Welcome to another Monday inspiration. I am doing something a little different today. Instead of doing a Tarot Card reading, I am going to do a Three Rune divination.
But first, an inspirational quote from Rumi. In these troubled times, we can find inspiration and solace by going inward.

The meditation I chose for today is short but very powerful and helpful in connecting to our higher selves. I hope you enjoy!
And now for our Rune reading for the week. It’s important to understand that what runic readings represent is not a prediction of unalterable fate. Rather, as with successful divination of any kind, it provides what could be called a snapshot of the present moment, which can illuminate unseen factors in a situation and point to probable outcomes based on your individual course of action.
The casting method I used, was to shuffle the runes gently, then scatter them onto a cloth. Looking upward so I couldn’t see any of the runes as they landed, I chose three runes at random, picking them up one at a time. I noted the direction the runes appeared when I picked them up for the purpose of reading reverse meanings.
The set of runes I am using for this reading were created from coyote bones and the rune symbols are of inlaid copper.
So, here goes — The rune cast for the week of September 13, 2021.

I am burning sage mixed with lavender and palo santo wood in the container for cleansing purposes.
In a three rune reading, the first rune symbolizes the past, the second, the present, and the third the future. A three rune spread may also reveal aspects of a situation as it relates to your inner world and your response to it. The runes that came up for me are Tiwaz, Fehu, and Mannaz.
Tiwaz is reversed. While Tiwaz represents courage or motivation, in a reversed position, it indicates a lack of those two things.
So, to me, this rune is saying that perhaps we haven’t had the courage in the recent past to stand up for ourselves or our beliefs. It makes perfect sense due to the volatile nature of our social climate. Sometimes, we may feel it’s best to remain silent. Tiwaz can also be telling us to slow down, take our time and consider all options. The primary association for Fehu is physical prosperity or wealth, particularly moveable wealth. However, in modern interpretations, it may also indicate good health, plentiful food, love, social success, and a joyful approach to life. In the present position, it indicates that you basically have what you need. Mannaz is the rune of humankind. It may point to some aspect of tension in the relationship between your inner self and your perceived place in the outer world. You may be feeling at odds with the attitudes and expectations of society. Wow! That hits the nail on the head right about now. The message is to show kindness to all, lend a helping hand, or if you are in need, ask for help.
My takeaway — We must find the courage to stand behind our true deep beliefs, slow down and consider all our options, give thanks for our prosperity (whether monetary or non-monetary), and be willing to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate.
Please keep in mind this is my first attempt at casting the runes for a reading. I hope that somehow there is a bit of inspiration or wisdom in this reading as we move into the second week of September. I’d love to hear your thoughts. If you work with runes, share your take on these three.

