Jan Sikes

A Bit of Nostalgia

Happy Friday, everyone. What a week it’s been. I thought I’d try to lighten the heaviness a bit with some remembrance.

I’m telling my age here, but as a child, I vividly remember how excited my sister and I would get when a new catalog arrived in the mail. They were big thick catalogs full of things we’d never imagined.

So, when this Montgomery Ward catalog showed up in my mailbox yesterday, it took me down memory lane. I’m surprised to find that this company is still in business. It was the Montgomery Ward and Sears catalogs we would receive and for days we’d pore over the pages. Since we had no TV, this was our entertainment besides reading books.

Then, when the catalogs would get old, we never threw them away. We used images from them to help create our paper doll worlds. Yes, Linda and I would play with paper dolls for hours on end, creating drama and families and worlds. Those little paper tabs would often tear and we learned how to repair them good as new with scotch tape. I truly think that was our training ground for creating stories. 🙂

I find that I can often find comfort in past memories. Of course, there’s also pain and heartache, but that’s all part of life. We are here to learn and Earth School is not always easy. I don’t always pass the exams. But I keep suiting up and showing up. I hold the light, love and wishes for peace in my heart. That’s all I can do.

I’ll leave you with a little ditty Rick and I always enjoyed singing together. Hope it brings a smile. Have a great weekend! Be kind, share love and positive energy.

The light will always outshine the darkness! You can count on it.

Please forgive the poor video quality.

35 thoughts on “A Bit of Nostalgia”

  1. I had no idea they were still in business, let alone that catalogs like this still existed. I can remember going through this one or the Sears Christmas catalog and putting my initial on everything I wanted. Then my sons continued with tradition with the Toys R Us catalogs. Thanks for the nostalgia, Jan!

    1. I couldn’t have been more shocked, Dan. And why they even sent me one is a mystery. At least it gave me a chance to take a walk down memory lane. Thanks for stopping by!

    1. It was a big surprise, John. And I have no idea why it was sent as I don’t have an account with them. Anyway, it was a bit of nostalgia. Glad you enjoyed the video. Thanks for visiting.

  2. This is a great post, Sister. I have very fond memories of the Montgomery Ward catalog and how we’d wear the pages out looking at everything. It was a special time in our house when that came in the mail. We’d mark the things we dreamed of getting even though it was an impossibility. And yes, we’d make paper dolls from some of it. Loved the video! You were so good at singing backup! Your annual fish frys were the happening place there in Coleman. Love you, Sister.

    1. I am so glad you stopped by, sister. The catalog certainly brings up memories. How we dreamed of those fancy clothes and shoes. 😁 And the gatherings where we played music were so much fun.

  3. I remember getting so excited to find those tab paper doll clothes. What great memories. And the video of you and Rick singing–I guess YT doesn’t have ‘like’ buttons anymore? Darn!

    1. I love that you share the paper doll memories, Jacqui. And I don’t know about YT. Everything is always changing with the tech world. I appreciate you stopping by!

  4. How lovely, Jan! So, so smiling right now, especially after this week. I, too, remember the Montgomery Ward and Sear’s catalogues! And yes! We’d cherish them when my mom gave them to me and my sisters for our paper doll collections! Thank you for the fond memories. Psst…I miss those paper dolls. 🙂 Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend. xo

    1. I’m so glad I could bring a smile, Mary. That was my goal – to lift a bit of the heaviness. I’m happy you took a stroll down memory lane with me today! Hugs!

  5. We loved the Christmas catalogues as well. In Canada we got the Simpson Sears and the Eaton’s catalogue. We would circle what we wanted for Christmas. Mom did all her Christmas shopping from those catalogues. Of course we didn’t get everything we wanted but it was fun to dream. We also made paper dolls from them and cut out the dresses, even the underwear, to dress them. They brought so much entertainment. I loved the video too! Thanks for the wonderful memories.

    1. It’s interesting to learn what catalogs others in different countries received. And I love the similarities, Darlene. Paper dolls was so much fun. We would get so engrossed in creating their lives, we’d sometimes get into trouble for neglecting chores. 🙂

  6. I remember those catalogs, Jan. We called them dream books. Lovely memory. Thank you for sharing the delightful video! It made my heart smile! Have a wonderful weekend!♥️

  7. It was the JC Penney catalog in our house. The song made me smile! I knew Rick could sing of course, but I didn’t know you could sing–you have a beautiful voice.

    1. Oh, yes. The JC Penney catalog was another one, but the two I remember are the Montgomery Wards and Sears. I’m glad the song brought a smile, Priscilla. That was my goal. I loved singing harmony with Rick. I miss it.

    1. I say I WAS a singer songwriter but since my husband passed away and I started writing books I turned a different direction. I loved playing guitar and singing with him. It was something we did together. I miss it.

  8. Oh, the memories… my sibs and I loved those catalogs. And the video is very sweet. Thank you for the morning lift. 🌞

    1. I think the catalogs were our way of dreaming about things we could never afford. It gave us hours of entertainment. Thanks for stopping by, Gwen. Hugs!

  9. I remember my Mom getting the Sears catalog. I’m not sure if I remember the Montgomery Ward catalog but I remember shopping there a lot when I was young and was sad when the store closed. I didn’t realize they were still around. I also remember having paper dolls when I was little, and then having colorform dolls.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Jeanne. The colorform dolls came afterward for me. I never saw them. I was shocked when I opened the mail box and found the catalog. I thought they had gone out of business years ago.

  10. Hi Jan, what a lovely memory. I also made paper dolls although I don’t ever remember seeing catalogues like these.

  11. petespringerauthor

    I enjoyed the video. It was easy to tell your audience was enjoying your performance.

    Like many others, I got very excited when the Chrostmas catalogs arrived. I remember one from Sears and another from Montgomery Ward. It was a giant waste of time circling everything I wanted because my parents were sticklers about not spoiling us at Christmas. We typically got one toy, some clothing, and a stocking filled with things like oranges, apples, and raisins. I knew most kids got many more presents, but that didn’t bother me.

    1. It was the same for us, Pete. My parents worked hard but they struggled to make ends meet so we usually got one toy and sometimes a new nightgown or socks. It was a much simpler time and I was yet untouched by the ugliness of the world. I would like to return to that more innocent time. Maybe that’s why I am enjoying writing historical fiction so much. Thank you for commenting.

  12. D.L. Finn, Author

    I used to love those catalogs, and so did my girls. I hope one comes to our house too! Love the video. What a fun song and uplifting, thank you 🙂

    1. I hope you get a catalog, Denise. I have no idea why I got it. I think it was the Universe reminding me of a simpler time. Thank you for stopping by!

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