Jan Sikes

April #BookReviews @linneatanner @teagangeneviene @RobertaEaton17 @harmony_kent @ColleenChesebro @Marjorie_Mallon @mhurdle112

Most of my book reviews for April have either been for Lone Star Literary Blog Tours or NetGalley, and already posted, but I do have three more to add.

Courtesy Pixabay



This is a well-written short story incorporating ancient Roman history with fiction. The author did a great job of writing a fictitious account of what could have actually happened. The story begins when two young aristocrats are contemplating their futures. Lucius Antonius is sure of a high-ranking position under Augustus Caeser.
To his surprise, when he is summoned to meet with Augustus, he finds himself forced into a position of either forsaking his family or facing sure death. The father of young Lucius is accused of being a traitor and Augustus issues the order that Lucius must assist in his father’s forced suicide.
The young man is torn between his love for his father and fear of Augustus if he doesn’t obey.
I enjoyed the bit of romance between Lucius and his slave, Brigata. The story shows the great contrast between slaves and noblemen and the big lesson Lucius learns.
While my heart broke for all the injustice being doled out by Caesar, I enjoyed the growth in Lucius as he had to make hard choices. The story depicts the time period perfectly.



This thirteenth segment of the Dead of Winter series is heart-stopping! Battles are raging. Arawan has amassed a huge army of the dead and the fingers of grayness are creeping closer and closer to Pergesca. But Goddesses are appearing in this part of the story and it leaves me hopeful that together with their combined powers, they might defeat the king of the nightwalkers. Coventina was introduced in this part of the story and although tiny, she is mighty and fierce. Emlyn’s confidence in her own abilities is growing by leaps and bounds. She is experimenting with different pieces of magic and is surprising herself when the results are astounding. Then the goddess Deae Matres embeds the emblem of the society of the Deae Matres, the five-petal flower, into Emlyn’s skin. That makes her the youngest ever to bear the mark of the society.
We see in this segment of the story just how deeply attached Emlyn has become to all of her friends. She cannot bear the thought of losing any of them in the fierce battle.
Then we get to see Thyrus, The Listener show back up in the form of a dragon. Emlyn’s affection for him is touching. The battles rage and Emlyn is in grave danger when the story comes to an end. I cannot wait for the conclusion!



Poetry Treasures is an apt title for this unique collection and collaboration of poetry. It is an eclectic and talented group of poets who have come together to contribute to this anthology, and while writing styles are different, each poem is to be savored. Reading this collection also gave me the opportunity to meet some new authors, such as Elizabeth Merry, Jules Paige, and D. Avery. At the same time, I enjoyed poems from authors that I know and follow, Robbie Cheadle, Colleen Cheseboro, Miriam Hurdle, M.J. Mallon, and Harmony Kent. I’d be hard-pressed to pick a favorite. Each poem deals with relationships in some way, as that is the overarching theme.

M.J. Mallon’s poem, “No Holidays for Writers,” struck a chord with me. Here’s one small example, “Goading, grinning, “Edits to do!” My evil editor winks. Tormenting me…with spelling games confuse and contest…”
Then there’s this one from Lynda McKinney Lambert. “I heard the roar of Harley Thunder. The warrior in black leathers returned home.”
I loved all of the poems. So, if you want something with variety and are a lover of deeply expressed poetry, this would be a great book for you!

That’s it for me for April. If you missed any of my other reviews for the month, here you go.




63 thoughts on “April #BookReviews @linneatanner @teagangeneviene @RobertaEaton17 @harmony_kent @ColleenChesebro @Marjorie_Mallon @mhurdle112”

  1. I enjoy your detailed reviews Jan. I look forward to reading Poetry Treasures. Congrats to all the talented writers. <3

  2. Thank you for these wonderful reviews, Jan. As a history buff, “Two Faces of Janus,” has caught my radar. I admit to being more than a little behind on Teagan’s series, but she’s such a skilled writer that I will play catch up. From the names on the list of Poetry Treasures, I think you hit the mark when you said this was an apt title. I wouldn’t be able to choose a favorite, either. Congratulations to all!

    1. I think you would enjoy the way Linnea built a short story for “Two Faces of Janus” around historical characters and events. It is so well done. Thank you for visiting and taking a look at the reviews! Much appreciated!

  3. What a wonderful collection of reviews, Jan. Heartfelt thanks for being part of the Journeys of “Dead of Winter.” I’m thrilled that you are enjoying them. I’m hard at work… or I guess I should say I’m working hard to control my PTSD and make progress on the conclusion of the epic. Anyhow, stay safe and well. Hugs on the wing!

    1. I understand, Teagan. The Journeys has been a tale of epic proportions! What a feat to have accomplished, and I look forward to the climactic ending! Thank you for stopping by! Hugs back to you!

  4. Thank you Jan for these wonderful reviews. And many thanks for mentioning my poem in the Wordcrafter poetry anthology. It’s a lovely collection of poems and I’m thrilled to be a part of it. 🙂

    1. It was so much fun to read, Marje! I enjoyed all of it and found it difficult to pick out something to share. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  5. HI Jan, thank you for this lovely review of Poetry Treasures 2. I am delighted you enjoyed this collection. I have a few of Teagan’s Dead of Winter books to catch up on and I also have this book by Linnea Tanner on my TBR.

    1. My pleasure, Robbie! I know you will enjoy both Teagan’s and Linnea’s stories. Thank you for stopping by!

    1. Lol, Jacqui! How do you do that? I haven’t figured it out yet, and my Kindle is bulging at the seams! Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Thank you, Jan, for your posting your in-depth review of my short story, “Two Faces of Janus.” I also enjoyed reading your other books reviews.

  7. D.L. Finn, Author

    Great reviews, Jan 🙂 I loved Janus and Journey 13. I’m looking forward to the poetry collection soon.

    1. I know you are going to enjoy it, Denise. It was hard picking something to share as I wanted to share it all. 🙂

  8. Wonderful reviews, Jan. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on Poetry Treasures 2, along with the other good reads. Hugs 💕🙂

    1. My pleasure, Harmony. It is such a fun book of poetry. I had a hard time choosing anything to highlight as I wanted to highlight them all!

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