Jan Sikes

A Monday Menagerie

Hello, friends. I will get back to sharing more Monday Me-Time posts eventually, but things are taking a sidetrack as I get ready to launch the second book in The Bargainer Series.

So, today I’m sharing a hodge-podge of things.

I am sure you are all aware of the passing of Kris Kristofferson this past week. What a diverse human being. A Rhodes scholar, army helicopter pilot, golden gloves boxer, writer, poet, performer, actor—I don’t think there was much he didn’t do. And I had the special privilege of meeting him on March 23, 2019 at the Outlaws and Legends Music Festival in Abilene, Texas. I worked that festival for the past ten years and always work the artist gate.

So, when Kris came through my gate, I took the opportunity to talk to him and get a photograph with him. It was an unbelievable moment in time.

I’ll never forget it.

My newest book, A Noble Bargain, is up for pre-order with a release date of October 22nd. I’m getting geared up for a short blog tour starting on Monday, October 14th and ending on October 30th. I’ll be sharing each stop of the blog tour here.

Then I’m off to Arkansas and Missouri on a book tour. I will post the Itinerary for the book tour on the home page of my website as soon as I have all the dates and places confirmed! If you’re in Missouri or Arkansas, come see me!

If you missed my visit on the Voice of Indie Podcast last week, here’s the link. We had a lot of fun!

Tomorrow, I am a guest on Teri Polen’s infamous Bad Moon Rising event! Please come over and say howdy. There’s a giveaway!

Wednesday, I have a special guest here that I know you’re going to enjoy, so stay tuned. I’ll give you a hint. His latest book release has something to do with aliens. But more on that Wednesday!

On the home front, I have a new granddog. His name is Ace and he is an adorable puppy. The older dog, Rosie, completely ignored him for days, but now she has resigned herself to the fact that he isn’t going anywhere. They are both BorderDoodles.

He’s clumsy, messy, goes potty on the floor and chews on everything, but so cute while he’s doing all that. 🙂 He’ll learn. I get to enjoy him, then go home.

My sister’s new book releases tomorrow. It’s different from anything she’s ever written and I loved it! You can read my review HERE


Folks, are you following Story Empire? If you are an author, you will find a wealth of information shared there three times per week. Looking for something in particular? Use the search option to find the subject you are interested in exploring.

I can’t let a Monday post go by without some sort of inspiration. I love this quote from the man himself, Kris Kristofferson.

Have a good week ahead and stay tuned for all the good stuff to come!

36 thoughts on “A Monday Menagerie”

  1. Hi Jan, this is a very busy post you have lots in the go. ‘Go Patty’ with reference to a dog is a phrase I’ve learned from my American blogging friends. I’ve not heard it in the UK.

  2. What a great pic with you and Kris! And such a cutie dog. Yup, those puppies will chew on anything in sight, lol. Congrats on your upcoming release! <3

  3. I just love that pic of you with Kris! 🙂 That was such a great moment and I’m glad you got the opportunity of getting your picture taken. It’s amazing. I’m really glad that Rosie has accepted the new puppy. YAY! I guess she just had to warm up to it. Thanks for the plug for Wildwood Healer! I am so grateful. You’re a good sister. I’ll try to follow your book tour and go to some of the sites. Love you bunches, Sister.

    1. Yes, I think Rosie has finally decided Ace isn’t going anywhere so she might as well make the best of it. 🙂 Getting to meet Kris Kristofferson is definitely a highlight of my life for sure. Happy book release day! I hope you sell a ton!

  4. Ace is the cutest. Congratulations on your latest and good luck on your tour. I admired Kris since the beginning when I discovered he wrote one of my favorite songs, Me and Bobby McGee. He was a true gentleman. You are fortunate to have met him.

    1. I feel very fortunate to have gotten to meet Kris, John. I’m not easily star struck, but when they drove away, I was shaking. I agree. Ace is a super cute puppy. We’ll all be glad when he learns what he needs to to coexist. 🙂 Thanks for the congratulations and good luck wishes!

  5. What an unfogettable memory for you that you met Kris Kristofferson. All the best for your new book, oh and that puppy is just so adorable💖

  6. D.L. Finn, Author

    I love that picture of you and Kris Kristofferson. Your smile says it all. It was a sad loss last week. Cute pup, we keep looking to get another dog, but then I think of the late night puppy runs outside or indoor clean up… lol. I’m looking forward to Linda’s release. Good timing. I just finished reading my current book.

    1. I totally agree about the idea of a new puppy. They are so cute, but so much work for a little while until they get it all figured out. Thank you so much for stopping by, Denise. I know you are going to enjoy Linda’s newest!

  7. Wonderful post, Jan! Meeting Kris Kristofferson was surely a memorable moment. It’s great that got a new puppy, and the way you’re accepting his not being housebroken is the right thing to do.

  8. Kris’s version of “Me and Bobby McGee” reminds me daily to take my eyedrops. What a talent.

    Kudos to Linda! She’s written some excellent books. No doubt, this is another.

    1. My curiosity has gotten the best of me because I can’t see any relation between eye drops and “Me and Bobby MdGee,” Jacqui. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and for the good wishes sent for Linda.

  9. Oh, my goodness! Your new grand-furbaby is adorable! I love the photo! 🙂 So wonderful that you got to meet Kris Kristofferson. It’s hard to believe he’s gone. Have a lovely week, Jan! xo

    1. Thank you, Mary. Ace is pretty adorable. It was such a special moment in my life to get to meet Kris. I’m so glad I have the photo to preserve the memory. Thank you for stopping by and have a great week as well!

  10. Meeting Kris Kristofferson had to be very special. I always felt he was underrated. He was a very talented man. Puppies are simply the best things ever.

  11. So amazing you got to meet Kristofferson – what a wonderful memory. I just want to hug Ace – look at that face! Congrats to you sister on her new release, and thanks for the BMR shoutout, Jan!

    1. It is truly a wonderful memory, Teri, and I’m so glad I got a photo to go along with the memory. Ace is such a little stinker. He’d be trying to bite at you the whole time you were hugging him. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!

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