progress for me.

Does any of this resonate with you in any way? I hope so. Let’s talk!

For this week’s oracle card, I revisited the very first deck of cards I ever owned, Native American Medicine Cards. I had forgotten about these cards, but having just finished Sue Coletta’s new book, Savage Mayhem, I was drawn back to them. Here is the card that popped out and it could not be more appropriate for Earth day, which occurs this week.

The Turtle card augurs a time of connecting with the power of Earth and the Mother-Goddess within. This is a reminder of the ally you have in Mother Earth. It does not matter what situation you have created, ask her for assistance, and abundance will flow!

I wish you a peaceful and productive week ahead.

28 thoughts on “Motivation Monday – #Meditation – #TarotReading – #MedicineCards”

      1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment, Denise. Glad you enjoyed the reading and the Medicine card. 🙂 I’m not surprised that you are familiar with the cards.

    1. When I witnessed my husband’s soul leaving my body, it affected me in such a deep way. He gave a deep sigh, then a mist evaporated through the door. It was overwhelming and it was that moment that I realized how the breath and soul are united. I’m happy you enjoyed my takeaway and appreciate you visiting today.

  1. Another beautiful reading! <3 I agree that the Turtle Card is fitting for today's celebration of Earth Day.

    Per usual, we have lots going on. I'm working on the final drafts for a new book. (A surprise to everyone including myself!) A fresh perspective will be key.

    1. I love that, Mar. A fresh perspective helps so much when we get too close to our stories. So glad you enjoyed the Turtle card. Happy Earth day and I wish you a great week ahead!

  2. Woohoo! I’m so happy you had a successful book tour, Jan! And the Medicine card is perfect for today ~ Earth Day! Have a lovely week. 🙂

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the Turtle card, Darlene. I hadn’t looked at that deck of cards in a long time, but they drew me. I hope you have a great week ahead, and thank you for stopping by.

    1. The WP gremlins are at it again? Yuck! I picture them to look like the gremlins in your latest hat book. 🙂 I definitely hope that clears up and the week ahead is a good one! Thanks for stopping by.

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