Jan Sikes

Friday Free For All – Recap and Catch up

Happy Friday!

Featured Image for Friday Free All

It’s been quite a week for me. A stomach bug hit me on Monday and I had several days of complete misery. I am happy to say it has now gone away and I am moving on. There are so many strange viruses out there these days. My youngest granddaughter has a virus they are calling 5ths disease. I never heard of it, but she is broke out in hives, says her tummy and throat hurts and is generally miserable. She stayed home from school yesterday and I took care of her.

On the writing front, I am making progress with my WIP, the second book in the Bargainer Series. The working title is A Noble Bargain. The story begins in the tiny town of Crossett, Arkansas and ends up in Missouri at Layken Martin’s farm. Those of you who have been following along on the blog tour, or read the book, know that is the setting for A Beggar’s Bargain.

I am so deeply grateful to all of my blog tour hosts and I will be doing a more detailed post about them when the tour is over, but if you missed any of the stops and are interested in the different subjects, you can find all the stops HERE. So far, we’ve covered a lot of different subjects and aspects of the book. To those following along, THANK YOU!!!

I am gearing up for a book tour in Missouri. A wonderful lady who is the head of the Dade County Missouri Genealogical Society has worked hard to put this tour together. If you are in the area and would like to attend any of the events, I have them all listed on my website.

On the reading front, I recently finished Dan Antion’s The Evil You Choose. You can read my review HERE.

Also, on the reading front, Sue Coletta has a brand new book in her Mayhem series! And it’s on sale for 99 cents through April 11th. You can pre-order SAVAGE MAYHEM!

Amidst the wild and unforgiving landscapes of Yellowstone Park, join Mayhem, a fearless Apache warrior and champion of the Natural World, and his partner and protégé, Shawnee, as they race against the clock to protect the beloved American Buffalo herd from the ruthless Killzme Corporation.

With a massive bounty on their heads and an army of killers on their trail, Mayhem and Shawnee must use all their cunning and survival skills to outsmart their enemies. They will risk it all to preserve the sacred lineage of the Innocent Ones.

There is no line Shawnee and Mayhem won’t cross.

Even murder.

As the danger intensifies and the clock winds down, will they be able to save the herd? Or will this be the mission that finally breaks them?

That’s about it from me today. I’m so thankful to be feeling good again! The weather is warming. We are expecting 80 degree weather for Easter Sunday and I will spend the day with my family. The grandkids always love doing a glow-in-the-dark Easter egg hunt and want to do it again this year. The only drawback is they have to wait until it gets dark to do the hunt. Here’s a photo from last year. Yes. All of those are eggs.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend however you choose to celebrate!

26 thoughts on “Friday Free For All – Recap and Catch up”

  1. Hi Jan, I am sorry to hear you’ve been ill. I also had a terrible stomach bug which started on Saturday just before the family descended on me for lunch and is only just clearing up. I had to go to the doctor and get an antibiotic and other medications including rehydrate because I was so sick. Ugh! Let’s hope you and I have had our share of sickness for a few months now.

  2. Thanks for the recommends Jan. And glad to hear you’re on the mend. FYI, your share bar on the right side here, still doesn’t share the post, it takes us to your direct Twitter, FB, etc pages. x

  3. Jan, you have developed such a good newsletter on WordPress. I have tired doing the same, but I ran into something that said Word Press should not be used for newsletters! Are you calling your communication a blog? I used WordPress for years for my weekly Texas history blog. Now, I would like to use it for a newsletter. I see that you hired someone to help get yours set up. Do you mind sharing that connection? My email is mcilvain.myra@gmail.com. A million thanks, Myra

    1. Hi, Myra. The site you are visiting now is my blog site, not my newsletter. I use Flodesk to send out my newsletters and I only send them out once a month, but I may blog up three times a week, so they are two totally separate entities. Your Texas history blog sounds so interesting, but I don’t know of a way to turn a WP blog into a newsletter. Many people use MailChimp for their newsletters and another popular one is MailerLite. I hope that helps. thank you for stopping by! Best wishes!

  4. I’m glad you’re feeling better, Jan. Several friends are sick in our area, but fingers crossed, neither Larry nor I have gotten the bug yet. Happy Easter to you and yours!

    1. I hope you both stay well, Gwen. There sure is a lot of sickness going around, but then there are a lot of people. Thank you for stopping by. Happy Easter to you and Larry!

  5. Have a Happy Easter, Jan. I’m glad you are feeling better and hope your granddaughter will be better soon too. Enjoy your book tour. A great review of The Evil You Choose. I enjoyed that book too and have read the next one which is, dare I say it, even better! Sue’s book looks great as well.

    1. Happy Easter, Darlene. I appreciate the good wishes. Glad to hear you also enjoyed The Evil You Choose. I agree about the next one and it’s on my list. I can’t wait to read Sue’s new book. She is such a talented writer. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  6. I am so glad you are feeling better. It doesn’t sound like it slowed you down! Sue–her covers are show stoppers, aren’t they? Have a great Easter and good luck in Missouri!

    1. Sue’s covers are definitely show stoppers, Jacqui. I can’t wait to read this new book. She is such a talented writer. Happy Easter to you and thank you for the good wishes!

  7. Glad you’re feeling better, Jan!! Sending well wishes to you and the family for a full recovery and better days. <3 Love the sound of the glow in the dark Easter Egg Hunt!!

    1. Thank you for your well wishes, Mar. Much appreciated. Yes, the glow-in-the-dark hunt is so much fun every year. I hope you have a Happy Easter!

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