Jan Sikes

Monday Me-Time (You-Time)

Welcome back to another Monday post where we will explore a different beneficial sound wave. I sincerely hope you are enjoying this series!

The study of sound waves and how they affect humans and objects has been going on for centuries. One study done in 2013 by Swedish Scientists proclaimed they had figured out how to move small objects with sound waves. They can affect our cognitive ability, our overall mood or feelings and have physiological affects on our bodies.

I promised to share a story last week about how sound waves have been experimented with for centuries. My late husband spent fifteen years in Leavenworth Penitentiary. He said many times he’d awaken during the night to various sounds being emitted through speakers throughout the prison. Sometimes they would be an ear-piercing high frequency and sometimes a very low frequency. A guard told him it was an experiment to see if they could control the prisoners with sound, so the next day after playing the sound waves through the night, the guards were instructed to make notes about any changes in behavior.

Today, I’m sharing a 40 Hz frequency, which was introduced by the renowned Dr. Andrew Huberman. It is referred to as the Gamma frequency. The science behind the 40Hz frequency documents its ability to stimulate gamma brainwaves associated with heightened focus, creativity, and mental clarity. Now who can’t use more of that? I certainly can.

I hope you’ll join me in listening to this throughout the week.

This is very different from the sound frequency we listened to last week. As with anything like this, the changes are often subtle.

Created in Canva

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you have a good week ahead!

16 thoughts on “Monday Me-Time (You-Time)”

  1. Fascinating to read how Leavenworth Prison used sound waves as an experiment. I’d like to read their results. Thanks for sharing, Jan! Have a wonderful, productive week. xo

    1. That would be an interesting report to read, Mary, if indeed they recorded the results. It’s my pleasure to share and I wish you a great week ahead as well. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  2. This sound made me want to float in a pool of warm water while I listened to it. Funny thing – as soon as I played it, Bond immediately perked up and came over to the laptop to listen. Maybe it also affects cats, lol!

    1. That would be interesting to know, Jacqui. Of course, none of that kind of information was shared with the inmates. I’m glad you enjoyed the post and thank you so much for stopping by!

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