Jan Sikes

Lesson in letting go!

I recently took a trip with my daughters and my best friend to a resort in the Texas Hill Country.


That was us at the airport, all excited and looking forward to some relaxing girl time!

But, what I was not prepared for was to be totally cut off from the outside world. NO cell service and EXTREMELY limited internet. There was one bench situated by the office that if you sat on it, you could pick up spotty internet service. Wow!

I didn’t realize how dependent I’d become on staying connected. I have to admit I freaked out a little. I had an online board meeting I’d miss with the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB, and I had blogs to keep up with and emails to answer, not to even mention Facebook and Twitter.

But, what could I do? We had paid our money and we were there in one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. Isolated, cut off and yet pampered. It took an entire day for me to finally get over the panic and let go. After all, what could I do?

So, by the second day, I was resigned to the situation and began to relax. Of course the massage and facials helped. 🙂

For me, it was a HUGE lesson in letting go and being in the moment. It is something I don’t do well, so THANK YOU, Escondida Resort for the lesson.  The time spent with my beautiful girls and my friend was time I’ll never get back again.

And, I have NO regrets!

20 thoughts on “Lesson in letting go!”

  1. I’m so happy for you, Jan. Not only did you have an amazing retreat, but you also learned a lesson that takes most a full lifetime to learn, or not learn at all. Me? I’m still in process 🙂 Hugs ♥

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Tina. I can’t ever say I’ve totally “learned” a lesson, because they keep popping back up. 🙂 Hugs back to you!

      1. Welcome, Jan. Lessons have many layers and it often seems like we’re spinning our wheels, when in fact we’re simply peeling away another layer. Learning deepens with every step forward, and eventually we get to the core. Then it’s on to the next lesson! 🙂 ❤

  2. Sounds like fun! I loved the pictures, everyone looked so happy! When I’m on vacation, I step away from social media, unless I have to check in. Its a nice break and great you could spend it your daughters and friend! I just did the same thing on vacation, the only thing I did was read the RRBC newsletter, but otherwise…I started from where I came back–refreshed. I welcome no internet now…well, sometimes!

  3. It looks like you had an amazing time! Well worth not having a phone for. I had my first ever spa weekend away recently and no phones were allowed in the main areas at the hotel. It was so relaxing.
    I agree with Mae that weekends are family time and my phone is put away during that time. Monday’s are hectic until 11.30pm catching up and running my networking hour, but it’s worth it.

  4. YAY for massage and facial…and girl time. Love your happy photos!! Welcome home… ♥

  5. Good for you! I’m of a firm mind we need to disconnect from out online world now and then. I tend to vanish every Friday evening until Sunday evening. It ‘s my family time—although it does make for a lot of catch-up with email, LOL.

    When I’m on vacation I will occasionally glance at my email but that’s the extent of anything I do when I’m away.

    The photos are wonderful. Girl time is so much fun. It looks like everyone enjoyed themselves!

    1. Thanks, Mae. Wow! You are strong. I spend a lot of my weekend time getting caught up for the next week and hopefully get in some writing. But then, I live alone. I’d gladly give up the time to have Rick back again! Hugs!

    1. It’s hard, Craig. I am still SO far behind and I’m sure I’ve missed some great blogs and interactions, but there is nothing I can do but go forward. Thanks for weighing in.

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