Jan Sikes

Life Does Not End With Death – Book Review







The true story of a woman with unusual abilities who finds strength, the power of love and strong faith at a time when suddenly, the road of life takes a dark turn on a cold November night bringing her into the Valley and Shadow of Death. She soon finds herself in a new town surrounded by loving people, some who were dying and rapidly entering into the world of danger, murder, pain, and prophecy. While suffering in agonizing pain soon angelic strangers appearing in many disguises; Healer, Homicide Detectives, and Catholic Priest helping and quietly protecting her. Realizing she was fighting for her life standing at “Death’s door” her search for the Doctors to save her who would arrive in a most wondrous way. A Near Death Experience bringing a Journey into a beautiful light that would enhance the Spiritual gifts she was given at birth… Uplifting Autobiography True Crime, Psychic Detective Death & Dying, Near Death Experience Grief Loss, Angels, Spiritual Journey, Murder Pain, and Prophecy.


This is hands down, one of the most amazing spiritual books I’ve ever read!

Being born with the gift of psychic abilities is not an easy road. Working alongside homicide detectives to solve horrendous crimes is a dark and energy draining work. But, Elaina Deva Proffitt did all of this and more. In her book, she shares on an intensely deep and intimate level, different aspects of her spiritual journey and the work it led her to do. As it unfolds, the fascinating story takes on multiple dimensions.

She takes us inside crime scenes and describes in detail, the visions, smells, feelings and physical sensations she embodies as she re-lives murders, kidnappings, and suicides. While this work would drain her, she helped detectives solve many crimes and bring justice.

But, when she faces a serious physical trauma herself, she embarks on a long, arduous and uncertain path.

I have to say that when I reached the part of this book where she describes her NDE (Near Death Experience) I could not stop the tears that coursed down my face. The beauty, peace, light, and comfort she found in the other world left a deep and lasting impression.

I don’t want to spoil this story for anyone, but I will say with all certainty that everyone alive should read this book if for no other reason than to help prepare themselves for the inevitable crossing we all will make. It is a deeply personal story that will give hope, peace, comfort and take some of the fear out of dying.


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29 thoughts on “Life Does Not End With Death – Book Review”

  1. Pingback: Life Does Not End With Death – Book Review – The Militant Negro™

      1. She doesn’t have it converted into eBook yet, but I know you will enjoy the paperback, D.L. It is a pretty unbelievable and amazing story with such encouragement for all of us! Thank you!

  2. Elaina writes beautifully and her story is breathtaking. Having had the privilege of a long friendship, I know how valuable she has been in her work for so many people. Her book will be an inspiration for so many and a comfort to all who wonder about our final journey.

  3. thealvarezchronicles

    Interesting. As a former homicide detective, I have never known any other detective to actually use someone who claimed to be a psychic. Though I did run into a few in my day, but they were always assisted the other side. Didn’t quite work out well for bad guys though. This would be an interesting read.

  4. WOW Great review. I hope you get what you deserve financially. I always knew you’d be a successful author.

    1. It was an honest review, Tom, and I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I too hope Elaina find the measure of success she deserves!

    2. hope you enjoy it. This is not your normal way this all came about. I was trained years ago 1984 by a well known Detective at Multnomah County Sheriffs a blood spatter expert, Rod Englert and homicide detective with an extensive background (Its in the book) You might know of him. I certainly would not want him hunting me down.
      I am not what you are thinking that a Psychic is..first of all, I never have called a Police Department they call me. I have never compromised a case and everything in my book has been “Cleared” and is from years ago. (it’s in the book)

      Rod flew me up to Portland to see if I could give some fresh “eyes” into a serial killing case. I had never done this before and he said “I have worked with people like you and I will train you” My life changed that day and then as I was leaving the Department he said”Oh by the way tomorrow you will be speaking to people from various agencies. See you tomorrow!” A 100 investigators were sitting there waiting for me. I have been grilled by the best from day one. lol

      My motto is “If I don’t see it I don’t say it” knowing their time is precious and can’t be wasted on someone who is trying to get publicity and I kept my mouth shut!

      Since then swiftly, I would find my self gathering an interesting background packet in L.E.O. and a list of some of it is in the book. Speaking etc.
      I would find myself having some very interesting and sometimes scary abilities that would be refined through the years of consulting, profiling, crimes scene, and on the job learning so to speak.
      Those chapters in the book reveal the daily burdens placed upon police officers in the world of murder pain and danger. It gives the reader an inside peek at what they go through daily… walking into the line of fire and hunting very BAD EVIL People. Talking to victims families then seeing the tears in their eyes when we get back into the car.
      When my phone would ring and the voice on the other end said “Do you want to take a ride?” it didn’t mean going out for coffee..it meant something very dark and painful had happened that could use a pair of fresh eyes. I would walk into a P.D. or Sheriffs Department and never know when I would go back home. Just like them.

      Psychic’s do not solve crimes but some..can add to what is discovered in an investigation and keep peeling back the layers until it all makes sense..
      My first time leaving a Police station the detective that walked me to the car (who was a bit skeptical and as I told him “I am too! That is why we work well together to get past the nonsense) He said to me “I don’t know what I just observed in there with you… but something happened and they Trust you.” Then he looked at me with sadness in his eyes and said “Elaina, welcome to the club… you will learn swiftly that Sometimes we never know “The Why” and that will walk with you through life as it does all of us”

      Bless You and Thank You for Your Service
      Always Back the Blue!

  5. Pingback: GREAT BOOK REVIEW! JAN SIKES AUTHOR | Deva Whispers Author Elaina Deva Proffitt

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