Great message, and accurate reading of the past week Jan. I’ve been getting more drawn to reading my Oracle cards lately. I’m going to share a reading in October for something different. 🙂 x
What a on point reading, Jan for so many, myself included. I like the idea of mixing ssge with lavender too! I look forward to more xo
It was fun doing the first rune cast. I look forward to doing more, and I may alternate between the runes and tarot cards. I’ll see where Spirit leads me. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by! Hugs!
This was a the perfect read for me today, Jan. It’s a difficult time in our world, isn’t it? That energy is felt everywhere! ❤️
Oh my goodness yes, it is, Colleen. Thank you so much for stopping by and I am glad you enjoyed the reading. Hugs!
Thanks and hugs, Jan! <3
Jan, wow! A powerful first reading and so much within it. I can relate to much of this on a personal level as well as a wider level. I raced into a decision recently which I felt immediately wasn’t right and had to step back. Definitely slowing down to feel which was to go. Kindness and helping others should always be part of our lives and every day I am grateful for all I have in my life! Thank you for sharing this and the Rumi quote – one for my file – now I better be quiet and listen! 😀 Wishing you a lovely week, Jan x
Awww, thank you for your lovely comment, Annika. I am so glad you enjoyed the post and could relate. I hope you enjoyed the meditation as well. Thank you for stopping by. Hugs!
So interesting, Jan. Thanks for sharing your experience with runes. Can you explain the necessity for cleansing with sage as you go through the process?
Thank you for your comment and question, Jacquie. Cleansing the area by burning sage is an age-old practice that helps to center me and raise my vibration to be more open to receiving. It is an ancient spiritual ritual that I continue to practice. While it is most often associated with American Indian tribes, it has been around since 24 BC. White Sage is considered to be the most powerful.
Thanks for replying to my question, Jan. This is giving me ideas for a new story… 🙂
Love your takeaways, Jan. It’s good advice for everyone to follow. I tend to be a little more sympathetic to the downtrodden than many people I know. Not every homeless person is equal in terms of their situation. We can’t just tell people with mental health issues to “go out and find a job.”
So true, Pete. We tend to lump people into general categories when in truth, each person is an individual fighting their own special brand of war. Thank you for your thoughtful comment! I appreciate you!
Wonderful takeaway, Jan. If everyone lived by that motto, the world would be a better place.
Thank you for your comment, Joan. I dream of a better world!
These runes came in a perfect timing such as ours these days, Jan. The community I’m associated with is a microcosm of what our nation is facing today. I’m debating whether I should be honest with my good friend who doesn’t believe in the Covid vaccine and doesn’t want to wear a mask when coming to group meetings where 99.5% of the folks are vaccinated. We even sent out an email to ask the few to be considerate and wear masks. I’m still thinking about how to deal with it. Thank you for the insightful reading! Have a wonderful week!
It’s such a touchy issue, Miriam. I have several good friends who are adamantly opposed to the vaccine and the mask and it’s hard to keep quiet these days. I understand everyone has to make their own decisions, but at this point, I wonder if we don’t need to consider the better good for society as a whole. Thank you for your comment!
“Find the courage to stand behind our true deep beliefs, slow down and consider all our options, give thanks for our prosperity, and be willing to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate.” These are excellent words to live by as it seems the world has gone completely off the rails. We can no longer count on elected leaders for sound guidance. We much now guide ourselves. Thanks, Jan
You are absolutely right, John. We must guide ourselves and it’s more important now than ever that we tune into our higher selves for our guidance. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment today. Have a great week!
You as well, Jan.
That is very interesting, Jan. Is there something special about coyote bones? Sounds very special.
The only thing special about the coyote bones is they are pure from nature and carry a strong vibe. I found them on Etsy and had to have them. I’m glad I did. The man who makes them lives in the mountains in New Mexico and he makes other things from nature’s leavings. Thank you for leaving a comment today. I’m glad you enjoyed the reading.
That’s amazing. So pure and natural. Truly the best and “most honest” vibes to work with.
I know nothing about runes, but I enjoyed hearing your take on it. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful, Staci! I”m glad you enjoyed the reading. Have a great week!
Very interesting, sister. I’ve been so looking forward to rune readings for quite a while. I think in all things we need to be gentle with ourselves (and others) and always project positive thoughts. I have to distance myself from this immensely hateful discord or I find myself in a dark place that stifles creativity. It almost seems like people have used some kind of powerful drug that’s turned us against each other seemingly overnight. These are smart people who buy into wild theories and rumor without anything to substantiate their beliefs. Anyway, thanks for the reading. Love you, sister.
You nailed it, sister. It does seem like we have been exposed to a powerful drug that has divided us in ways that I’m not sure can ever be fixed. I agree that we need to be gentle with ourselves and others. Kindness goes a long way to creating a better world for all. I’m glad you enjoyed the rune reading. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! Love you!
This is motivational, Jan. Thank you.
Wonderful, Jacqui. I’m glad you found the post uplifting. Have a great Monday!
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I like your takeaway from the reading, Jan. Those our things we should remember and strive to attain on a daily basis. A great reading to start the week.
And another GORGEOUS dragon card!
Thank you for your comment, Mae. I truly am loving the dragon cards. Each one is incredibly beautiful with an equally beautiful message. I’m glad you enjoyed the reading. Have a great week! Hugs!
If more folks listened to this message, the world would be a better place for it, Jan. Have a wonderful week!
Thank you for your lovely comment, Teri. I certainly hold out hope that somehow our sleeping world will wake up and start undoing the tangles we are in. Have a great day!
Thank you for sharing your insightful reading, Jan. Our country, and along with it our hearts, is deeply divided. If we could respectfully voice our concerns and our beliefs, we’d come together and find another reality, and therein lies our potential strength. 💗
So very true, Gwen. If – That little two-letter word that is so powerful. I pray for our country and keep faith that somehow this mess will all untangle and we will once again experience the freedoms we’ve come to expect. I also have to trust that the Universe is ultimately in control and when enough is enough – well that is the thing that makes apocalyptic books realistic. Thank you for your comment. Hugs!
When I’m in a peaceful state, I know all will be well – in the perfect timing of the Universe. I think I need to spend more time in meditation/prayer. 💗
I first came across runes in one of Rebecca Bryn’s books and assumed she’d used them rather cleverly to build a story. Your own Voodoo and Destiny made me think again. I wouldn’t know where to start, actually casting them, but I agree with the first comment that your reading today offers sound advice.
Thanks for your comment, Sarah. I’m glad you enjoyed the rune reading. Since it was my first attempt at casting the runes, I wasn’t sure how it would translate to my followers. Also, thanks for the mention of Voodoo or Destiny! Have a great day!
That rune reading sums up the situation in Texas quite well, and being that you are in Texas, I can see how you gravitated to those runes first. It’s also sound advice that we all can benefit to follow. Thanks for this reading, Jan. As always, I’ll listen to the meditation later in the day. Have a wonderful Monday! 🙂
I’m glad you saw the connection with the rune reading, Yvette. Texas is definitely in turmoil and it’s either stand up or be swept along with the masses. Thank you for stopping by and have a great week ahead!