Jan Sikes

Friday Free For All – Office Chair – End of School

Happy Friday! We made it through another week and looking forward to a weekend. I hope you’ve had a good week!

Featured Image for Friday Free All

In keeping with the theme of Monday’s post – out with the old, in with the new, I bought a new office chair this week. Here’s a picture of my old one. As you can see, it’s pretty worn out.

The new purchase came in a box in pieces, of course, so I had to figure out how to put it all together. There are some distinct disadvantages to living alone. There’s no one around to ask for help.

But I managed to get it all done, and this is the finished result. I think it’s an improvement over the old one. Now, to get some work done!

With the school year coming to an end, there are so many grandkid events and I’m trying to make as many as I can, especially my oldest who is a senior, as all of them are his lasts. 🙂 He will be heading off to Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan in August. It will, no doubt, be a huge adjustment for him, and for all of us. But I’m so proud of his grit and determination. He is going for a double major n Computer Science and Computer Engineering. This is him and his girlfriend, Charlotte, on Senior Prom night. Graduation day is May 24th!

Ryan and Charlotte

I’m so proud of all the grandkids. They are all on either the A Honor Roll or the A/B Honor Roll and all play musical instruments. They keep my life interesting!

Another family side note – Today is my sister, Linda Broday‘s birthday!! So, if you are on Facebook or Twitter, wish her a Happy Birthday! This is a photo of me and her from April 2017 when we were on our way to the Romantic Times Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Wehad so much fun on that trip!

Jan and Linda

On the writing front, did I mention that I won the Literary Titan Gold award for A Beggar’s Bargain? I am SO super proud of that!

I am making progress with A Noble Bargain, but having to stop and do research. Did they have school buses in 1948 that picked up the country kids? One source in Everton, Missouri, said yes, and one said no. So, I still don’t have a definitive answer. I did, however, learn that the school building in 1948 was different from the one I recently visited. Sometimes the research can take me down lots of rabbit holes. I’ve been trying to find the cost of car parts in 1948. So far, the internet is not being helpful. 🙂 Then, I found a Ford Parts Catalog and Price List Early V8 Ford Parts 1932-1948 at Abe Books that I ordered. I am hoping it answers my questions. At the end of the day, does it really matter if I say a fan belt cost $1.50? Probably not, but I like keeping it real. To me, that is what sets historical fiction apart from other fiction writing.

I’ve been lagging way behind on the reading front. Or at least, Goodreads tells me I am behind. But again, at the end of the day, does it really matter if I read 80 books or 65 this year? Absolutely not! Reading should be for the pleasure of it, not as a competition. My current read Tyler’s Road, and it is a compilation of short stories from Darrel Sparkman, an author whom I met while in Missouri. So far, I am enjoying each story.

I am looking forward to some quality writing time in this coming weekend. Maybe my new chair will inspire me. 🙂 I hope you each have a wonderful weekend!

23 thoughts on “Friday Free For All – Office Chair – End of School”

  1. Congratulatons to you and the grandkids, Jan. Heading off to college is a huge step. I look forward to hearing about how he does (his choice of majors is quite interesting to me).

    1. It is a huge step, Dan, and especially to be going so far away from home. I will keep everyone updated on how he does, but I think he has a bright future ahead. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment.

  2. Congrats on the award Jan. And yes, sometimes an extra pair of hands is a godsend. I’m lucky to have one of my husband’s good friends when I get in that pinch. <3

    1. You are lucky to have someone to call on in a pinch. I could always ask my son-in-law, but I hate to bother him. I don’t want to be that annoying mother-in-law. 🙂 Thanks for the congrats and for visiting!

  3. Barbara Thompson

    I left a comment somewhere but do not know where. Richard retired 2 years after I did. He was traveling for the State Board of Pharmacy going to every pharmacy (drug stores, hospitals, clinics etc) in his path incl El Paso and Amarillo. He left on Mon AM and came home Wed PM. Figured out I could do somethings on my own and you have also. I was slow but I could figure it out and you are doing it.
    Congratulations on your grandson graduating, the award and an all around successful career. How many years did you work at Coleman?

    1. Hi, Barbara! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment here. I worked in Coleman for twenty-one years. It seems so long ago, now, like another lifetime. Sounds like retirement for everyone requires adjustment. Take care and stay in touch!

  4. Way too many congrats for one post, Jan–yikes! Huzzah to your son. We need more smart computer kids. Happy birthday to Linda. Unplanned, I’m featuring two of her books on my blog WordDreams today. I love your sis’s writings! Bravo for the award, girlfriend!

    1. Oh, how wonderful, Jacqui, that you are featuring two of Linda’s books today on your blog! I love it. The best birthday present ever! Thanks for all the congrats and thank you for stopping by!

  5. Enjoyed seeing all the great photos, including your new chair! Huge congrats on the award! Well done! Have a fabulous weekend, and I hope you get some writing done. 🙂

  6. Looks like your old chair lived a good life, Jan, lol. What a beautiful picture of Ryan and Charlotte! That double major is sure to keep him busy at school. And a big congrats on the book award!

    1. Lol, Teri. Yes, I would say the chair lived a good life. I wrote lots of words sitting in that chair. 🙂 Thank you for all the congrats and glad you enjoyed the photo of Ryan and Charlotte. He’s such a super smart kid and he’s going to do well. Have a great weekend!

    2. D.L. Finn, Author

      My desk chair looks like that to, Jan. I know it’s time to replace it too. I love the prom Pic! My middle daughter is a computer engineer and loves her work. Congrats on your latest award. Yay! It’s those small details in historical fiction that are so important. I love the research part of it. Have a great weekend xo

      1. I was surprised at the price for a new chair (in a good way). I thought it would be way more expensive. I got the new one from Costco. How awesome that your middle daughter is a computer engineer. I really think Ryan will shine at it. Thanks for the congrats and you are so right about research and historical fiction, especially when the story is set in a real place. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

  7. Happy birthday to Linda! Beautiful photo of Ryan and Charlotte! I like your new chair. I’m sure it’ll serve you well. Good luck with your research for A Noble Bargain!

  8. I love your new chair. Hubby says I only keep him around to put things together! Just think of all the stories that chair will inspire you to write. Your grandson is very handsome. I wish him all the best for his future. And huge congratulations on the award. Well deserved. Have a super weekend. 😊

    1. Lol! Hubby can come in handy. I remember. I hope the chair will keep my body comfortable while I create new stories. 🙂 Thank you for all the congrats and good wishes! Have a great weekend, Darlene! Thanks for stopping by!

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